Ferdinand von Bodmann

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Ferdinand Johann Freiherr von Bodmann (born January 31, 1839 in Karlsruhe , † February 4, 1920 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) was a German officer and member of the Baden Estates Assembly ( National Liberal Party ).


His parents were Colonel Johann Heinrich Freiherr von Bodman (born March 24, 1809) and his wife Elisabeth Shone (born March 21, 1811). Bodman had another brother and three sisters:

  • Mathilde (1834–1871) ⚭ Bernhard von Beck (1821–1894)
  • Emma (1836–1901) ⚭ Heinrich von Treitschke (born September 15, 1834 - † April 28, 1896), historian
  • Clara (1842–1862) ⚭ Wilhelm Nokk (born November 30, 1832 - † February 12, 1903), statesman from Baden
  • Johann Heinrich (1851–1929) ⚭ Annie Steinway-Oakes (1863–1906)


Bodmann visited the Lyzeum in Freiburg and the cadet corps with the aim of embarking on a military career. After serving as a lieutenant in the Baden Leibgrenadier Regiment in 1858, he was accepted into the higher officers' school, where he himself became a teacher in 1862. From 1864 to 1874 Bodmann was the military companion of the Hereditary Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar . During this time he joined the Prussian Army as a captain , became an orderly officer and took part in the 5th Thuringian Infantry Regiment No. 94 in 1870/71 in the war against France . In 1874 Bodmann left the army as a war invalid with the rank of major .

Since then he has looked after the estate he had acquired in 1872 and was involved in agriculture and viticulture, so that he became a member of the Baden Agricultural Association and the German Viticulture Association . In addition, Bodmann was elected as a representative of the National Liberal Party to the Second Chamber of the Baden Estates Assembly in 1879/80 ; later, from 1889 to 1903, he was a member of the First Chamber of the Baden Estates Assembly . In the years 1894 to 1908 Bodmann received the post of the grand ducal ambassador of Baden as well as that of the authorized minister for the Bavarian and Württemberg courts with the seat in Munich .


  • Stefan Wolf: Ferdinand von und zu Bodman. In: Fred Ludwig Sepaintner (Ed.): Badische Biographien. Volume NF 5. W. Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart 2005, pp. 22-23.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Stefan Wolf: Ferdinand von und zu Bodman . In: Fred Ludwig Sepaintner (Ed.): Badische Biographien . Volume NF 5. Stuttgart 2005, p. 22nd f .