For Honor

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For Honor is an online - beat-'em-up - Computer game development studio Ubisoft Montreal . The game was released on February 14, 2017 for Microsoft Windows , PlayStation 4 and Xbox One . It was first announced at E3 2015. The own combat system allows players in the role of a medieval knight , samurai or Viking in a fantasy - setting to play.


The single player campaign in For Honor describes the different factions in more detail and tells their story.

The aim of the campaign is to overthrow the ruler Appollyon in all four factions. To do this, the player has to fulfill missions in the role of a class of the respective faction, which are mostly limited to sowing discord, fighting against their own people or attacking villages of the other faction.


For Honor's focus is on multiplayer. If the player joins a round, he has the option of choosing between a total of 24 classes, six of which can always be assigned to one of four factions. Each class has certain combat and special skills and its own customization options with regard to the appearance, which can only be used in multiplayer mode. In the fight against another player or NPC, the "The Art of Battle" combat system takes effect, which enables the opposing character to be activated by activating the so-called "cover mode". In cover mode, attacks can be carried out from above, right or left. To repel the attack, the defender must direct his defense in the appropriate direction. A simple block reduces the damage taken and can interrupt enemy light attack chains. A parry is more difficult and can be used by having the defender himself strike at the right moment against the attack in progress. The parade throws the attacker off balance, reduces his stamina and enables counter attacks. The fourth possible attack option is the breach of cover, which breaks through the defender's block and which can be followed by further attacks. Depending on the selected class, the various movements initiate chains of attacks or certain special abilities that penetrate the opponent's defenses, reduce his stamina, stun him, knock him down, hold him on or make him bleed. The rhythm in which the player uses the appropriate attacks is crucial in order to allow such skills to take effect and should make the player "feel the weight of the weapon in his hand" . If the player is outnumbered, he can activate the so-called revenge mode if necessary, which improves his combat values ​​considerably for a short time and makes it easier for him to stand up to two or more opponents.

If the player succeeds in killing an opponent or fulfilling certain strategic goals, he receives points that, depending on the selected multiplayer mode, help his team to victory, determine his performance at the end of a round and also faction and class-specific special skills during a round, so-called Unlock "gifts". These gifts influence the game as passive reinforcements of fighting skills or, for example, in the form of archer salvos or artillery strikes and support the user. At the end of each round, the player receives experience points for the class played in this round and in-game currency, known as "steel", with which he can unlock new classes, purchase additional customization options for a class and also purchase or improve equipment to improve combat values such as changing a class's defense, attack, and stamina.

A brief overview of the classes follows:

