Franz Anton Bicking

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Franz Anton Bicking (pseudonym: Ludwig Rüben; born March 31, 1809 in Erfurt ; † January 4, 1873 in Berlin ) was a German medic and writer .


Born the son of a general physician of the Polish-French army and later practitioner, studied Bicking after attending high school in Erfurt and Seminarum Theodorianum and the Jesuit college in Paderborn , medicine in Jena and Berlin . During his studies he became a member of the Jenaische Burschenschaft / Arminia in 1831 . In Berlin he was awarded a Dr. med. PhD . In Berlin he was a one-year-old volunteer surgeon with the Neuchâtel rifle battalion.

After his exams and his license to practice medicine, he settled in 1833 as a general practitioner in Wandsleben near Erfurt and in 1838 in Mühlhausen, Saxony. In 1834 he was interrogated about his membership in the fraternity . In the Black Book of the Frankfurt Federal Central Authority he was recorded as member No. 124 of the Jena Burschenschaft, but was not followed up. In 1842 he moved to Berlin. There he failed with a habilitation at the end of the 1840s . In addition to his practice, he served as personal physician of the Prussian Prince Albrecht worked, he on several trips to the East and the Caucasus accompanied and at whose side he in 1864 in a German-Danish War , 1866 German war and 1870-71 in French German War served.

Bicking dealt scientifically with homeopathy and was chairman of the examination board for homeopathic physicians to obtain the right to dispense themselves . In the 1840s he became a medical councilor , later a secret medical councilor . In 1859 he became a member of the non-profit society in Erfurt . He was friends with Heinrich Theodor Rötscher and Ludwig Dessoir .


Publications (selection)

  • De phthisi laryngea. Dissertation University of Berlin 1833.
  • The aberrations of medicine from its basic principle and the establishment of the same in the homeopathic-specific healing doctrine. Berlin 1843.
  • The principle of medicine as derived from the concept of the organic. Berlin 1847.
  • Jacob Molay, a five-act drama. Leipzig around 1867.
  • Philosophy of Consciousness in relation to Evil and Evil. Berlin 1873.
