Friederike Sinn

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Friederike Sinn , also Friederike Sinn-Henninger (* as Friederike Henninger in 1951 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) is a German classical archaeologist .

Friederike Sinn studied Classical Archeology, Ancient History , Christian Archeology and Byzantine Art History at the Universities of Freiburg , Bonn , Göttingen and Rome . In 1978 she completed her studies with a Magister Artium. The doctorate took place in 1981 with the dissertation City Roman marble urns with Paul Zanker at the University of Munich . In 1986 the work was awarded the Fritz Winter Prize on the recommendation of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences . From 1983 to 1988, Sinn worked on the grave monuments of the Museo Gregoriano Profano of the Vatican Museums , then until 1993 with Klaus S. Freyberger the furnishing of the Haterier grave and from 1993 to 1999 the relief-decorated monuments and the original Greek sculptures of the Museo Gregoriano Profano. She was first funded by the German Research Foundation , then by the Gerda Henkel Foundation . From 2001 to 2004, Sinn worked on the History of Ancient Sculpture Project led by Peter C. Bol at the Liebieghaus in Frankfurt am Main . Since 2006 she has been working on the inventory catalog of ancient sculptures at the Dresden State Art Collections , funded by the Ernst von Siemens Art Foundation .

Sinn has been a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute since 1998 . She is married to the archaeologist Ulrich Sinn . At his former place of work, the University of Würzburg , she conducts research as an associated employee.

Publications (selection)

  • City Roman marble urns. (= Contributions to the development of Hellenistic and Imperial Sculpture and Architecture, Volume 8), von Zabern, Mainz 1987, ISBN 3-8053-0906-6 .
  • Museo Gregoriano Profano ex Lateranense (Vatican City). Catalog of the sculptures. Volume 1. The grave monuments 1. Reliefs, altars, urns. (= Monumenta artis Romanae Volume 17), Wiesbaden, Reichert 1991, ISBN 3-8053-1057-9 .
  • with Klaus S. Freyberger : Museo Gregoriano Profano ex Lateranense (Vatican City). Catalog of the sculptures . Volume 1. The grave monuments 2. The equipment of the Haterier grave. (= Monumenta artis Romanae Volume 24), Wiesbaden, Reichert 1996, ISBN 3-8053-1734-4 .
  • with Alexandra W. Busch : Museo Gregoriano Profano ex Lateranense (Vatican City). Catalog of the sculptures . Volume 3. Genera of Roman culture decorated in relief, original Greek sculpture, monuments of oriental cults. (= Monumenta artis Romanae Volume 33), Wiesbaden, Reichert 2005, ISBN 3-89500-393-X .

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