Franz Josef Pey

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Pey statue by Irma Rückert in St. Mauritius, Kärlich

Franz Josef Pey or François Joseph Pey (born January 29, 1759 in Solliès-Pont , Provence , † September 2, 1792 in Paris ) was a Catholic priest who was led by Pope Pius XI. was beatified as a martyr on October 17, 1926 . He is the patron of the Episcopal Seminary in Trier (memorial day: January 29th).


Pey was born the second of nine children to a family of doctors. After the high school years in Aix-en-Provence he came to Paris to study philosophical and theological studies and in 1779 went to the Trier seminary, due to the friendship of an uncle with the Trier elector. On August 10, 1784, the Trier Elector and Archbishop Clemens Wenzeslaus ordained him as a priest in the chapel of the Electoral Palace in Kärlich .

From 1784 Pey was again to study at the Sorbonne in Paris, which he completed with a Magister artium. From 1788 he was vicar in the parish of St. Landry in Paris. During the French Revolution he was arrested along with other priests on August 10, 1792, and executed along with 190 other clergy on the night of September 3, 1792. He did not use the possibility of an escape offered by a cousin.

A street in Mülheim-Kärlich is named after him.
