Franz Thilo

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Franz Thilo

Franz Gustav Benedikt Thilo (born December 15, 1863 in Trebnitz , Lower Silesia , † October 2, 1941 in Neisse , Upper Silesia ) was a German administrative lawyer in Prussia.


Born as the son of the Prussian lawyer and politician Carl Gustav Thilo and Elisa Thilo geb. Beyer village, studied Franz Thilo at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn and the Silesian Friedrich-Wilhelms University Law . He became a member of the Corps Palatia Bonn (1883, xxx, xx) and the Corps Borussia Breslau (1884, xxx). After graduating, he took over the internal administration of the Kingdom of Prussia . As a government assessor he married Viktoria Stoebe in 1893. From 1898 to 1919 he was district administrator in the Grottkau district . After leaving the civil service, he was a syndic in Neisse . Franz Thilo is one of the nine members of Borussia Breslau who were "Jewish descendants" in Nazi jargon and therefore left the corps in agreement to implement the National Socialist Aryan paragraph in order to ensure the continued existence of the corps.


See also

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to documents of the Corps Palatia Bonn
  2. Kösener corps lists 1910, 25/475; 29/535.
  3. Grottkau district (
  4. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 14/476
  5. Jürgen Herrlein : On the "Aryan question" in student associations . Nomos, 2015, p. 366