Franz Xaver Eggersdorfer

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Franz Xaver Eggersdorfer (born February 22, 1879 in Pörndorf (today the municipality of Aldersbach ), † May 20, 1958 in Passau ) was a German Catholic theologian and educator .


The youngest of nine children of farmer Alois Eggersdorfer and his wife Maria, b. Wimmer, graduated from the royal humanistic high school in Passau after completing the one-class village school . He then studied theology and philosophy in Passau and Munich .

In 1903 he was ordained a priest in Passau and worked there as a pastor and prefect for the next two years. In 1905 he continued his studies of theology and pedagogy in Munich and completed it in 1907 with a doctorate. theol. from. His dissertation was entitled: St. Augustine as a Pedagogue and its Significance for the History of Education .

In 1909 he completed his habilitation with The Aszetik des St. Franz von Sales in its theoretical foundations and received a teaching position for pedagogy at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich .

University professor in Passau

In November 1911 he accepted a call to the Passau Lyceum, from which the Philosophical-Theological University of Passau emerged in 1923 . Here he worked as an associate professor for education and its auxiliary sciences.

With the outbreak of the First World War, he volunteered and was chaplain in the I. Royal Bavarian Army Corps for four years . Despite a serious wound in March 1918, he remained in the theater of war.

In 1919 Eggersdorfer resumed teaching in Passau and was appointed full professor in the same year. Two years later his teaching position for pedagogy was expanded to include catechetics .

As a member of the Bavarian People's Party , he was a member of the Bavarian State Parliament in 1919/1920, where he made a name for himself as a school politician and reformer. In 1921 he participated in the founding of the German Institute for Scientific Pedagogy in Münster . He wrote several articles for his two-volume lexicon of contemporary pedagogy .

From 1928 to 1934 he was co-editor of the handbook for educational sciences . In 1930 Eggersdorfer was elected rector of the Philosophical-Theological University of Passau. After Hitler came to power in 1933, the National Socialists, against whom he had been warning for years, removed him from his position. In November 1933, unlike the new rector Max Heuwieser, he did not sign the confession of professors at German universities and colleges to Adolf Hitler . On December 1, 1933, Eggersdorfer was appointed to the Passau Cathedral Chapter and soon after received the honorary title of “Papal House Prelate”. In 1943 he rose to the position of cathedral dean .

the post war period

Rehabilitated and retired in 1945/46, Eggersdorfer continued to pursue his goal of establishing a general educational theory on the basis of a Christian-Catholic worldview. For St. Stephen 's Cathedral he initiated the purchase of a new bell, the "Pummerin" (1951), as well as the new high altar by Josef Henselmann (1953). He played a decisive role in the establishment of the Diocesan Museum , in the design of the 74th German Catholic Day, which took place in Passau and Altötting in 1950 under the motto "First the Kingdom of God" , and in the "Green Catechism" of the German Catechists' Association .

In 1953 he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Munich, a year later the Great Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic and on December 19, 1957 he was made an honorary citizen of Passau. He died of a heart attack on May 20, 1958 and was buried in the St. Severin Innstadtfriedhof in Passau .

In Passau the Dr.-Eggersdorfer-Straße reminds of him and in Pörndorf the Prälat-Eggersdorfer-Straße. The Franz-Xaver-Eggersdorfer-Schule is located in Vilshofen . His name is on the memorial of the city of Passau in the Innstadtfriedhof.


  • Manfred BergerFranz Xaver Eggersdorfer. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 23, Bautz, Nordhausen 2004, ISBN 3-88309-155-3 , Sp. 291-304.
  • Reinhold Weinschenk: Franz Xaver Eggersdorfer (1879-1958) and his system of general education. Biographical-systematic study on life, work and questions of his scientific pedagogy , Paderborn 1972. ISBN 3-506-79720-4 and ISBN 978-3-506-79720-9
  • Eggersdorfer, Dr. Franz Xaver , in: House of Bavarian History. History of the Bavarian Parliament since 1819. Persons, in: September 30, 2015.
  • Eggersdorfer, Franz X. , in: Official directory of the staff of teachers, civil servants and students at the royal Bavarian Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. Winter semester 1900/1901, Munich 1900, p. 62, in: epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de30. September 2015.
  • Eggersdorfer, Franz X. , in: Official directory of the staff of teachers, civil servants and students at the royal Bavarian Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. Summer semester 1903, Munich 1903, p. 55, in: September 30, 2015.
  • Fischer Alois, Eggersdorfer, Franz Xaver , in: LThK , vol. 3: Colet - Faistenberger, 2nd, completely revised edition, Freiburg im Breisgau 1959, column 671.
  • Franz Xaver Eggersdorfer , in: Critical online edition of the diaries of Michael Cardinal von Faulhaber (1911–1952). Available at: . Last accessed on June 9, 2018.

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