Ferdinand Varnbuler from and to Hemmingen

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Ferdinand Friedrich Gottlob Freiherr Varnbuler von und zu Hemmingen (* December 5, 1774 in Ludwigsburg ; † September 28, 1830 there ) was Quartermaster General of the Kingdom of Württemberg .


The Württemberg family Varnbuler descends from the diplomat Johann Konrad Varnbuler (1595–1657). Ferdinand Varnbuler was the son of Karl Friedrich Gottlob Freiherr Varnbuler von und zu Hemmingen (1746–1818), who was last lieutenant general of the royal Württemberg . Varnbüler's mother was called Karoline Elisabeth Ernestine and was born in Reischach (1746–1789). Varnbüler had a younger brother Karl Eberhard Friedrich , who was finance minister of the Kingdom of Württemberg.


Ferdinand Varnbüler enjoyed private tuition in his parents' house until 1789, before he and his younger brother were trained at the Hohen Karlsschule from 1789 to 1792 . In August 1792 he became a second lieutenant in the Württemberg Army . In 1797 he became a captain in the quartermaster staff, in 1801 a major, in 1803 a lieutenant colonel, in 1804 a colonel and lieutenant general. In 1805 he was appointed chief of staff of the Württemberg troop corps. After a dispute with King Friedrich , he said goodbye in 1806 and tried his hand at farming. He didn't have much success with this, however. From 1813 to 1815 he served as a colonel in the Austrian general staff. When King Friedrich offered him a return to Württemberg service in 1815, he agreed. Ferdinand Varnbüler was then appointed Royal Württemberg Adjudant General and Major General. With Crown Prince Wilhelm he took part in the campaign of that year in Alsace. On November 16, 1815 he was appointed Quartermaster General. He was deployed several times in diplomatic missions, including taking part in the negotiations of the Federal Military Commission in Frankfurt. In Ludwigsburg he founded the officer training institute which was opened on October 1, 1820. In 1824 he was promoted to lieutenant general.


In 1820, Ferdinand Varnbüler von und zu Hemmingen was appointed a lifelong member of the First Chamber (Chamber of Class Lords) of the Württemberg State Parliament .



Individual evidence

  1. Royal Württemberg Court and State Handbook 1828, page 56