François Rousseau

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Self-portrait at the easel, wallpaper painting Schloss Dyck 1770

François Rousseau (* around 1717 ; † September 2, 1804 ) was a court painter to the Cologne electors .

life and work

François Rousseaus was probably the son of a French sculptor. In 1751 he married Anna Maria Riegels in Bonn . With her he had u. a. the sons Franz Jacob (1757–1826) and Johann Baptiste (* 1766); both also became painters. The grandson Johann Baptist Rousseau (1802–1867) was a poet, journalist and editor.

François Rousseau painted event pictures , e.g. B. “The Poppelsdorfer Kirmes”, the “ Falcon hunt in front of Falkenlust Castle ” or the “ Parforce hunt in the Kottenforst ”. As court painter to the Cologne electors Clemens August , Maximilian Friedrich and Maximilian Franz , Rousseau also created vedutas , overhangs , illusionistic architectural paintings and pictures on canvas for the castles of Augustusburg and Falkenlust as well as for the castles of Dyck and Miel .

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