Johann Baptist Rousseau

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Johann Baptist Rousseau (born December 31, 1802 in Bonn , † October 8, 1867 in Cologne ), pseudonym: Friedrich Saalmüller and Albano, was a German poet, journalist and editor.


Rousseau's grandfather was the French court painter François Rousseau (also: Johann Franz, 1717? - 1804), the father a "room painter" (someone who not only applies paint over large areas, but also decorates rooms and is therefore close to an artist ). Little is otherwise known about Johann Baptist's family. The dedications of some of the poems indicate that he had a brother, was married and had four daughters. Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué , a friend of Rousseau, alludes to the fact that he has the same name as the famous Geneva philosopher when he prefixes his friend's poems with the verse:

On the shores of the lake
Look at Geneva inside,
Sang grief-stricken
One that sound.

Rousseau studied philosophy, philology and history at the University of Bonn . There he met Heinrich Heine , with whom he had a loose friendship. Both have mutually appropriate sonnets; Rousseau for Heine: When I was still walking in the Fleusch, I was awesome and The Temple of the Muses is now bare ; Heine for Rousseau: Bang the priest hid in the church and your friend's greeting was able to open my breast . During his studies in 1820 he became a member of the Germania Bonn fraternity . After his studies, Rousseau worked as a private tutor in Broich (Mülheim) (before 1823). Rousseau was editor of the West German Musenalmanach (1823/24), the Agrippina, magazine for poetry, literature and art (Cologne 1824), the literary magazine Rheinische Flora, Blätter für Kunst, Leben, Wissen und Verkehr (Aachen 1825/26) and the Pariser Fashion newspaper for German women (Aachen 1826). In the Flora published u. a. Heinrich Heine, August Wilhelm Schlegel , Wilhelm Smets , Friedrich Arnold Steinmann , Adelheid von Stolterfoth , Wilhelm Oertel , Alfred von Reumont and Jodocus Donatus Hubertus Temme . Anton Wilhelm von Zuccalmaglio (alias Wilhelm von Waldbrühl) published the folk song It fell a frost in the spring night in Flora , which Heine redesigned and used as the middle section in his poem Tragedy . At the end of the 1820s, Rousseau was in Frankfurt. In 1829 he was editor of the Frankfurter Oberpostamtszeitung (in which he published his article Paganini zu Frankfurt a. M. ). In the early 1830s he edited the Politische Zeitung in Munich . In Berlin in 1843 he wrote theater reviews for the Allgemeine Prussische Staatszeitung . Rousseau described his situation as follows: "Doctor of philosophy, electoral Hessian court councilor and member of several learned societies". Nevertheless he lived in poor conditions. In 1844 he repeatedly (and successfully) asked Giacomo Meyerbeer for financial support. Rousseau spent the years from 1845 to 1854 in Vienna , then in Mainz (?). In 1863 he moved to Cologne, where he died in 1867.

Under the influence of the Viennese period, the volume of poetry Laurel Wreaths was created (they contain rhymed addresses of devotion to Ferdinand I , Franz Joseph I , Felix zu Schwarzenberg , Josef Radetzky and others, especially the military, court officials and churchmen). His art studies (1834) are still (or again) worth reading today because they recall forgotten details of cultural life. The essay On the Poems of King Ludwig von Baiern contains a long list of crowned heads who wrote poems, dramas and novels (for example Catherine II as the author of three comedies). The article hints to the judgment of some of the most famous operas ... concerned u. a. with works by opera composers once often played but now forgotten, e.g. B. The Singers in the Country (Le cantatrici villane) and The Wandering Comedians (I virtuosi ambulanti) by Valentino Fioravanti , Joconde by Nicolas Isouard and Die Räuberbraut by Ferdinand Ries . The poem Die Rheinfahrt Friedrich Wilhelm III is a curiosity . from the collection of poems Games of the Muse (1829). In the preface to this, Rousseau writes: “Sr. Majesty the King of Prussia, who drove past Bonn on 14 September 1825 to the cheers of the entire population, sang AW von Schlegel, then Rector of the Rhine University , all in one excellent Latin poem, which we convey here in a translation. "

The history of literature hardly takes any notice of Rousseau. His memory lives on in the poems that well-known composers have set to music: Giacomo Meyerbeer ( You beautiful fisher girl, do you see the evening star , Johannes Brahms ( The Spring , Opus 6, No. 2), Ferdinand Ries (oratorio The victory of faith , Opus 157, also Auf des Maines green floodplains , When the floods are blue, when the air is lukewarm , love cherished deeply , What do you drink? Pour a funny drink ), Carl Friedrich Zöllner ( I creep up, I creep here, probably without rest and Peace and Father, you are love ), Bernhard Joseph Klein ( I would like to avoid you, just give me courage once ).