  • The knights: The knights of the Iron Legion from Aschfeld represent the people of the European Middle Ages. Their classes are usually more heavily armored than those of the other factions and, overall, probably less mobile. The Guardian is an easy-to-play entry-level class and, with its two-handed sword, offers few but at the same time versatile combinations. The conqueror fights with flail and shield and has many defense options and high attack damage to compensate for his short range. The Peacekeeper is an extremely fast class with light armor, a one-handed sword, and a dagger. It deals moderate damage and can inflict bleeding wounds on its opponents, which continue to affect them for a period of time after the attack. The Bringer of Law is a huge warrior in massive plate armor who has long range with his halberd and combines counterattack and defense skills. He is rather cumbersome for that. The centurion , newly introduced in season 2 , inspired by the eponymous Roman officers , also wears heavy armor, but only fights with a one-handed gladius . His specialty are varied chains of strung hits, kicks and jump attacks. The Gladiator , released with Season 3 , like the Centurion based on the Roman Empire , is equipped with a trident and fist shield and, like the Peacekeeper, is a very fast class that combines the bleeding damage over time with varied, endurance-drawing attacks. The Black Prior is a knight who fights with a dragon shield and a sword. He is a follower of a knightly order. In his male version he is also called "Vortiger". In the female variant it is called "Ezrebet".
  • The Samurai: The reclusive samurai of Myre represent the people of feudal Japan. They mainly have posable classes with leather or wooden armor, but they do a lot of damage. Here the Kensei , armed with a long Japanese sword, the Odachi , represents the entry-level class. It has a greater range than the Guardian and uses penetrating attacks or feinting. The Nobushi uses a Naginata to keep enemies at bay and has attacks that deal extra damage through bleeding. In addition, she is the only character in the game who can also cancel light attacks via a 'hidden stance'. The orochi represents the typical samurai with katana propagated in popular culture , is fast and counteracts his opponents with attacks that cause great damage. The Shugoki is reminiscent of a sumo wrestler and is the only serious class of the samurai. With his club he can carry out unstoppable and unblockable attacks. It has an 'overshield' that absorbs damage from a single hit and is thus able to take and deal damage at the same time. The Shinobi , released in Season 2, represents the ninja of popular culture and is equipped with two Kusarigamas , which he can use both in close combat and as throwing weapons at a distance. His outstanding speed enables him to use a fighting technique based mainly on evasive movements and quick attacks. At the same time, it is the class with the lowest defense value in the entire game. The Aramusha was added in Season 4 . As the only character of the samurai, he is Rōnin , so ownerless. He fights with two swords, one in each hand, and is thus able to rain down infinite chains of attacks on the enemy. He has a similar fighting style as the Berserker described below, but also has some defensive skills that initiate various counter attacks, among other things. Hitokiri can be both male and female. The male is called "Yato" & the female is "Sakura". They are executioners who use a masakari to execute their opponents.
  • The Vikings : The Vikings from Valkenheim represent the inhabitants of Scandinavia during the early European Middle Ages. They wear either leather armor or no armor at all, but have both fast and heavy classes. The one with a Danaxt armed looters is a huge mountain of muscle who can turn his opponents with few serious attacks or simply use his strength to throw it against other opponents, walls or into the abyss. The berserker uses two small axes, like the Aramusha, to strike the enemy almost endlessly. He makes up for his short range with high damage and an overshield on his quick attacks. The warlord represents a jarl and thanks to the short sword and shield, similar to the conqueror, has mainly defensive skills and a few attack combinations, relying on counterattacks of his shield and range. The Valkyrie is based on Germanic mythology, fights with spear and shield and uses a combination of defensive, counter-strikes and quick attacks to knock down opponents or otherwise render them incapable of fighting. The Highlander , a great warrior in a Scottish kilt , who wields the Scottish claymore and has a defensive and an offensive stance, was introduced with Season 3 . While the defensive stance corresponds to the usual form of combat of all classes, the Highlander in its offensive stance can carry out non-blockable attacks that cause massive damage, but is set back into defensive form when hit. The next class of Vikings was the shaman with Season 4 . She fights with an ax in one hand and a khukuri in the other and is one of the fastest characters in the game. It uses its speed for attack-like attacks. If she causes an enemy to bleed, she achieves a high herself known as a blood trance, in which she heals herself with every successful attack and can make a powerful jump attack. Midgardschlange belongs to a cult which is preparing for Ragnarök . The hero is the 2nd severity in the roster of the Vikings and fights with a hammer .
  • The Wu Lin: The Wu Lin represent warriors from the ancient Chinese empire. They rather represent the link between all the other factions, as they can be as heavily armored as the knights, but can also be as agile as the lightly armored Vikings or samurai. The Tiandi is the all-rounder among the Wu Lin. He is the loyal protector of emperors and kings and fights with a Dao . Similar to the Guardian, his move set is simple but versatile. The hybrid in the league is the Shaolin and is named after the Buddhist monks. He fights with a stick . He can fight at a distance, but also through his Qi stance go into direct close combat and from there execute quick and non-blockable attacks. The Wu Lin assassin is Nuxia . Her fighting style is like a dance that she does with two hook swords. She tries to hook the opponent's weapon and forcibly open his defense. She fights mainly in direct hand-to-hand combat. Its exact opposite is the Jiang Jun . He is the heaviness among the Chinese, who mainly relies on unstoppable and unblockable attacks. What makes it special is that, despite its weight, it is very agile. He is one of the fastest heavy characters. His Guan Dao is available as an aid . The new addition to the Wu Lin side is the Zhanhu . He belongs to the hybrids and fights with a Chang Dao.

The heroes are divided into "sub-categories", which are determined by their characteristics and skills:

  • Strike Team ( ger .: Vanguard ): The Strike Team is the all-rounder is on the roster can be a bit of everything but nothing really well.. For beginners, they offer the perfect introduction, as their combinations are easy to learn.
  • Assassin ( ger .: Assassin ): The assassins are fast hero. They are very agile and agile, but they lack a good defense. Their fighting style requires good timing, so they are among the more difficult classes to learn.
  • Heavy ( ger .: Heavy ): The heavy set the exact counterpart of the assassins represent severity heroes are very slow, but hit it on with great force.. Furthermore, they have the best and strongest defense compared to all other categories.
  • Hybrid ( ger .: Hybrid ): The hybrids are seen as a separate category, but rather a mix of all other categories. The hybrids even differ from one another.

