Franz Schmidberger

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Father Franz Schmidberger, Lourdes (France), 2008

Father Franz Schmidberger (born October 19, 1946 in Riedlingen , Württemberg-Hohenzollern ) is the Regens of the Sacred Heart Seminary of the traditionalist Brotherhood of St. Pius X. (FSSPX).


Franz Schmidberger completed a degree in mathematics at the University of Munich in 1972 and entered the seminary of the priestly brotherhood of St. Pius X, founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre , in Ecône, Switzerland . On December 8, 1975, he received the sacrament of ordination there through Archbishop Lefebvre.

In 1978, on behalf of Lefebvre, Father Schmidberger founded the International Sacred Heart Seminary in Zaitzkofen Castle and in 1979 was appointed German District Superior of the FSSPX. As Vicar General Archbishop Lefebvres, he followed him from 1982 to 1994 as the second Superior General of the Pius Brotherhood. Then he was the first assistant to the subsequent Superior General Bishop Bernard Fellay and from 2003 Regens at the seminary in Zaitzkofen. Since 2006 he was again the German district superior with his seat in Stuttgart , and from August 15, 2013 he was head of the seminary in Zaitzkofen again as Regens.

Schmidberger founded the Catholic Youth Movement in 1977 as a youth organization of the Pius Brotherhood in German-speaking countries.


Position on the Second Vatican Council

Schmidberger rejects, like the Pius Brotherhood in general, the fundamental orientation of the Second Vatican Council . Hans Urs von Balthasar had razed "Catholic institutions" and "Catholic dogma". The "modern exegesis", "inspired by the Protestant rationalist Bultmann , had reduced the faith in the church", Rahner had "started his work of destruction" "with the proclamation of the" anonymous Christian "" ". John XXIII I have propagated an "adjustment to the changed conditions of the times" instead of "breaking out into holiness". In addition, contrary to the orientation of the council, the church “in the first place” does not have to work for a “more humane ... world”, but a “supernatural” task. The council and the reforms that resulted from it had led to that "emergency situation" which justified the unlawful episcopal ordination by Lefebvre.

Although Schmidberger advocates a "rejection of the destructive spirit of the Council", he considers it possible and necessary "to adopt the texts oneself by giving them a Catholic interpretation", to "interpret them in the light of tradition" . However, Schmidberger and the Pius Brotherhood explicitly reject numerous central teachings of the Council - in his own words "in particular ecumenism, religious freedom and collegiality". These went "to the brink of heresy", were "lies", "perishable", a "general attack on Christianity", "blasphemy" or the work of the devil. The rejected Council statements include in particular:

Teachings of the Ecumenical Decree Unitatis redintegratio

This assigns "importance and weight in the mystery of salvation" to "separate churches" (in the plural). Furthermore, the council aims at “cooperation in the tasks of the common good” and a meeting “for common prayer” where “it is permitted”. - On the other hand, Schmidberger: The church can "in no way be compared with other religious communities or portrayed as differing from Christian denominations only gradually, quantitatively". The council also called on people to “keep quiet” in dialogue with Protestantism “a number of the dogmas with the greatest content”. The Council teaching of a hierarchy of truth is "an enormity"

Doctrines of the Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium

According to the Council text, the only Church of Christ subsists in the Catholic Church. Here a “really heretical” assumption is presupposed, namely that “the Church of God can be separated from the Catholic Church in terms of its essence, that two different units exist (Church of Christ and Catholic Church), which accidentally coincidentally coincide ". At least that is how the statement is understood by Josef Ratzinger . In fact, according to a statement by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, this passage should be understood differently.

Schmidberger also rejects the council doctrine of a dual authority, that of the pope and that of the bishops in connection with the pope, and not only in councils.

Teachings of the Decree on Non-Christian Religions Nostra aetate

The council is comparatively broad to Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism. Schmidberger, on the other hand, believes that "these non-Christian religions tend to prevent people ... from the full supernatural truth, the crucified and risen Jesus, than lead them to it."

