Game of Thrones / Season 8

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Game of Thrones season 8
Game of Thrones 2011 logo.svg
Logo of the series
Episodes 6th
Country of production United StatesUnited States United States
First broadcast April 14, 2019 - May 19, 2019 on HBO
first broadcast
April 15, 2019 - May 20, 2019 on Sky Atlantic HD
◀   Season 7
Episode list

The eighth and final season of Game of Thrones spans six episodes and premiered on Home Box Office (HBO). As in the previous two seasons, the story of this season was not yet published as part of the book series The Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin at the time of broadcast .


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German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D) Director script Spectator
68 1 Winter fur Winter fur Apr. 14, 2019 April 15, 2019 David Nutter Dave Hill 11.76 million
Daenerys Tagaryen, Jon Schnee, Tyrion Lannister, Varys, Jorah Mormont and Gendry Baratheon cross with their army Winterdorf, the small town immediately in front of Winterfell Castle. Arya Stark also mingles with the roadside onlookers, but Jon goes unnoticed. Daenerys is disappointed that you are not cheering anyone in the crowd. When Jon informs them that the Northmen are very suspicious of strangers and have to get used to them, they fly over, under the fearful gaze of the residents, including Drogon and Rhaegal Winterfell. Sansa Stark hugs Daenerys in greeting and welcomes her with the words "Winterfell is yours, Your Grace", but lets her feel clearly that she is not happy because of her presence. Bran Stark reminds us that there is no time to lose, as the dead broke the wall and the Night King resurrected the dragon Viserion. In response, the northern lords and their allies gather for the council of war, but distrust Daenerys and doubt Tyrion's assurance that Cersei Lannister will also send her army to reinforce the north.

While an army camp is being set up around Winterfell, the leaders of the Dothraki Daenerys inform that the dragons have hardly eaten since they arrived in the north. Jon and Daenerys then go to the feeding ground of Drogon and Rhaegal, where Daenerys suspects that they don't like the north. Daenerys climbs on Drogon and asks Jon to mount Rhaegal, initially acting clumsily, which Daenerys is visibly amused. Both set off on a scenic flight and land a little later at a picturesque waterfall, where Daenerys remarks that they could stay there for 1000 years and no one would find them. Both kiss passionately, eyeing the dragons with interest.

Back at Winterfell, Daenerys - together with Jorah - visits Samwell Tarly in the library, who is there studying books. After the Queen learns from him that he is one of Randall Tarly's sons, she informs him that his father and brother refused to bend their knees in front of them at the black water and therefore had them burned by Drogon. Samwell thanks Daenerys for her openness and leaves the library, deeply shaken.

On the harbor walls of Königsmund, Cersei watches the arrival of the Iron Fleet, which has the 20,000-strong Golden Company on board. Qyburn brings her the message that the Night King has invaded the north, which she notes with satisfaction. Euron Greyjoy and Harry Strickland, the commander of the mercenary army, pay their respects to Cersei in the throne room afterwards. Strickland assures that he and his men are looking forward to fighting for her, but he has to inform her that some of his soldiers did not survive the crossing to Westeros and that he did not bring the war elephants promised by the Iron Bank, as they were for such a long sea voyage would not be suitable. Cersei, visibly disappointed, welcomes him to King's Landing anyway.

Euron reaffirms its interest in Cersei and makes her clear advances, which she initially rejects decisively, but ultimately accepts and sleeps with Euron. She then remarks that he is the most arrogant man she has ever met, but that she likes it. Euron leaves the room after assuring her that he will "put a prince in her stomach". Qyburn visits Bronn in a brothel, where he is having sex with three women. Bronn is not pleased, but sends the women out of the room. Qyburn assigns Bronn vom Schwarzwasser to assassinate Tyrion and Jaime for betraying the queen, and says that there is a lot of gold waiting for him on a cart in front of the house. He hands him a crossbow - the same weapon Tyrion used to kill his father Tywin Lannister with.

