Frank Warschauer

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Frank Warschauer (born April 22, 1892 in Darmstadt , † May 18, 1940 in Naarden , Netherlands ) was a German journalist .

Life and work

From the beginning of the 1920s, Frank Warschauer worked for the Musikblätter des Anbruch , the Weltbühne and the Vossische Zeitung . Here he worked primarily as a literary, music and film critic. Alongside Lion Feuchtwanger, he had been one of Bertolt Brecht's closest friends since 1919, who wrote about him: “He has too many goals in himself, he makes sense in all circumstances, he believes in progress and that an amphibian cannot help but just one time To become a monkey. ”Warschauer, Feuchtwanger, Brecht and Arnold Zweig formed a close circle of friends. On February 27, 1933 , Zweig and Warschauer visited Lola Humm-Sernau in Berlin-Eichkamp . There she received the news of the Reichstag fire . Warschauer explained: “I'm still going to Prague today . My suitcase is already packed in my father's apartment. And with that he left us. We thought the departure exaggerated, but a few weeks later we admired it. ”In Prague, Warschauer founded the Thomas Mann Society together with Friedrich Burschell . In 1937 he published the anthology Prague today , in which contributions by Paul Eisner , Willy Haas and Otokar Fischer as well as illustrations by Ludwig Wronkow and Adolf Hoffmeister were collected. Klaus Mann wrote a euphoric review in the Neue Tage-Buch .

Shortly before the Wehrmacht invaded Czechoslovakia , Warschauer escaped to Amsterdam , where he worked on Thomas Mann's magazine Maß und Wert . When the Wehrmacht marched into the Netherlands , he committed suicide. “Europe held and killed him,” wrote Ludwig Wronkow in his obituary, and Arnold Zweig shared his grief on May 6, 1943 with Lion Feuchtwanger : “ Schickele , Hegemann , Tucholsky , Toller , Ernst Weiß , Frank Warschauer, Wassermann , Franz Blei , Musil , Roth - everyone has left, and who knows who will be among the survivors when the radio reports the collapse of Nazism. "


He was the son of the economist Otto Warschauer and Hermine geb. Friedlaender. His brother Martin Warschauer was a teacher and died in England in 1968 . Fritz von Friedlaender-Fuld was a half-brother of his mother. Emil Ludwig was a son of Valesca Cohn nee. Friedlaender, Hermine Warsaw's half-sister. Frank Warschauer was married twice. His first marriage was in 1922 with Esther Warschauer. Bertolt Brecht dedicated his Hanna Cash ballad to the bride and groom . The marriage lasted only a few years. In 1937 he married Gussy Warschauer-Gerson in Prague, who later became the wife of the writer Alexander Moritz Frey .


  • Max Bloch: Desperate moralist: Frank Warschauer (1892-1940). Friendship with Brecht - Back then in Prague - Death in Exile , in: Exil (1/2017), pp. 5–14 ISSN  0721-6742

Individual evidence

  1. Bertolt Brecht , Werke , Vol. 1, p. 513.
  2. Arnold Zweig , Friendship with Freud , Berlin 1996, p. 122f.
  3. Ludwig Wronkow , Frank Warschauer died , in: Aufbau 6 (1940), No. 35, p. 16.
  4. ^ Lion Feuchtwanger , Arnold Zweig : Briefwechsel 1933–1958 , Vol. 1, Frankfurt am Main 1986, p. 559.