Specifically, according to Schmidberger, there is “no mercy and no mercy” in Hinduism, but a “complete (s) lack of charity”, which is rooted in the doctrine of reincarnation.

According to Schmidberger, Buddhism believes in self-redemption and teaches pantheism. The “wrong statements of the council” would have “achieved a certain degree of courtesy for the Asian religions in Europe” and let the dawn of an “anti-Christian era”. Schmidberger rejects the fact that, according to the council, young people who “join the gurus” “should not be demonized very much”.

The council viewed Islam "with respect". Schmidberger, on the other hand, describes Islam as "that religion that our fathers threw back several times with the greatest commitment and sacrifice of their lives, since it has set itself the goal of subjecting the earth to the crescent moon by fire and sword."

The council explicitly excludes accusing all Jews living in Jesus' time or today's Jews of the death of Jesus. On the other hand, Schmidberger: “The Jews of our day” are “not just not our older brothers in faith ...; rather, they are complicit in the murder of God as long as they do not distance themselves from the guilt of their forefathers by professing the divinity of Christ and baptism ”. In the meantime, however, he has corrected this statement: “The statement that the Jews of today are guilty of their fathers must be restricted to those Jews who approve of the killing of Jesus Christ. It is incorrect in the cited generalization. ”Such statements caused considerable tension with the Central Council of Jews and the German Bishops' Conference .

Teachings of the Decree on Religious Freedom Dignitatis humanae

Schmidberger accepts the doctrine of the council and church law of religious freedom only insofar as no one may be forced to accept a particular religion. On the other hand, he considers it legitimate and necessary to “prevent people in the public sector from realizing their false religious beliefs through missionary work, public rallies, and the erection of buildings for their false cult”. The state must assert Christ's “claim to sole representation” in “society as far as possible”. Schmidberger rejects a religious neutrality of the state. (see below) Schmidberger refers to the encyclical Quanta Cura by Pius IX, promulgated in 1864 . The rejection of religious freedom is a basic position of the Pius Brotherhood and was u. a. In 1987 presented in a Dubia of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and rejected.

Teachings of the Decree on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium et spes

Schmidberger rejects the opening of the council to the modern change in living conditions as "perishable (s)" "salvation optimism"; the “man of our time” is “the sensual, lawless, materialistic man”. Schmidberger relies on Josef Ratzinger's statement that this decree proclaims exactly what was previously of Pius IX. had been discarded.

Other formulations and institutional innovations of the second Vatican are rejected by Schmidberger and the Pius Brotherhood. This includes:

  • Theological foundations of canon law such as that the Church of God subsists in the Catholic Church.
  • The principle of the authority of the bishops in communion with the Pope

Habitual practices of the Pope are also criticized, such as the “message of greeting to the Muslims” at the beginning of Ramadan , kissing the Koran, or naming the Jews as “our older brothers in the faith”. In particular, the meeting of John Paul II with the world religions is sharply criticized by Schmidberger as well as other members of the Pius Brotherhood.

Position on the social order

Schmidberger rejects a religious neutrality of the state and advocates a “Christian social order” in which, for example, the death penalty would apply, “no civil divorce” is provided, “indissolubility of marriage” exists as “one of its basic pillars”, “the premarital and The fight against extramarital relationships ”is declared and the“ distribution of contraceptives ”banned, as well as interest speculation, big banks, abortion,“ blasphemy, homosexuality and pornography ”. For this purpose, as already mentioned, representatives of "false religious convictions" should be prevented from promoting their false cult "through missionary work, public rallies, and the erection of buildings." He envisions a society in which “violence in the state and society” “does not come from the people”, “not from the grassroots, but from God.” He rejects the principle of “one man, one vote”. Instead of a party system, he recommends that “those Christian men take their place who are distinguished by their moral maturity and life experience, their sense of justice and concern for the common good”.