The following heroes belong to the following subcategory:

The heroes and their subcategory
Raiding party Assassin Heavy Hybrid
Knight Guardian Peacekeeper



Black prior



samurai Kensei Orochi






Vikings marauder Berserk



Midgard Serpent



Wu Lin Tiandi Nuxia Jiang Jun Shaolin


Faction system

When a player enters For Honor for the first time , he is asked to join the ongoing war alongside one of the four factions. This faction choice does not directly affect the game experience, all classes, including those of the other factions, can still be played. The selection only affects the so-called "faction war". Each game is analyzed by an algorithm at the end and awards points in the form of troops for the players involved in the round, which they can use for their respective faction to defend areas on a world map held by their own faction or by one of the others Factions to attack conquered territories. The current status of the limits is updated and displayed every six hours. The faction that uses the most troops in an area captures it in the next round or keeps it. The 12 available multiplayer maps, each of which is assigned to a certain area, then change in setting and design, depending on which faction controls the respective area at the moment.

A season (English "season") is divided into five called campaigns a two-week round, at the end of which the world map is reset to the starting position and the factions receive points depending on the number of territories controlled. At the end of the last campaign, after a total of ten weeks, the players of all factions, depending on the position of their faction, receive special rewards, mostly in the form of equipment chests or cosmetic items.

Multiplayer modes

  • Dominion : In Dominion, four against four players fight. The aim of this mode is to occupy predetermined and strategically important zones on the battlefield. The points are earned by occupying and holding these zones. Once a team has earned 1000 points, it must take out the opposing team to win the game.
  • Melee : There are two teams with two players each or NPCs. The mode consists of a maximum of five rounds. To win a round, one team must take the other out completely. The team that wins three rounds also wins the game. No gifts can be used.
  • Duel : In a duel, a player fights against another player or NPC. As in a scuffle, there is a maximum of five rounds. To win a round, one player must knock out the other. Whoever wins three rounds first wins the game. No gifts can be used.
  • Skirmishes : Here again two teams of four players or NPCs compete against each other. This time points are only awarded for eliminating opposing players. The team that has the most points when the time runs out wins.
  • Annihilation : A four-on-four mode. This is again about completely eliminating the opposing team in order to win one of a maximum of five rounds. The first team to win three rounds wins the game.
  • Tribute : Here, too, two teams of four players each compete against each other. The aim is to collect up to three offerings and secure them for your own team at their own shrine. Each occupied shrine gives the corresponding team an improvement: the guardian shrine increases the damage done to the characters, the protector shrine gives them a shield and the oracle shrine marks the characters of the opposing team, revealing their positions. Secured offerings can be stolen by the opposing team and taken to their own shrines. When a team has all three offerings, a countdown begins. If the team manages to defend the offerings for that long, it wins. If neither team manages to claim all three offerings before the lap time is up, the team with the most offerings wins.
  • Storm: With the Marching Fire update, a new four-on-four mode was released in October 2018. In this one team attacks a fortress while the other tries to defend the fortress. The attackers have to pass 3 phases: In the first two phases they have to escort a battering ram to 2 gates and protect it while it breaks through the gates. In addition, the attackers can occupy zones to call archers to help. In the third phase the attackers must try to eliminate the ruler of the fortress. They have to be very tactical because they only have a limited number of respawn tickets available. If the number drops to 0, the attackers have lost. The defenders, on the other hand, have the task of stopping the attackers. Aids such as ballistae or the cauldron are distributed across the map. With this you can seriously damage the battering ram of the attacker, provided the battering ram is at one of the two gates. The defenders have two options to decide a game for themselves: 1. Let the attacker's respawn tickets drop to 0 or 2. Destroy the battering ram. If the attackers manage to overthrow the ruler, the defenders lose.
  • Training: In this mode, players have the opportunity to learn the game as a beginner and to deepen certain game mechanics as an advanced player. In the training arena , players can configure a bot as they like and learn and master parades and certain attacks. Under the hero tactics category , the player can learn certain combo attacks. Furthermore, training videos are available in which you can learn about the individual heroes. Finally, there are contender and warrior exams in which beginners and advanced learners can fulfill certain tasks and are rewarded with steel and other content if they are fulfilled .
  • Arcade: The arcade mode is an endless PvE mode in which up to 2 players can compete in COOP against bots of various difficulty levels. Both the players and the opposing bots receive mutators, which make the game easier or more difficult for the players. This mode is only available to owners of the Marching Fire Pass . The COOP partner does not need the pass if the host has the pass.

