Franz Schellong

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Franz Schellong (born November 12, 1836 in Kalinowen ; † June 30, 1912 in Berlin) was a German judge and administrative lawyer in Prussia.


As a scion of an East Prussian (still living) academic family, Schellong studied law at the Albertus University in Königsberg . He was since May 17, 1855 (4th Foundation Day) member of the Corps Baltia Konigsberg and was as Chargierter won several awards. After he had passed the assessor examination in 1865 , he was on October 1, 1866 in Darkehmen and on April 1, 1868 in Insterburg district judge . As a reserve officer in the Landwehr he took part in the German War and - most recently as a captain - in the Franco-German War . In 1874 he switched from the judicial service to internal administration. In Gumbinnen he was in April for Regierungsassessor and in July for the Governing Council appointed. On April 1, 1878, he came to the Upper Presidium of the Province of East Prussia and the Provincial School College of West Prussia in Danzig as a councilor . On April 1, 1884, he was transferred to Stralsund as administrative court director and chairman of the maritime office . After he returned to Gdansk in 1887 as senior president, the Prussian Crown appointed him to the Prussian Higher Administrative Court in the following three-emperor year . At the age of 69, Schellong was a senior administrative judge in Berlin.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Siegfried Schindelmeiser: The history of the Corps Baltia II zu Königsberg i. Pr. New edition, Munich 2010. ISBN 978-3-00-028704-6 .
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 86 , 42
  3. ^ Academic monthly bulletins 19, 30