Fortunato Santini
Fortunato Santini , called Abbé or Abbate (born January 5, 1777 in Rome ; † September 14, 1861 ibid) was an Italian Catholic clergyman, composer and music collector.
Santini grew up in an orphanage after the death of his father. There he received his first music lessons from the composer Giuseppe Jannacconi (1740-1816). Later he also took organ lessons from G. Guidi . In 1798 Santini began studying philosophy and theology in Rome and was ordained a priest three years later, in May 1801 .
Around this time he began, inspired by his lessons with Jannaconi, to copy or save works by masters of the so-called Roman school in order to acquire their compositional style. These copies formed the basis of a music collection that grew steadily through Santini's zeal in searching for and copying important works. Soon he also received orders from church musicians to copy certain works for them. In order to fulfill these orders, he found the original sources in the various ecclesiastical and monastic archives and with Roman private owners in order to be able to copy the works from them. In this way, his collection soon grew to such an extent that it seemed advisable to publish a printed catalog of the works in 1820, which made the collection known beyond the borders of Rome. This resulted in an exchange with leading music collectors, music scholars and musicians, including Gaetano Gaspari , Carl Proske , Raphael Georg Kiesewetter , Aloys Fuchs , Carl von Winterfeld , Carl Friedrich Zelter , Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy and Otto Nicolai in the following years .
When the collection was set up, Santini seems to have helped that the owners of old manuscripts often did not attach particular importance to them. In addition, many monastic libraries were closed at the time of the French occupation of Italy, so that it was relatively easy to acquire the manuscripts we were looking for. Santini probably received financial support from Cardinal Carlo Odescalchi , in whose palace he lived and on whose proposal he was also made an honorary member of the Congregatione ed Accademia di S. Cecilia (1835). In the following years he also became an honorary member of the Sing-Akademie zu Berlin (1837) and the Mozarteum in Salzburg (around 1845) as well as a corresponding member of the Paris Comité historique des arts et monuments du Ministére de l'instruction publique français (1840).
When Cardinal Odescalchi became a member of the Jesuits in 1838 , Santini and his library moved into a building near the German regional church, where he also held musical soirées at which works from his collection were played. He was particularly committed to the revival of older sacred works. For example, he edited and translated works by Johann Sebastian Bach , Georg Friedrich Handel and Carl Heinrich Graun into Latin or Italian in order to give his compatriots easier access to these works.
In the 1830s / 1840s Santini's financial situation seems to have worsened - probably also due to the lack of financial support from the cardinal - so that he had to get used to the idea of selling his library. Already earlier (at the beginning of the 1830s) he had received offers from well-known libraries in Germany and abroad (including Berlin , Paris , Brussels and St. Petersburg ), but could not make up his mind that the meanwhile approx Prints comprehensive collection for sale. It was not until 1855 that he accepted an offer from the cathedral vicar Bernhard Quante to sell his collection to the diocese of Münster for an annual pension of 465 scudi . However, as requested by Santini, it remained in Rome until his death and did not come to Munster until 1862 , where it is now kept in the diocesan library.
- Fortunato Santini: Catalogo della musica esistente presso Fortunato Santini in Roma. Nel Palazzo de'Principi Odescalchi incontro la Chiesa de 'SS.XII. Apostoli , Rome 1820.
- Franz Sales Kandler: About the state of music in Rome . In: Münchener Allgemeine Musikzeitung 24, 26–30 (1828), Sp. 377–381, 407–415, 426–431, 445–448, 455–458, 471–475 ( digitized version ).
- Alessandro Carcano: Considerazioni sulla Musica Antica. Intitolate All 'Ab. D. Fortunato Santini . Rome 1842.
- Alessandro Carcano: Discorso per la inaugurazione del busto in cui per le cure dell 'egregio D. Fortunato Santini, dallo scultore Pietro Galli venne effigiato con mirabile eccellenza d'arte il sommo compositore Giov. Pierluigi da Palestrina detto il principe della musica; letto in Roma il giorno 29 February 1844 nella biblioteca Santini . Rome 1845.
- Vladimir Stassoff: L'Abbé Santini et sa collection musicale à Rome . Florence 1854.
- Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Travel letters from Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy from the years 1830 to 1830 , ed. by Paul Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Leipzig 1861; .
- Edward Joseph Dent: The library of Fortunato Santini . In: Monthly Musical Record , 34, 1904, pp. 64-65.