There are also time-limited event modes, such as Carousel of Death, Dance of Death or Hyper-Duel . Furthermore, there are certain limited modes that belong to an event, such as the Ice Brawlers mode, which is part of the For Honor winter or Christmas event .


There are a total of 28 maps in multiplayer (as of May 2019). The cards are divided into 3 factions - knights, vikings & samurai - and are only available in certain game modes. The exception here are the storm maps. These are only available in storm, as they differ significantly from the other maps in terms of the map design. Furthermore, different versions of each map are available, in which the weather and / or the time of day changes (for example: snow, rain showers, sunset):

Cards of the knights

  • Citadel Gate: The action takes place in the forecourt of a huge citadel. A huge fortress extends in the background. This card is available in Domination, Duel, Melee, Annihilation & Skirmish game modes .
  • The Shard: This map puts the action in a huge castle. You play on the outer walls. This card is available in Domination, Duel, Melee, Annihilation & Skirmish game modes .
  • Harbor: This map depicts a city on the banks of a lake. This map is available in Domination, Duel, Melee, Annihilation & Skirmish modes .
  • Guard Post: This map is an abandoned outpost surrounded by huge watchtowers to the left and right. This card is available in Domination, Duel, Melee, Annihilation & Skirmish game modes .
  • Forge: This map is shaped like a dam and houses a large forge. This card is available in Domination, Duel, Melee, Annihilation & Skirmish game modes .
  • Cathedral: On this map, the players are at an old ruin of a cathedral. This is surrounded by forests and geysers . This card is in the game modes tribute duel melee destruction and skirmishes available .
  • Remote defense tower: Here you play on a small, abandoned defense tower that stands on the shore of an ocean. This card is in the game modes tribute duel melee destruction and skirmishes available .
  • Village: You play in a burnt down village that was damaged by an erupted volcano. This card is in the game modes tribute duel melee destruction and skirmishes available .
  • Walled City: This card is the largest of the Knights and represents a large fortress with multiple walls. This card is only available in Sturm .
  • The Ring: This card is only available in training mode and in duel and scuffle .

Maps of the Vikings

  • River Fortress: This map is one of the typical fortresses built on rivers by the Vikings. This card is available in Domination, Duel, Melee, Annihilation & Skirmish game modes .
  • Oberburg: This is also a fortress, but it was built on a mountain. All around is the abyss. This card is available in Domination, Duel, Melee, Annihilation & Skirmish game modes .
  • Gauntlet: This map shows the capital of the Vikings. Few people who entered got out alive. This card is available in Domination, Duel, Melee, Annihilation & Skirmish game modes .
  • Viking Village: This is a small fishing village on the banks of a lake. Trade once flourished here. This card is in the game modes tribute duel melee destruction and skirmishes available .
  • Shipyard: The Vikings once built their ships in this abandoned shipyard. This card is in the game modes tribute duel melee destruction and skirmishes available .
  • Canyon: This map shows the traces of the past. The past natural disasters have created such ravines everywhere. This card is in the game modes tribute duel melee destruction and skirmishes available .
  • Holy Bastion: This bastion was built in honor of a legendary warrior. This card is only available in Storm .
  • Storr Fortress: The fortress stands on a large island. This card is only available in Storm .
  • The Pit: This card is only available in training mode and in duel and scuffle .

