Friedrich von Lipp

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Colonel Friedrich von Lipp

Friedrich Wilhelm von Lipp (born August 30, 1806 in Stuttgart ; † January 30, 1879 there ) was a Württemberg regimental commander who achieved a certain prominence through his participation in the suppression of the first Baden revolution of 1848.


Painting "Captain Lipp in battle near Dossenbach" by Franz Seraph Stirnbrand (1851)

In October 1825 Lipp joined the 6th Württemberg Infantry Regiment . In 1830 he became a sub-lieutenant and in 1834 regimental adjutant. His further career in the same regiment brought him promotion to first lieutenant in 1836 and to captain in 1846 . In April 1848 he took part as company commander of the 3rd Company of the 6th Infantry Regiment in the expeditionary corps of the Württemberg Army, which under General Miller helped to suppress the first uprising in Baden. In the battle near Dossenbach (April 27, 1848) he was wounded in the hand in a duel with the battalion commander of the German Democratic Legion , Reinhard Schimmelpfennig. With his company he brought about the complete dissolution of this last group of members and thus ended the first Baden revolution. Lipp published his description of the march of Herwegh's Legion and the battle in 1850 .

In 1850 he became government adjutant in the federal fortress of Ulm . In 1857 he was promoted to major and in 1858 to lieutenant colonel and battalion commander. In 1866, as a colonel, he was given command of the 3rd Württemberg Infantry Regiment , which, as part of the Württemberg field division, took part in the Main Campaign of the VIII Federal Army Corps in the German War against Prussia . In the battle near Tauberbischofsheim on July 24, 1866, parts of Lipp's regiment were used to drive the Prussians out of Tauberbischofsheim again, which did not succeed and led to heavy losses.

In 1869 Lipp was transferred to the honorary invalid corps and became the commandant of the Hohenasperg fortress , which on the one hand housed a garrison of the Württemberg army and on the other hand the "civil fortress arrest and penal institution", of which Lipp also became director. He carried out these tasks until 1871.


The Württemberger Lipp received the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves of the Baden Order of the Zähringer Löwen in 1848 for his participation in the suppression of the Baden Revolution. He was also awarded the Knight's Cross on the Blue Ribbon of the Württemberg Military Merit Order.


  • Writing and business calendar for the German Federal Chancellery for the year 1854, volume 28, p. 142 Google digitized

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. see LeoBW
  2. ^ Fr. Lipp: Georg Herwegh's four-day wandering and wandering trip with the Parisian German-Democratic Legion in Germany and its end by the people of Württemberg near Dossenbach. As a reminder of the conditions in spring 1848. Stuttgart 1850 Google digitized version
  3. see Fidel von Baur-Breitenfeld : The operations of the eighth German Federal Army Corps in the campaign of 1866, Darmstadt and Leipzig 1868, p. 88 digitized version of the BSB Munich
  4. see Court and State Manual of the Kingdom of Württemberg: 1869, p. 89 Google digitized