Friedrich Heincke

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Johann Friedrich Heincke (born January 6, 1852 in Hagenow ; † June 5, 1929 on Heligoland ) was a zoologist and ichthyologist .


Friedrich Heincke, son of a businessman, attended grammar school in Schwerin. From October 1869 he studied zoology and natural sciences in Rostock and from 1870 in Leipzig . He received his doctorate in philosophy in Leipzig in December 1873 and was then from 1873 to 1876 assistant to Karl August Möbius at the Zoological Museum in Kiel and employee of the Prussian commission for the scientific investigation of the seas. On June 12, 1875, he passed the examination in order to be allowed to give lectures at universities, and completed his habilitation in July 1877 at Kiel University.

Friedrich Heincke was a senior teacher in Kiel from 1876 to 1879 and in Oldenburg from 1879 to 1891 . From 1885 he was an employee of the German Sea Fisheries Association. From 1892 to 1921 Heincke was director of the Biological Institute Helgoland . One of the main tasks of this institute was the research of the flora and fauna of the Heligoland marine area with due consideration of the farm animals .

Heincke was chairman of the German scientific commission for marine research and co-founder and permanent delegate of the International Organization for Marine Research. In 1901 he was one of the co-authors of the “Hamburg Theses”, in which a number of well-known German natural scientists advocated the upgrading of biological teaching in secondary schools.

Because of his achievements, several research vessels were named after him, including the Heincke and the Friedrich Heincke .

Selection of works

  • Natural history of the herring. Otto Salle Verlag, 1898
  • The fish of the Baltic Sea. P. Parey Publishing House, 1883
  • Eggs and larvae of fish in the German Bight. Lipsius & Tischer, 1904
  • The biological institute on Heligoland. 1892
  • The varieties of herring. P. Parey Publishing House, 1881
  • Illustrite natural history of animals. FA Brockhaus, 1882
  • The exploration of the German seas in the service of sea fishing. W. Moeser Verlag, 1896
  • The overfishing of the North Sea and protective measures against it. W. Moeser Hofbuchdruckerei, 1894
  • The fish of Heligoland. The mollusks of Heligoland. Lipsius & Tischer, 1894
  • Variability and hybridization in cyprinoids. 1892
  • The useful animals of the northern seas. Enke Verlag, 1882


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Enrollment of Friedrich Heincke in the Rostock matriculation portal
  2. ^ Andreas W. Daum: Science popularization in the 19th century. Civil culture, scientific education and the German public, 1848–1914 . Oldenbourg, Munich 2002, ISBN 978-3-486-56551-5 , pp. 58-60, 491 .

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