Cards of the samurai

  • Bridgehead: Here the attacker meets the first hurdle of the huge capital. This card plays on the bank and the outermost walls. This card is available in Domination, Duel, Melee, Annihilation & Skirmish game modes .
  • Temple garden: Here you play in front of a samurai temple. Surrounded by the valley, this map becomes an important place for the samurai. This card is available in Domination, Duel, Melee, Annihilation & Skirmish game modes .
  • Bridge to Refuge: The city behind this bridge was built on hills. This card stands out due to its linear structure. This card is available in Domination, Duel, Melee, Annihilation & Skirmish game modes .
  • Hohe Wacht: This fortification was built directly on the cliffs and thus serves as an outpost for the samurai. This card is available in Domination, Duel, Melee, Annihilation & Skirmish game modes .
  • Treetops: The walkways and huts were built in the treetops of huge trees. This card is in the game modes tribute duel melee destruction and skirmishes available .
  • Market town: Here the action takes place in the middle of a residential and commercial district. Because of the many huts, this is a map with narrow paths. This card is in the game modes tribute duel melee destruction and skirmishes available .
  • Tower ruin: Meditation and prayer were held here some time ago. Now these ruins are empty and wars are going on. This card is in the game modes tribute duel melee destruction and skirmishes available .
  • Forest: This forest and the individual buildings are surrounded by a large swamp. This card is in the game modes tribute duel melee destruction and skirmishes available .
  • Kazan Castle: This castle was once the home of the fire god "Kagutsuchi". Many believers came to worship him. Now there is fighting for this holy place. This card is only available in Storm .
  • The Refuge: This card is only available in training mode and in Duel & Melee .

Maps of the Wu Lin

  • Qiang Pass: This card is a great Chinese fortress. This card is only available in Storm .

Additional content

Two weeks before the release, Ubisoft announced a Season Pass that, in addition to instant bonuses, grants earlier and free access to six new heroes. In addition, at the start of a new season, new maps, modes and equipment are added to the game, which should be available to every player for free.

At E3 2018, the For Honor development team announced a new expansion called "Marching Fire" . The expansion adds four new heroes from the Wu Lin faction, a four-on-four game mode, and PvE content to the game.

On December 18, 2018, the Year 3 Pass was released on Steam and in the UPlay Store . In addition to immediate additional content, this also offers 4 new heroes, which will be released one after the other in the course of 2019. Year Pass holders get free and earlier access to the heroes.


Database Rating
Metacritic (PC) 76/100
(PS4) 81/100
(XONE) 82/100
publication Rating
Game Informer 8.25 / 10
Game revolution
GameSpot 8/10
IGN 8/10

During the development phase

The reviews during the development phase were largely positive. The graphics in particular were highlighted in the alpha and beta versions presented. The combat system received special attention, especially in multiplayer mode. The mechanics do not refer to the simple pressing of buttons. In For Honor, the combat system stands out due to the various possibilities of the 3-hit zones, which guarantee a special depth of play in duels and fights through this simple system. The combination of the different attacks gives each class a special personal touch. The system of stamina that is consumed in attacks prevents senseless button mashing.

The faction system promises long-lasting fun and goals that can be achieved. The seasonal system designed for longevity also speaks for this with new content.

The single player campaign was rated rather poorly in the published beta version. The story of the factions is told graphically well, but still gets lost again and again in simple battles. Foot soldiers in particular were called easy opponents. Only boss fights would be a challenge. The identification of the classes in the missions specially created for each class is missing in the playable missions of the beta.