During the night Theon Greyjoy and some of his followers can get on board Euron's ship unnoticed, turn off the deck guard and free Asha Greyjoy, who is being held captive in the captain's cabin. Because of his cowardice on the sea voyage to Dorne, she knocks her brother's head on the ground and then helps him to get up with one hand. After a brief consultation, Asha decides to sail to the Iron Islands to retake them so that Daenerys can retreat there in the event of a defeat. Theon, on the other hand, wants to join the army in Winterfell - in reparation for his actions - to defend the north in the upcoming final battle against the dead. Asha agrees.

Jon is visited by Samwell in the Winterfell Crypt. He is bitter that Daenerys had his father and brother burned alive, and wants to know whether he would have acted just as mercilessly. Jon replies that he too has had men executed and that in some situations a king or queen might have to make very difficult decisions. Samwell then tells Jon the truth about his origins and that as Aegon Targaryen, sixth of his name, he is the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne. Shaken by this news, Jon can't believe that Ned Stark lied to him about it all along. Samwell replies that this was the only way to save him from being killed by Robert Baratheon.

Meanwhile, a small group of wildlings under Tormund Riesentod and Beric Dondarrion, who escaped the destruction of Ostwacht, reach Last Hearth Fortress and find Eddison Tollet and some survivors of the Night's Watch. When searching the otherwise deserted castle, they find in the hall, hanging on the wall, Ned Umber's corpse, in the midst of a circle of rays of chopped off limbs, an unmistakable message from the Night King. When Tormund and Edd decide to move on immediately towards Winterfell, Umber wakes up as a revenant and Beric kills him with his flaming sword.

A rider wrapped deep in his coat arrives at Winterfell. After removing his hood, he reveals himself to be Jaime Lannister, who has left King's Landing to keep his promise to fight for the living. He sees Bran watching him, sitting motionless in his wheelchair.

69 2 A knight of the seven kingdoms A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms Apr 21, 2019 Apr 22, 2019 David Nutter Bryan Cogman 10.29 million
Jaime is brought to the great hall in front of Daenerys, where he tells her that Cersei betrayed her and never intended to send her armies north. Daenerys and Sansa distrust him, but allow him to stay after Brienne vouches for him. Daenerys' faith in Tyrion is shaken because it was he who persuaded her to believe Cersei's assurances.

Full of remorse, Jaime visits Bran in the gods' grove. He asks his forgiveness for pushing him from the tower and thus crippling him. He replies that this is not necessary, otherwise he would never have become a three-eyed raven. When Jaime's astonished question as to why he hadn't told anyone about it, Bran explains coolly that this would have made no sense, since otherwise Jaime would soon have been murdered and he would have been of no help in the coming battle.

The dragon queen visits Sansa in the library and tries to smooth the tension between them. Sansa emphasizes that the north has freed itself and will no longer bow its knee to anyone. The interview does not lead to the result Daenerys wanted, because she does not want to make a binding promise when Sansa's question as to what the future status of the north will be once she is ruler of the seven kingdoms. The conversation between the two is interrupted by the arrival of Theon Greyjoy, who is greeted happily by Sansa. He vows to fight for the Starks from now on until his death. Tormund, Beric and Edd also arrive at the fortress in a detour and inform the council of war that the last hearth has been overrun, the dead will probably reach Winterfell before dawn and those who can no longer make it here alive for the Will fight the night king.

Bran proposes to go to the gods' grove during the battle to lure the Night King there, as he is primarily after him, the three-eyed raven, because Bran's death would wipe out the memory of mankind forever. Theon vows that he and the iron men will accompany him and defend him to the last man.

Gendry finally finishes the weapon Arya ordered from him. Arya asks him why Melisandre was so interested in him, whereupon he reveals to her that he is really a bastard of King Robert Baratheon. Shortly thereafter, Arya sleeps with Gendry, as she firmly expects to die in the coming battle.

Tyrion, Jaime, Davos, Brienne, Podrick and Tormund gather in front of the fireplace in the great hall, philosophize, sing and get drunk. In the course of this, Jaime beats Brienne as the first female knight in Westeros.