- Joseph Killing: Church music treasures of the library of the Abbate Fortunato Santini . Düsseldorf 1910; .
- Max Paul Killing: Abbate Fortunato Santini and his library . In: Musica sacra , 44, 1911, pp. 183-187.
- Heinz Jansen: The Abbate Santini's music library . In: highlands. Monthly for all areas of knowledge, literature and art , 23 (1925), pp. 762–765.
- Joseph Albert Hüntemann: The fairs of the Santini library in Münster iW A contribution to the history of the fair . Munster 1928.
- Friedrich Smend: To the knowledge of the musician Fortunato Santini . In: Westphalian Studies. Contributions to the history of science, art and literature in Westphalia. Dedicated to Alois Bömer on the occasion of his 60th birthday , ed. by Hermann Degering and Walter Menn, Leipzig 1928, pp. 90–98.
- Heinrich Stute: Studies on the use of the instruments in the Italian church orchestra of the 18th century. A contribution to the history of the instrumentally accompanied fair in Italy. Based on the material in the Santini library in Münster iW , Münster 1929.
- Karl Gustav Fellerer: The musical treasures of the Santini collection. Guide through the exhibition of the University Library Münster on the occasion of the III. Westphalian music festival in Münster i. Westf. From June 15 to 17, 1929 , Münster 1929.
- Karl Gustav Fellerer: Fortunato Santini as a collector a. Editor of Handel's works . In: Händel-Jahrbuch , 2, 1929, pp. 25–40
- Karl Gustav Fellerer: Bach's St. John Passion in the Latin version of Fortunato Santini . In: Festschrift Max Schneider , ed. by Walther Vetter, Leipzig 1955, pp. 139–145.
- Rudolf Ewerhart: The Handel manuscripts of the Santini library in Münster . In: Händel-Jahrbuch , 6, 1960, pp. 111–150.
- Rudolf Ewerhart: The Episcopal Santini Library (= The beautiful Münster , 35), Münster 1962.
- Vladimir Féderov: VV Stasov chez l'abb. F. Santini à Rome . In: Joseph Schmidt-Görg (Ed.): Festschrift Anthony van Hoboken for his 75th birthday . Mainz 1962, pp. 55-62.
- Vladimir Féderov: A propos de quelques lettres de Santini à Bottée de Toulmon . In: Festschrift Karl Gustav Fellerer on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday on July 7, 1962. Presented by friends and students , ed. by Heinrich Hüschen, Regensburg 1962, pp. 128-136.
- Rudolf Ewerhart: Article Santini . In: Music in Past and Present , Volume 11, Kassel, Basel, London, New York 1963, Sp. 1381–1383.
- Keiichiro Watanabe: The copyists of the manuscripts from the works of GF Handel in the Santini library, Münster . In: Ongaku Gaku 16 (1970), pp. 225-262.
- I. Medvedeva, S. Sigida: Fortunato Santini (1778-1862): Sobranie notnych rukopisej; annotirovannyj ukazatel '; fond imen'ych kollekcij biblioteki konservatorii; iz sobranija russkogo diplomata A.Yes Skarjatina (= Fortunato Santini (1778–1862). Collection of music manuscripts, annotated directory, personal collections of the Conservatory's library. From the collection of the Russian diplomat AJ Skarjatin). Moscow 1974.
- Klaus Kindler: Directory of the musical works of Giuseppe Jannaconi (1740–1816) in the Santini collection in Münster (Westphalia) . In: Fontes artis musicae 28 (1981), pp. 313-319.
- Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini: Johann Sebastian Bach's Music in Italy in the 18th and 19th Centuries . In: Festschrift Alfred Dürr , ed. by Wolfgang Rehm, Kassel a. a. 1983, pp. 301-324.
- Richard Schaal: The correspondent of the Viennese music researcher Aloys Fuchs In: Mozart-Jahrbuch (1989/90), pp. 149–217.
- Hans Joachim Marx: The Santini Collection . In: Handel Collections and their History , ed. by Terence Best, Oxford 1993, pp. 184-197.
- Martina Janitzek: Santini - Stasov - Skarjatin. Three music collectors . In: Festschrift for Winfried Kirsch on his 65th birthday (= Frankfurt contributions to musicology 24), ed. by Peter Ackermann u. a., Tutzing 1996, pp. 219-227.
