Frohwalt hot

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Frohwalt Heiss also in the spelling variant Frohwalt Heiss (born September 28, 1901 in Heidelberg ; † December 2, 1988 ) was a German surgeon and sports medicine specialist .


The Evangelical baptized, born in Heidelberg Frohwalt hot turned to the High School to the study of medicine to which he with the promotion of Dr. med. completed. Frohwalt Heiss then received an assistant position to August Bier at the I. Surgical University Clinic of the Berlin Charité in 1926, which he held until 1931. In 1929, he became a lecturer at the German University of Physical Exercise , which was continued under the name of the Reich Academy of Physical Exercise in Berlin from 1936 , and left at the end of the Second World War. In addition, Frohwalt Heiß, co-founder of the International Sports Medical Organization (FIMS) in 1928 , was employed as a medical supervisor for the German Olympic teams from the Summer Olympics in Amsterdam to the Summer Olympics in Helsinki, Finland . After the Second World War, Frohwalt Heiß, who ran a practice in Stuttgart from 1946, initiated the establishment of the hospital for sports injuries in Bad Cannstatt , which he managed for several years, as well as the establishment of sports courses for weak children. The arthroscopy he installed in joint treatment was honored with the award of a certificate as Founding Member of the Arthroscopy .

In 1929 Frohwalt Heiß married Elisabeth, born in Grabendörfer. There were four children from this marriage. He died in 1988.

Frohwalt Heiß, co-founder of the German Sports Doctors Association in 1950, made a name for himself through scientific publications in the areas of accident prevention in sports and joint surgery.


  • About the relationships between the right and left heart distance to chest circumference, body weight and height, dissertation , University of Freiburg, 1926
  • Avoidance of sports damage to the musculoskeletal system, JA Barth, Leipzig, 1938
  • Physical exercise as modern healing factors, Hofmann, Schorndorf, 1949
  • Emergency aid and prevention of damage in sport, 2nd edition, Limpert, Frankfurt am Main, 1956
  • together with Klaus Franke: The Prematurely Consumed Man; Prevention of civilization damage, ed. by F. Heiss and K. Franke. With the collaboration of E. Bay [et al.], Enke, Stuttgart, 1964
  • Accident prevention and emergency aid in sports, Hofmann, Schorndorf, 1977
  • Prevention of signs of wear and tear on the joints and the spine, Kneipp, Bad Wörishofen, 1979


  • August Ludwig Degener, Walter Habel: Who is who? The German Who's Who, Volume 16, Arani, Berlin, 1970 ISBN 3-7605-2007-3 , p. 469.
  • Prof. Dr. med. habil. Frohwalt Heiß, Stuttgart, celebrates his 85th birthday on September 28th (PDF; 88 kB) In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt, issue 39 of September 24th, 1986, 83rd year
  • Herta Beck: Achievement and national community: the sports doctor and social hygienist Hans Hoske (1900–1970), Matthiesen, Husum, 1991, p. 21.
  • Norbert Gissel: From boy gymnastics to the science of physical culture: structure and function of physical exercises at the University of Giessen 1816–1945, Ferber, Giessen, 1995, p. 192.

Web links

  • Claus Tiedemann: Sports Medicine and National Socialist “Health Policy” -Why and how far have sports medicine professionals involved themselves with National Socialist “Health Policy”? P. 7. in: ; accessed on June 15, 2017