Franz Leopold of Metzburg

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Franz Leopold von Metzburg (born November 15, 1746 in Graz , † October 6, 1789 in Jassy ) was an Austrian diplomat .


Franz Leopold, Baron von Metzburg , came from a family in Upper Austria that had settled in Styria . He was a son of the Styrian Land Law Secretary Christoph Augustin Freiherrn von Metzburg from his marriage to Maria Katharina von Hitzelberg.

His son Johann Nepomuk von Metzburg , from his marriage to Marie v. Raab, was also a civil servant. One brother was the Jesuit and mathematics professor Georg Ignaz von Metzburg , another brother Gottfried von Metzburg was also a Jesuit. His sister Barbara (1740–1786) was the mother of Generals Max and Johann von Baumgarten (older spelling: Paumgartten) and the grandmother of General Franz Xaver von Paumgartten .


He entered the diplomatic service. First, at the legation in Dresden worked, he was in 1771 as legation secretary of Naples added and in 1774 as chargé to Copenhagen . Then he returned to the court of Electoral Saxony in Dresden, where he stayed for seven years. He then became the imperial administrator of the Consulate in Jassy , where he died at the age of 43.

He translated the work Meditazioni su vari punti di felicità pubblica e privata (Copenhagen, C. Philibert, 1775) by the learned Camaldolese Isidoro Bianchi , who had come to Copenhagen as secretary of the Neapolitan envoy, from Italian: reflections on various subjects of general and individual bliss. (Copenhagen 1775, 8 °.), Which was dedicated to the Empress Maria Theresa .


  • Reflections on various objects of general and individual bliss. Copenhagen, 1775


  • Kreuter, Peter Mario: Franz Leopold von Metzburg and Nicolae Mavrogheni. Snapshots of a difficult relationship between two diplomatic worlds. In: Encounters in Europe's Southeast. The Habsburg Empire and the Orthodox World in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Edited by Harald Heppner and Eva Posch. Bochum, 2012, pp. 75-91.
  • Kreuter, Peter Mario: How do you talk to the prince, how do you talk about the country? : Diplomats from Austria and France in the Danube Principalities between 1782 and 1807. In: Innsbrucker historical studies, 29 (2013), pp. 239-256.
  • Constantin von Wurzbach : Metzburg, Franz Leopold . In: Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich . 18th part. Imperial and Royal Court and State Printing Office, Vienna 1868, p. 67 ( digitized version ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Digitized at Google Books

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