Friedrich Tewes

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Friedrich Tewes

Friedrich Tewes (born June 7, 1859 in Posthausen ; † January 4, 1931 in Hanover ) was a librarian , local poet, author , editor and museum director.


As the son of a pastor, Tewes educated himself in private schools, through private tutors and in self-tuition. After studying antiquity and history in Berlin and Leipzig , he was employed in the museum, monument preservation and library from 1884–1903.

In 1893 he became chairman of the Association for the History of the City of Hanover, which was founded in the same year, and co-founder of the Hanover History Papers, and 1898–1900 also their publisher.

In 1901 he was a co-founder of the Lower Saxony Heimatbund . For decades his verses were the motto of the Lower Saxony homeland movement:

"As long as the oaks are still growing / in old strength around the farm and house / As long as in Lower Saxony / The old tribal strength does not die out"

In 1903 Tewes was a co-founder of the Fatherland Museum (today: Historisches Museum am Hohen Ufer ), which was required by the Heimatbund, and was entrusted with its management. It mainly compiled folklore collections, but was replaced in 1909 due to irregularities. Basically, Tewes was a " dilettante in all his fields of interest".

Tewes has traveled across the country many times for written and photographic recordings. From this came his suggestion to save the dilapidated birthplace of Wilhelm Busch in Wiedensahl .

Works and publications

In addition to the “compilation of considerable folkloric holdings” for the Vaterländisches Museum, Tewes published essays on prehistory and early history , history and coinage such as

  • Our prehistory, 1888
  • The Stone Tombs of the Province of Hanover: An Introduction to Their Lore and Main Types and Forms , 1898

In addition, he published two volumes of poetry.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Waldemar R. Röhrbein: Tewes, Friedrich. In: Stadtlexikon Hannover , p. 620
  2. ^ Klaus Mlynek: Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter. In: Stadtlexikon Hannover (see literature), p. 260
  3. According to another account, the Hanover history sheets were " founded by Friedrich Tewes ... "; Klaus Mlynek : Hanoverian history sheets. In: Stadtlexikon Hannover (see literature), p. 260