Position on the rite of mass

The Pius Brotherhood rejects the rite of the Eucharistic celebration that has been customary since 1969 . He writes that “ in the new rite as it was in 1969 by Paul VI. there has been a complete change in prayers, gestures, the definition of mass, which represents a real negative break with the past. This negative break with tradition goes hand in hand with a dilution of the Catholic faith, in the sense that the mass is more and more understood only as a communal meal and the idea of ​​sacrifice, the sacred atmosphere disappears completely. "For Schmidberger it is" an abomination "and" an evil "when" in the same church, at the same altar the old mass follows "; "The plurality of rites contradicts our position." Admittedly, the Roman Catholic Order of Mass after the special indult Quattuor abhinc annos granted by John Paul II in 1984 allows a "possibility to use the Roman Missal" from 1962 - a possibility that has existed since Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei from 1988 “generously and generously for the good of all believers who ask for it” can also be granted. Since the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum , a priest in parish or convent churches does not need any special permission from bishops or superiors for masses without people or masses in religious or apostolic communities or when Christians are admitted "of their own accord" ask for a mass that is otherwise celebrated without the people, also if parishes want the old liturgy permanently. The above-mentioned Motu Proprio also makes it clear that both forms of Mass are “two forms of application of the one Roman rite” - “Accordingly, according to the old Missal from 1962, it is permissible to give the Mass sacrifice as an extraordinary form of the liturgy of the Church to celebrate".

Abuse in the Catholic Church

Schmidberger takes the view that child sexual abuse occurs much more frequently in clubs than in the church. He attributes the accumulation of cases of abuse in the last 50 years to the Second Vatican Council with its “boundless optimism of salvation”. The abuse cases are a welcome occasion for the mass media to discredit the church. Schmidberger connects the sexual abuse by clerics with homosexuality. The fact that 80% of abuse victims are boys makes it clear that homosexuality and pedophilia grow out of the same evil.

COVID-19 pandemic

Regarding the COVID-19 pandemic , Schmidberger wrote that the “crazy globalization ” had been called into question by border closings and that the “excessive addiction to pleasure [...] ended at least temporarily”. Nobody speaks of the " Synodal Way ", the " priesthood of women - this blasphemy of the Foundation of Jesus Christ -" is superfluous with the prohibition of public services, the mothers stay at home with their children, and Greta Thunberg is "almost forgotten".

Publications (selection)