Daenerys finds Jon in the Winterfell Crypt, standing thoughtfully in front of Lyanna Stark's tomb. Jon explains to her that he is actually the birth son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. Daenerys doesn't want to believe this at first, but realizes that Jon would be the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. The two are finally interrupted by a horn signal and rush outside.

70 3 The long night The Long Night April 28, 2019 29 Apr 2019 Miguel Sapochnik David Benioff & DB Weiss 12.02 million
The army of the dead has arrived outside the walls of Winterfur. The Dothraki under Jorah Mormont and the direwolf Geist are ready to defend them. Everyone is waiting for the attack of the “dead” when suddenly a single figure rides out of the darkness. It is Melisandre from Asshai who asks Jorah to have his men raise their weapons. After a moment's hesitation, he does what he was asked to do. Melisandre reaches for one of the swords, speaks an incantation, and all the blades ignite.

Melisandre rides into the castle, where she furiously opposes Davos Seewert and threatens to kill her. Melisandre replies unmoved that there is no reason for it, since she will be dead before dawn. Bran, accompanied by Theons Eisenmännern and Alys Karstark, takes his waiting position in the gods' grove, while old people, women, children and those unfit for battle lock themselves in the crypt.

The Dothraki, led by Jorah and Geist, charge against the army of the dead. In the impenetrable darkness, one can only see that their flaming swords are extinguished in no time. A little later, unmanned horses gallop back, some warriors come running on foot and Jorah also reaches the walls of the castle again. The devastating defeat of the Dothraki is observed by Daenerys and Jon on a nearby mountain. They then climb Drogon and Rhaegal to support the defensive battle from the air. However, this is made much more difficult by a sudden violent snow storm and the Night King, who attacks them on the back of the Viserion, which has become an ice dragon.

As the revenants approach Winterfell inexorably, Gray Worm positions his Immaculate ones. These are soon violently harassed by the "dead". Brienne von Tarth and Jaime Lannister fight side by side, but are also pushed back more and more until Daenerys and Jon can intervene and thin out the ranks of the "dead" with dragon fire. However, due to the heavy snowstorm, they cannot see what is going on on the battlefield.

Arya asks Sansa to go down into the crypt, hands her a dragon glass dagger and advises her to stab with the sharp end. The fierce fighting in front of the wall continues. Sansa reaches the crypt, the grave expression on her face makes Tyrion reach for a wineskin.

Jorah, Brienne and their men can no longer hold their positions and take refuge in the castle courtyard while the Immaculate cover their retreat. Walls and towers are manned and Jaime gives the order to fire arrows at the "dead". In the turmoil Arya can save Sandor from death with a well-aimed bow shot. When the situation for the Immaculate became more and more precarious, Grauer Wurm ordered the trenches to be set alight, but Daenerys could not make out the Davos torch signals in the thick snowstorm. Now Melisandre appears again, who - covered by the Immaculate - reaches the ditch and again calls on the Lord of Light for help. She manages to burn the trench at the last moment. The “dead” then stand motionless.

In the crypt, Varys proves gallows humor by saying that at least they've been here before. Tyrion wants to go upstairs and join the fight, but Sansa holds him back because it is pointless. He would die instantly and witty sayings wouldn't help the fighters above either. Tyrion jokes that maybe they should have stayed married after all. Sansa only replies: "You were the best of them all." But it would never have worked with both of them, since he is now loyal to the dragon queen. Missandei reminds Sansa that without Daenerys they would all be dead.

In the grove of the gods, Theon asked Bran for forgiveness for his actions. Bran replies that he is long forgiven and that all of his deeds brought him here - home. Then he warns himself into a raven to scout out the whereabouts of the Night King.