At Gamescom 2016 , the game was awarded Best Console Game Sony Playstation 4 and Best PC Game .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. For Honor Director Jason Vandenberghe speaks on what keeps us playing. (No longer available online.) Http:// , March 30, 2016, archived from the original on February 11, 2017 ; accessed on February 9, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. a b c For Honor alluded to: Razor-sharp Middle Ages . In: . ( Online [accessed February 5, 2017]).
  3. ^ Andrei Dumitrescu: For Honor Is a Combat Title Featuring Knights, Samurai and Vikings . In: softpedia . ( Online [accessed February 5, 2017]).
  4. Dimitry Halley: For Honor - Which class and faction should I play? - GameStar . In: . September 16, 2016 ( online [accessed February 5, 2017]).
  5. Progression / Leveling System • / r / forhonor. Retrieved February 5, 2017 .
  6. For Honor Guide: An overview of the heroes of the knights . In: IGN Germany . February 13, 2017 ( online [accessed March 1, 2017]).
  7. The Tiandi Guide - For Honor Wu Lin Hero | Ubisoft (US). Retrieved February 1, 2019 .
  8. For Honor Guide: An overview of the heroes of the samurai . In: IGN Germany . February 14, 2017 ( online [accessed March 1, 2017]).
  9. ^ The Sakura from the Samurai Factio | Ubisoft (US). Retrieved May 24, 2019 .
  10. For Honor Guide: The Viking Heroes at a Glance . In: IGN Germany . February 14, 2017 ( online [accessed March 1, 2017]).
  11. a b TrippyLeaks: For Honor: Year 3 Season 3 "Hulda" with a new hero, new map & gameplay updates; Trailer & information. In: Trippy Leaks. July 23, 2019, accessed August 2, 2019 .
  12. Marching Fire - For Honor Update | Ubisoft (DE). Retrieved December 27, 2018 .
  13. Release Notes for Patch 2.15.0. Retrieved November 9, 2019 .
  14. ↑ Game overview. In: For Honor. Ubisoft Game information, accessed December 27, 2018 .
  15. For Honor: Elimination Game Mode | Ubisoft (US). Retrieved May 28, 2019 .
  16. Dom Shott: For Honor - All information about the Alpha: Classes, Cards & Game Modes - GamePro . September 15, 2016 ( online [accessed February 5, 2017]).
  17. Christoph Hagen: For Honor: The game modes and the faction war explained in detail . In: GIGA . January 2, 2017 ( online [accessed February 5, 2017]).
  18. For Honor: E3 2018 Breach Gameplay Walkthrough | Ubisoft [NA]. Youtube, accessed December 27, 2018 .
  19. For Honor: Training- Game Mode | Ubisoft (US). Retrieved July 6, 2019 .
  20. For Honor gets PvE mode with “infinite replayability”. In: August 21, 2018, accessed July 6, 2019 .
  21. This Week in For Honor - 1/11/17. Retrieved July 6, 2019 .
  22. Paula Thomas: For Honor's Season VI Brings the Carousel of Death. In: Coindrop. Retrieved May 18, 2018, July 6, 2019 (American English).
  23. May 2019 Roadmap. Retrieved July 6, 2019 .
  24. ^ For Honor Winter Event Shakes Up Brawl Mode, Offers New Rewards. Retrieved July 6, 2019 .
  25. For Honor: Game Maps | Ubisoft (US). Retrieved May 28, 2019 .
  26. GAME7-Current For Honor News: Date for For Honor Season VII: Storm and Fury - Ubisoft gives details. Retrieved May 28, 2019 .
  27. Age of Wolves - For Honor Season 5 | Ubisoft. Retrieved May 28, 2019 .
  28. For Honor - Season Pass and all kinds of free content. Retrieved February 3, 2017 .
  29. For Honor: Marching Fire Expansion: Wu-Lin faction, 4-on-4 PvP mode and PvE content - Retrieved December 27, 2018 .
  30. FOR HONOR ™ - Year 3 Pass on Steam. Retrieved January 18, 2019 .
  31. ^ For Honor for PC Reviews . Metacritic. Retrieved February 18, 2017.
  32. For Honor for PlayStation 4 Reviews . Metacritic. Retrieved February 16, 2017.
  33. ^ For Honor for Xbox One Reviews . Metacritic. Retrieved February 16, 2017.
  34. Jeff Cork: Battle-Scarred But Victorious - For Honor - PlayStation 4 . Game Informer. February 17, 2017. Retrieved February 17, 2017.
  35. James Kozanitis: For Honor Review . Game revolution. February 15, 2017. Retrieved February 15, 2017.
  36. Matt Espineli: For Honor Review . GameSpot. February 17, 2017. Retrieved February 17, 2017.
  37. ^ Brandin Tyrrel: For Honor Review . IGN. February 17, 2017. Retrieved February 17, 2017.
  38. ^ Andy Kelly: For Honor review . PC gamer. February 16, 2017. Retrieved February 16, 2016.
  39. Matti Sandqvist: For Honor Preview: Fun medieval battles in a grandiose look . In: PC GAMES . July 29, 2015 ( online [accessed February 5, 2017]).
  40. Dom Schott: For Honor - Beta conclusion: The biggest weakness of the game is its community - GamePro . January 31, 2017 ( online [accessed February 5, 2017]).
  41. Stephan Freundorfer: For Honor Preview (PC) - Lonely dull, strong together - GameStar . In: . December 14, 2016 ( online [accessed February 5, 2017]).
  42. Stephan Freundorfer: For Honor Preview (PC) - Lonely dull, strong together - Page 2 - GameStar . In: . December 14, 2016 ( online [accessed February 5, 2017]).
  43. Holger Bleich: Gamescom Awards 2016: "For Honor" wins across platforms. heise online, August 21, 2016, accessed on December 16, 2016 .