  • Przekazałem to co otrzymałem. Konsekracje biskupów dokonane przez abpa Marcela Lefebvre 30 czerwca 1988 r. Te Deum, Warszawa / Otwock 1997, ISBN 83-87386-05-7 .
  • Protestantism in the ecumenical movement. Lecture at the "si si - no no" congress in Albano, April 23, 1998 . Rex Regum, Jaidhof 1999, ISBN 3-901851-12-7 .
  • The secret of grace - the secret of malice. Lecture given at the Institut St. Karl Borromäus, Oberriet, on March 18, 1998. Revised and supplemented . Rex Regum, Jaidhof 2003, ISBN 3-901851-34-8 .
  • The sacrament of confession. A catechesis . Sarto-Verlag, Stuttgart 2009, ISBN 978-3-932691-55-3 .
  • Theology and Spirituality of the Holy Mass. A comparison between the traditional and the new rite . Sarto-Verlag, Stuttgart 2010, ISBN 978-3-932691-74-4 .
  • Office and person of Peter . Sarto-Verlag, Bobingen 2015, ISBN 978-3-943858-67-9 .
  • God, church, world and the devil's share. Ingo Langner in conversation with Father Franz Schmidberger from the Society of St. Pius X. (= Edition Patrimonium theologicum ). Patrimonium-Verlag, Aachen 2017, ISBN 3-86417-101-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Source: [1]
  2. ^ The founding of the Catholic youth movement
  3. Ingo Langner / Franz Schmidberger: God, Church, World and the Devil's Share
  4. According to Schmidberger in an accompanying letter to the German bishops from October 2008 , "through the Second Vatican Council and the reforms that followed, the church was delivered to humiliation and souls to perdition and the triune God robbed of the honor they owed"
  5. ^ Schmidberger: The time bombs of the Second Vatican Council ( Memento of February 6, 2009 in the Internet Archive ), lecture in Mainz on April 9, 1989; later, for example: the spirit of the council is the “pernicious spirit of the dethroning of Our Lord”; "Today the Catholic Church is no longer an 800 million army, the well-ordered battle line of God, but a tired bunch of lame people, those who have fallen asleep, deserters who are completely indifferent to the cause of the master or who even make common cause with the enemy."
  6. Time bombs
  7. In the accompanying letter mentioned, Schmidberger speaks of an "emergency situation caused by the triumphant liberalism and the new theology in Vatican II"
  8. For example, in an accompanying letter to the German bishops from October 2008, which is a slightly amended version of the 1989 "time bomb" lecture text
  9. ↑ Cover letter. This is followed by the clearly rhetorical question in the context: "Or should we in a purely practical agreement, as Cardinal Castrillòn Hoyos urgently wants, fundamentally recognize the objectionable Council texts ...?"
  10. Time bombs - there against the teaching of AN that people in Hinduism express the divine mystery; "In the way of the ascetic life or through deep contemplation or also by taking refuge in God with love and trust, they seek liberation from the narrowness and limitations of our situation."
  11. Time bombs
  12. Time bombs: "Here is once again the Diabolus, the confounder and confounder, at work" - there directed against the Council statement that individual church members do not live with full ardor from divine truth; Schmidberger: here “the objective divine order of creation and redemption is mixed with the subjective realization in the individual, with the application in the concrete person”. He calls the doctrine of the “hierarchy of truth” a “devilish back door” and a “general attack on Christianity”.
  13. UR 3
  14. UR 4
  15. time bombs; UR 11 formulated. "The way in which the Catholic faith is formulated must not constitute an obstacle to dialogue with the brothers."
  16. time bombs; “It is true that there is an order of dogmas insofar as one flows out of the other, that is, one has the other directly as its basis; but never in the sense that one is less important than the other; for whoever consciously denies even a single dogma is denying the authority of God that supports the dogma and thus every dogma, the entire faith. "
  17. LG 8
  18. Time bombs
  19. Time bombs, referring to Johannes Rothkranz: Die Kardinalerrrtäne des Hans Urs von Balthasar (Foreword by Walter Hoeres , Verlag Anton A. Schmid 1988, ISBN 978-3-929-17001-6 . Schmidberger: “The Church of God could also be in other religious communities express, take shape; and with that we are exactly at the denial of the absoluteness of the church, the absoluteness of Jesus Christ, the absoluteness of God, the sin against the first commandment. "
  20. Answers to Questions About Some Matters of Doctrine on the Church, June 29, 2007
  21. See time bombs
  22. time bombs; “Not only are they not ways of salvation, they are rather systems of resistance against the Holy Spirit. They do not free people, but keep them trapped in error, in the darkness of unbelief and not infrequently in passion and immorality. For example, it is a thousand times more difficult - yes, practically impossible - to convert a Mohammedan to the church than a pagan from the African bush. "
  23. time bombs; "And the troubled, unredeemed, sometimes hate-filled faces express something completely different from trust and love."