The burning ditch is only a brief hurdle for the “dead”. At a silent gesture by the Night King, some of them begin to throw themselves into the burning ditch. Their bodies soon form several dams over the fire and the other attackers get to the castle wall. Once there, they form pyramids out of their bodies. The defenders on the battlements can only stop them briefly. Due to their overwhelming superiority, they soon push over the wall in many places. The main gate is torn down by a "dead" giant with a single powerful blow. Lyanna Mormont is thrown to the ground, but pulls herself up again and attacks him death-defying. He slowly grabs and crushes her in his fist, but she still manages to ram a dragon glass dagger in his eye and kill him. The mass of the "dead" now flows unhindered into the castle. During the bitter fight that is now beginning, Edd falls, but first saves Sam's life. The coordinated defense soon collapsed. The ranks of the defenders split up into lone fighters or small groups who, however, persist in resisting the intruders.

Arya initially fights the invading dead on the wall and kills many of them. Sandor Clegane is paralyzed by the fire, but when Beric Dondarrion shows him how valiantly she fights, he regains his courage and overcomes his fear. Arya is injured and flees into the interior of the fortress, where she manages again and again to avoid the "dead" roaming around and to kill one of them. Shortly afterwards she reaches the library. When she thinks she has survived the worst, numerous "dead" suddenly come running towards her from two directions. Beric and Sandor can come to her aid at the last minute. Beric fulfills his calling by falling in battle to enable Arya's escape.

Sandor and Arya escape to a room lit only by the fireplace, where they meet Melisandre. She says that the Lord of Light brought Beric back for only one reason and that reason is now fulfilled. Arya now remembers Melisandre and her prophecy that they would meet again. She says the red priestess was right that Arya would close many eyes. Melisandre nods and replies meaningfully: "Brown eyes, green eyes ... and blue eyes." She continues: "What do we say to the god of death?" Arya replies resolutely: "Not today." She storms past Melisandre and Clegane, to throw yourself back into battle.

Daenerys and Jon have meanwhile provided the Night King and a confrontation ensues - dragon against dragon. Above the clouds Rhaegal attacks Viserion and can inflict some serious injuries on him, but has to break off the fight because he is injured himself and has to land. The Night King and Jon are thrown off in the fierce battle. Daenerys can track down the Night King again and tries to burn him, but even concentrated dragon fire has no effect on him. Instead, he pulls out his ice spear and hurls it at Drogon, who can dodge and flee unharmed. In the meantime, Jon has stalked up from behind. When the Night King notices him, he resurrects all fallen fighters in the area, who immediately take action against Jon. Daenerys succeeds in burning the dead who have risen around Jon, clearing the way for him again. In doing so, however, she is forced to jump off Drogon when he quickly flies up again to shake off the numerous dead clinging to him. The now completely defenseless Daenerys threatens to be killed as well, when suddenly Jorah appears and at the last moment can save her from the "dead" approaching. Daenerys also takes a sword and fights doggedly against the revenants at Jorah's side, until he finally sinks to the ground after numerous wounds.

In the crypt, Goldy notices to her horror that the Starks buried there crawl out of their graves and immediately begin to kill the helpless women, old people and children. Sansa and Tyrion take cover behind a grave. Tyrion kisses Sansa's hand and they both pull out their daggers. Jon reaches the courtyard and sees Brienne, Jaime, Grauer Wurm and the other survivors fighting doggedly against the "dead". Meanwhile, the Night King is on the way to the gods' grove with the white hikers. Jon takes up the chase again, but is stopped by Viserion, who has landed on the castle wall and destroys the castle with his ice fire.

In the gods' grove, the iron men are now increasingly harassed by the "dead" and defend themselves with fire arrows, while Bran is still in a warg state. Little by little they are all killed until only Theon is alive. When the latter has fired his last arrow, the dead stop fighting, as the Night King and the White Walkers have now entered the scene. Bran thanks him briefly that he is a good person for his bravery. Certainly of his imminent death, Theon storms towards the Night King with a lance. He immediately rams it into his body, then walks unmoved towards the waiting Bran and pauses briefly. He wants to pull out his ice spear, but is jumped at by Arya, who suddenly appears behind his back. The Night King grabs her by the neck and holds her hand with the Valyrier dagger with his other hand. However, with presence of mind, Arya drops the weapon into her free hand and rams it into the abdomen of the Night King. He and the White Walkers then burst into small ice crystals. Since this also breaks their spell, all the "dead" and the ice dragon, which is about to burn Jon, fall lifeless to the ground.