  • Poetry for love and friendship , Hamm 1822
  • Poems , Krefeld 1823 (100 poems, "the first poetic attempt")
  • Songs from the Cologne Dome (Ed.), Cologne 1823
  • The Lower Rhine Music Festival of 1824 , Cologne 1824
  • Michel Angelo , a tragedy in four acts, Aachen 1825
  • The White Woman , translation of Scribe's libretto for the opera La dame blanche by François-Adrien Boieldieu , 1825
  • Games of the Muse , Frankfurt / Main 1829 (114 poems, foreword by Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué )
  • Amber , poems and novellas, Frankfurt / Main 1831
  • Art studies , Munich 1834
  • Dramaturgical parallels , Munich 1834
  • Purple violets of the saints or poetry and art in Catholicism (Ed.), Frankfurt / Main 1835
  • Marienbüchlein, songs of all times and peoples in honor of the Most Holy Virgin (Ed.), Frankfurt / Main 1836
  • Poetic travel tablets from Italy, Tyrol, Germany, Alsace and Switzerland , Frankfurt 1836
  • The rose of Mantua , novella, Aachen 1837
  • Madonna celebrated in songs, legends and sagas , Berlin 1837
  • Romances and time images , Düsseldorf 1838 digitized
  • Rhenish bell tones , Olpe 1843
  • The Swan Knight , libretto for an opera (never composed), 1844
  • Exquisite collection of Rhenish sagas in folk tales, legends and myths about the Rhine and its tributaries . - Coblenz: Müller, 1846. Digitized edition
  • Mother of God Roses (ed.), Vienna 1848
  • Russen-Büchlein , Vienna 1854
  • The Bonifazius Song , Mainz 1855
  • Laurel wreaths as time and commemorative leaves from Austria , Mainz 1856
  • The Heavenly Mother, a Marian rosary, monument to the love of a German poet for the Most Blessed Virgin , Mainz 1857
  • A thousand and one Rhine sagas: Rhenish legends and songs in folk tales, legends and myths about the Rhine and its tributaries; with the use of printed and unprinted sources, on pleasure and teaching ... / ed. by Joh. Bapt. Rousseau. - Düsseldorf: Bureau des Panorama of Germany [u. a.], 1841. Digitized edition of the University and State Library Düsseldorf


The largest bag cutter
Is Cupid the god
Unfortunately for me too, unfortunately
The rogue made to mockery
(from games of the muse )
  • Heine is one of those poets who through manifold sufferings, mostly through no fault of their own, were chased into the thorns of poetry to sing and die as nightingales (from the essay on the appreciation of H. Heine in the art studies )
  • It has been said that poetry is a talking painting, painting is silent poetry (from the essay Schiller's Girls from Foreign Countries in Art Studies )


  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume II: Artists. Winter, Heidelberg 2018, ISBN 978-3-8253-6813-5 , pp. 592-594.
  • Pierer's Universal Lexicon , Volume 14, Altenburg 1862
  • The Rhine Province 1815 - 1915, Hundred Years of Prussian Rule on the Rhine (Essay by Franz Schultz: The literary life ), Volume 2, Ed .: Joseph Hansen, Verlag Marcus and Webers, Bonn 1917
  • Giacomo Meyerbeer, Correspondence and Diaries , Ed .: Heinz and Gudrun Becker, Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1975
  • Gerd Heinemann: The relations of the young Heine to magazines in the Rhineland and Westphalia. Investigations into the literary life of the restoration period. Phil. Diss., Bonn 1972. Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1974 (on Rousseau see pp. 7–75)
  • German Biographical Encyclopedia , Ed .: Rudolf Vierhaus , Walter de Gruyter, 2007


  1. Not to be confused with the French poet Jean-Baptiste Rousseau and the Geneva philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  2. ^ Source: Deutsches Pseudonym-Lexikon , Leipzig 1906; Also have Alfred von Reumont and Friedrich Arnold Steinmann same pseudonym Albano used
  3. Painting Poppelsdorfer Kirmes 1746 , masked ball in Bonn 1754 , fire of the electoral palace in Bonn 1777 , the arrival of the coadjutor Maximilian Franz in Andernach 1780 , wall paintings in the castles Dyck , Miel and Wahn
  4. Source: Jörg Requate, Journalismus als Beruf , Verlag Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen 1995
  5. ^ Josephine, Elisabeth, Anna, Georgine
  6. It says in allusion to the philosopher: Be worthy of your name, fight for true freedom and free truth in the German sense
  7. ^ Source: Heinrich Heines complete works , 15th volume, Verlag Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg 1876
  8. Source: Handbook of German Literature , Leipzig 1823
  9. Source: Damen Conversations Lexikon , Volume 7, Leipzig 1836
  10. Rousseau wrote the rhyming prologue to Reumont's book Aachens Liederkranz und Sagenwelt
  11. on a steamship: I also notice the smoke and the crackling flame, over the water perhaps his volcanic fire streamed
  12. Not to be confused with Heine's poem You beautiful fisher girl, drive the boat ashore
  13. * March 6, 1793 in Cologne, † September 9, 1832 in Berlin, his oratorio Jephta (first performed in 1828 in Cologne's Gürzenich) was performed in 2008 in the Trinity Church in Cologne
  14. There it says: ... think quite often about your big name relative and how it went.
  15. Comparison of plays from different times
  16. ↑ Biographies of the saints in alphabetical order, detailed description in the Theologische Quartalsschrift , Tübingen 1836
  17. Source: Repertory of Entire German Literature , Volume 8, Verlag FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1836
  18. ^ Source: Leaves for literary entertainment , Verlag FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1837
  19. Rousseau offered it to Meyerbeer for setting