Fresque des Lyonnais

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The work of art “La fresque des Lyonnais ” (Citizens of Lyon) covers an area of ​​800 m². Located in Lyon , it portrays 30 famous historical and contemporary figures closely linked to the history of the city. It was created in 1994 and 1995 by the facade artists of the CitéCréation group .


The plant is located in the 1st arrondissement of Lyon , corner 49, quai Saint-Vincent and 2, rue de la Martinière (coordinates: 45 ° 46 ′ 05 ″ N, 4 ° 49 ′ 40 ″ E).


The artists of CitéCréation created the facade painting “Barcelona's Balconies” in Barcelona in 1992 on the occasion of the Summer Olympics. This trompe-l'œil depicts 30 famous Catalans, including Antoni Gaudí , Joan Miró , Pau Casals and Pablo Picasso .

Given the success of this façade work of art, Michel Noir, the then mayor of Lyon , commissioned the artists to realize a similar project in Lyon. With the consent of the residents, the building at the corner of 49, quai Saint-Vincent and 2, rue de la Martinière, turned out to be the ideal property. The windowless facade has an area of ​​800 m². The block of flats is located on the banks of the Saône , near Place des Terreaux and Lyon's town hall .

The mural was supposed to connect generations and epochs, highlight the city's history and create an identity with the city of Lyon for its current residents. Directories and sources on famous personalities in Lyon were viewed at the Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon, the Center de recherche “Esthétique et Cités” in Oullins , the Société historique, archéologique et littéraire de Lyon, etc. A total of 250 names were found be determined. A list of 24 personalities who were selected for the facade painting was created from the comparison of the various sources. Today, the mural is considered a tourist attraction and, like an oversized picture book, illustrates stations in the city's history. "Les murs, c'est la peau des habitants" ( The walls are the skin of the residents ), say the muralists from Cité de la Création. The facade painting is a mirror of the city.

Six prominent contemporary citizens from Lyon can be seen on the ground floor. Two shop windows of the Gibert-Joseph bookstore - also in trompe-l'œil painting - provide an insight into a pool of over 100 artist names from Lyon, including René Belletto , Patrick Drevet, Jean-Yves Loude, and Cécile Philippe. On the floors above, historical celebrities are depicted with occasionally humorously exaggerated insignia of their life's work. On the balconies, for example, you can discover the Lumière brothers with the invention of the cinematograph or Joseph-Marie Jacquard and Philippe de Lasalle , protagonists of the silk manufacture typical of Lyon, where a printed cloth hangs over the railing. The balcony of the botanist Antoine de Jussieu , who examines a plant through a magnifying glass, is decorated with flower pots. Emperor Claudius , 10 BC Born in Roman Lugdunum (Lyon) in BC , is the oldest of the city citizens depicted.

Historical personalities

Contemporary personalities


  • Cité de la création : La fresque des Lyonnais . Lyon, Les créations du Pélican, 1995, ISBN 2-903697-01-9 .
  • Cité de la création: "La fresque des lyonnais": un patrimoine mis en scene . Lyon, Éd. Lyonnaises d'Art et d'Histoire, 2005, ISBN 2-84147-176-4 .
  • Cité de la création: Le monde des murs peints: CitéCréation; Lyon, Québec, Berlin, Mexico, Barcelone, Jérusalem, Moscou, Shanghai . Lyon, Éd. Lyonnaises d'Art et d'Histoire, 2010, ISBN 978-2-84147-215-4 .
  • Françoise Kayser: Les murs peints de Lyon: réalisés par Cité de la Création . Lyon, Éd. Lyonnaises d'Art et d'Histoire, 2004, ISBN 2-84147-158-6 .