- Heinrich Kettering: Fortunato Santini in Rome and his "sincero amico" Johann Bernhard Quante from Coesfeld . In: Eccetera. Das Italien-Kulturmagazin 4 (1996), pp. 12-15.
- Klaus Kindler: The music collection Fortunato Santini in the diocesan library in Münster . In: Mitteilungsblatt der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Katholisch-Theologischer Bibliotheken 45, Trier 1998, pp. 137–145
- Siegfried Gmeinwieser: Santini, Fortunato. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 15, Bautz, Herzberg 1999, ISBN 3-88309-077-8 , Sp. 1250-1251.
- Sergio Lattes: Article Santini, Fortunato . In: The New Grove. Dictionary of Music and Musicians , 2nd ed., Ed. by Stanley Sadie, Vol. 22, London 2001, p. 258.
- Andrea Ammendola: "Sacrae Musices Cultor et Propagator". Fortunato Santini's arrangement of Carl Heinrich Graun's “The Death of Jesus” as an example of the cultivation of German sacred music in Italy in the early 19th century . Master's thesis, Münster 2005 ( online ).
- Summary: Fortunato Santini's arrangement of Carl Heinrich Graun's “The Death of Jesus” as an example of the cultivation of German sacred music in Italy in the early 19th century . In: Kirchenmusikalisches Jahrbuch 90 (2006), pp. 51–70 ( online ).
- Andrea Ammendola: Article Santini, Fortunato . In: Music in the past and present , 2nd edition, Person Teil 14, Kassel 2005, Sp. 942–944.
- Zsuzsanna Domokos: Lisztʼs Roman Experience of Palestrina in 1839: The Importance of Fortunato Santiniʼs Library . In: Journal of the American Liszt Society 22 (2006), pp. 45-56.
- Christoph Henzel: Santini, Zelter and the repertoire of the Cappella Sistina around 1830 . In: Yearbook of the State Institute for Music Research , 2006/2007 (2008), pp. 136–149.
- Giancarlo Rostirolla: "Musica Antica". Collezionismo e biblioteche musicali nella Roma di metà Ottocento. Il contributo di Fortunato Santini . In: Nuova rivista musicale italiana (2008/1), pp. 5-56.
- Giancarlo Rostirolla: Riletture: Vladimir Vasilʼevič Stasov. Lʼabate Santini e la sua collezione musicale a Roma . In: Nuova rivista musicale italiana (2008/3), pp. 335–384
- Bianca Maria Antolini: Fortunato Santini: collezionismo ed esecuzioni di musica antica a Roma nella prima metà dell'Ottocento . In: "La la la Maistre Henri ..." Mélanges de musicologie offerts à Henri Vanhulst , ed. by Christine Ballman and Valérie Dufour, Turnhout 2009, pp. 415–428.
- Andrea Ammendola: “… per farne conoscere il merito”. Handel's Judas Maccabaeus in the Santini Collection (Münster) . In: Violence - Threat - War: Georg Friedrich Handel's Judas Maccabaeus. Interdisciplinary Studies , ed. by Dominik Höink and Jürgen Heidrich, Göttingen 2010, pp. 125–147 ( online ).
- Peter Schmitz: A little-known facet. Reflections on the compositional work of Fortunato Santini . In: Music Theory. Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft 25 (2010), pp. 177–188.
- Andrea Ammendola: From Rome to Munster: On the history of the Santini collection . In: Collect - Compose - Edit. The Roman Abbate Fortunato Santini in the mirror of his work [exhibition catalog for the exhibition of the same name in the diocesan library of Münster from September 15 to December 31, 2011], Münster 2011, pp. 40–47 ( online ).
- Andrea Ammendola: "Per l'esercizio di Musica sagra Antica". Fortunato Santini as a collector of vocal polyphonic works . In: Collect - Compose - Edit. The Roman Abbate Fortunato Santini in the mirror of his work [exhibition catalog for the exhibition of the same name in the diocesan library of Münster from September 15 to December 31, 2011], Münster 2011, pp. 66–69 ( online ).
- Andrea Ammendola: "... per farne conoscere il merito". Fortunato Santini's editing practice . In: Collect - Compose - Edit. The Roman Abbate Fortunato Santini in the mirror of his work [exhibition catalog for the exhibition of the same name in the diocesan library of Münster from September 15 to December 31, 2011], Münster 2011, pp. 93–97; urn : nbn: de: hbz: 6-30239603109 .