  24. time bombs; “More and more Asian ideas are breaking into Europe, into the formerly Christian West: reincarnation, esotericism and the truly diabolical» New Age «movement are spreading like wildfire. The latter permeates all organisms, both state and social, and its agents are not least located in the UN . The rainbow heralds the death of Christianity and the dawn of the antichristian era all over the country. "
  25. Time bombs
  26. In the "accompanying letter" Schmidberger formulates the rhetorical question: "Or should we in a purely practical agreement ... for example, consider Islam with respect, which in a few years will have replaced the church bells in Germany with the muezzin call?"
  27. time bombs; the council suppressed “the battle of the crescent moon against the most holy trinity, against the divinity of Christ; there is no mention of the call in the Koran to kill or subjugate Christians; Polygamy or the completely carnal portrayal of bliss is also suppressed: the more women you have, the happier you are in heaven! What Islam failed to achieve with armed force in the 16th and 17th centuries, it does today in the post-conciliar era by peaceful means. He occupies Europe. France is inundated by Arabs, Germany by Turks, England and Scandinavia by Pakistani. "
  28. ^ NA 4
  29. time bombs; so also in: Letter to all bishops from Franz Schmidberger dated December 9, 2008 .
  30. "Statement" of January 20, 2009
  31. Peter Wensierski: Problem for the Pope Spiegel Online from January 19, 2009
  32. Canon 1351 of the CIC 1917
  33. Time bombs
  34. cf. Time bombs
  35. Cf. the Dubia Marcel Lefebvres of May 22, 1987. The position of the congregation is u. a. Also to be found in the note "on some questions about the commitment and behavior of Catholics in political life" of November 24, 2002.
  36. See time bombs; the council had formulated: "The believers should therefore live in close contact with other people of their time and endeavor to fully understand their way of thinking and feeling, which is expressed in spiritual culture."
  37. ^ Ratzinger: Theological Doctrine of Principles, 1982
  38. Canon 204 § 2 of the CIC 1983; see. Time bombs
  39. Canon 336 and 337 § 2 of the CIC 1983; Schmidberger (time bombs) thinks that the Nota praevia Paul VI. ignored, which unequivocally established the papal primacy for these contexts as well.
  40. cf. Rome: Pius Brotherhood against beatification of John Paul II
  41. ^ For example, when visiting a synagogue in Rome in 1986; see. Time bombs
  42. Time bombs
  43. So Bernard Fellay explains in a communiqué of December 28, 2001 that this represents “a new major obstacle to rapprochement with the Vatika”, and declares in a “press release” of January 24, 2002 “our deepest indignation and disapproval” - “Because this offends God in his first commandment. Because this denies the uniqueness of the Church and her salvation mission. Because this leads the believer directly to the error of indifferentism. Because this deceives the unhappy unbelievers and followers of other religions. "
  44. Letter to the Friends and Benefactors No. 45 of October 7, 1993. Also published as “Principles of a Christian Social Order , in: Civitas. Journal for the Christian Community 2007, 43–47 (edited by Rafael Hüntelmann , Civitas-Institut, Postfach 15 41, 63133 Heusenstamm, published by editiones scholasticae, Postfach 11 20, D-97335 Dettelbach). It is recommended e.g. B. also that "a Christian entrepreneur gathered in the morning at the beginning of work with his employees in front of the image of the crucified Lord or the most sacred heart Jesus to sacrifice the work and toil of the day to God and to call down His blessings on the work"
  45. Time bombs. Cf. in the letter to the friends: “Since there is only one true religion founded by God, it prohibits false religions and cults, or at most tolerates them according to the rules of prudence, without ever granting them a natural right to existence. The Christian state promotes the work of the church to the best of its ability, it protects and defends it, since the persecution of the temporal commons is practically impossible without divine faith and grace. "
  46. ^ Letter to friends. There further: “consequently, in elections the people designate only those who are to rule them, but do not give them authority; neither can governments withdraw it at will. "
  47. ^ Letter to friends. There further: "Wouldn't a right to vote based essentially on the heads of families give the family as a cell of society a completely different position?"
  48. ^ Letter to friends. This is preceded by the rhetorical question: "In addition, one can ask oneself whether the parties are really for the good of a people or not rather contribute to its division."
  49. ^ Franz Schmidberger in SWR-Querfragt January 19, 2009
  50. Time bombs
  51. ↑ The above formulations come from the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum
  52. ^ Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum
  54. Johannes Sinabell: mInsight! Lexicon: Conspiracy Theories and Covid-19