- Anthony Hart: A re-evaluation of the manuscripts of the keyboard sonatas of Domenico Scarlatti in the Santini collection in Münster . In: studi musicali , 2011, pp. 49–66; (PDF).
- Ulrich Grimpe: Fortunato Santini. Münster's most important music collector . In: Neue Töne (2012/1), pp. 9–12.
- Peter Schmitz: Fortunato Santini and the Roman Handel care in the first half of the 19th century . In: Handel-Jahrbuch 58 (2012), pp. 253–270.
- Peter Schmitz: "Questo Omero dell'italiana musica": Comments on the Roman reception of Palestrina in the vicinity of the Abbate Fortunato Santini . In: Kirchenmusikalisches Jahrbuch 96 (2012), pp. 49–62.
- Michael Werthmann: Between the conventional a cappella ideal and compositional individuality: Studies on Fortunato Santini's Requiem settings , 2 volumes. Master's thesis, Münster 2012 (copy in: D-MÜms, D2 Sant 1050: 1-2).
- Andrea Ammendola, Peter Schmitz (eds.): "Sacrae Musices Cultor et Propagator". International conference on the 150th anniversary of the death of the music collector, composer and arranger Fortunato Santini , conference report Münster 14. – 16. September 2011, Münster 2013.
- Andrea Ammendola: Fortunato Santini's Tu es Petrus settings . In: "Sacrae Musices Cultor et Propagator". International conference on the 150th anniversary of the death of the music collector, composer and arranger Fortunato Santini , conference report Münster 14. – 16. September 2011, Münster 2013, pp. 114–142 ( online ).
- Andrea Ammendola, Peter Schmitz: Documents from the Santini Collection and the Münster University Archives . In: "Sacrae Musices Cultor et Propagator". International conference on the 150th anniversary of the death of the music collector, composer and arranger Fortunato Santini , conference report Münster 14. – 16. September 2011, Münster 2013, pp. 300–353 ( online ).
- Andrea Ammendola: Art. Santini, Fortunato . In: Lexicon of Church Music (= Encyclopedia of Church Music 6/2), ed. by Günther Massenkeil and Michael Zywietz , Vol. 2, Laaber 2013, pp. 1195–1196 ( online ).
- Andrea Ammendola: Long awakened from the “slumber” - Fortunato Santini's music collection in Münster . In: Forum Musikbibliothek 39 (2018/1), pp. 7–19 ( online ).
- Kirsten Krumeich: "Musica Sacra, e Profana ... raccolta con sommo incommodo" - traces of writing by the collector Fortunato Santini . In: Klang * erbe --schrift * Kultur. Max von Droste-Hülshoff's unknown notes in the diocesan library of Münster (= ad fontem salientem, writings of the diocesan library of Münster, vol. 2), ed. by Kirsten Krumeich, Münster 2018, pp. 54–75.
- Kirsten Krumeich: The portrait of Fortunato Santini. A collector's portrait of Julius Hübner between German Romanticism and “Edizione Romana” . In: Contextus. Festschrift for Sabine Schrenk (= Yearbook for Antiquity and Christianity. Supplementary Volume 41), ed. by Sible de Blaauw, Elisabet Enss and Petra Linscheid, Münster 2020, pp. 494–507.
- Santini's Netzwerk (La rete di Santini, Italy / Germany 2014), director: Georg Brintrup with Renato Scarpa as Santini
Web links
- Works by and about Fortunato Santini in the catalog of the German National Library
- Works by and about Fortunato Santini in the German Digital Library
- Münster diocesan library, Santini collection
- Edition Santini
- Fortunato Santini website
- Santini's network in the Internet Movie Database (English)
- Presentation of the film
Individual evidence
- ^ Herman H. Schwedt: Abbate Fortunato Santini († 1861). New sources on the biography of the Roman music lover . In: Ammendola, Schmitz (ed.): Sacrae Musices Cultor et Propagator . Münster 2013, pp. 21–80.
personal data | |
SURNAME | Santini, Fortunato |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Italian clergyman, composer and music collector |
DATE OF BIRTH | January 5, 1777 |
DATE OF DEATH | September 14, 1861 |
Place of death | Rome |