In the firelight of the battlefield, Daenerys tearfully mourns the fallen Jorah Mormont. Drogon sits down next to them and covers them protectively with his wings. Davos and Sandor watch Melisandre leave Winterfell. As she walks, she takes off her magic chain and red cloak. It then ages rapidly, collapses and dies.

71 4th The last of the Starks The Last of the Starks 5th May 2019 May 6, 2019 David Nutter David Benioff & DB Weiss 11.80 million
After the narrow victory over the "dead", Jon addresses the survivors of the battle in front of the walls of Winterfell with a speech. The fallen of the Long Night are burned in a solemn ceremony. Then there is a big banquet to celebrate. Daenerys calls Gendry over, reveals his true parentage to those present and declares him the legitimate son of King Robert. At the same time she makes him lord of Storm's Cape, the orphaned ancestral seat of House Baratheon. Gendry then proposes marriage to Arya, but she refuses his request, as she could never lead the life of a lady. Brienne, Tyrion and Jaime celebrate a drinking game that is all about guessing things the others have never done. When Tyrion hypothesizes that Brienne is still a virgin, she leaves the group shaken. Jaime later follows her to her room and sleeps with her. After the banquet, Daenerys pleads with Jon not to reveal his true parentage to anyone, as this would destroy both of them. Jon vows never to question her as the real queen, but insists on letting Sansa and Arya know. Daenerys leaves the room bitterly.

The next morning there is a discussion between Jon and the Starks in the gods' grove. After his two sisters vow to keep the secret to themselves, Jon lets Bran reveal his true identity. A little later, however, Sansa tells Tyrion about it, who immediately passes this on to Varys. In the council of war, Daenerys announces that she wants to besiege King's Landing as soon as possible. Sansa objects that the soldiers are still too exhausted and therefore not ready for a new campaign. Daenerys reminds her of the high price she and her army paid to save the north. It was agreed to bring the Immaculate with the fleet, secured by Drogon and Rhaegal, directly to Drachenstein, from where the advance on King's Landing should take place. Meanwhile, Jon is supposed to march south with the Northmen on the Royal Route.

Bronn arrives in Winterfell and threatens Jaime and Tyrion with a crossbow. He reports on Cersei's killing order, for the execution of which she promised to rule over Schnellwasser Castle. But he offers them to refrain from making him a more lucrative offer. Tyrion offers her life in exchange for the Rosengarten Castle and the income from the expanse. Jaime rides afterwards, despite Brienne's desperate request to stay with her, back to King's Landing to help his sister.

Jon gives his direwolf spirit into the care of Tormund, who wants to return with the Wildlings to their old home in the far north. He also says goodbye to Sam and the again pregnant Goldy. Arya joins the bloodhound and also rides south, as she no longer wants to return here.

The Tagary Queen's fleet reached the Bay of Drachenstein without incident and anchored there. Daenerys is gliding high above the water with her two kites when suddenly, out of nowhere, large lance-like projectiles rush towards them. They are fired from Eurons fleet of to each ship with an assault torsion siege engine has stocked. Rhaegal is pierced by several of these projectiles and falls fatally into the sea. In a mad rage, Daenerys rushes with Drogon on Euron's ships, but has to turn back due to the defensive fire being too thick to save her last dragon. Euron's fleet is now firing at the ships. The projectiles penetrate the ship's side walls and superstructures and sink them. Missandei is put into a dinghy by Grauer Wurm, but is later captured by Euron's Ironmen. Gray Worm, Varys and Tyrion can only swim ashore to save themselves by swimming.

Euron tells Cersei of his victory over the enemy fleet, whereupon the latter explains to him that they are pregnant with his child. The octopus will now rule over the sea and the lion over the land, but in the future their child will rule both. Cersei has the Red Keep opened for the citizens of King's Landing to prevent Daenerys from burning it down with her dragons, and mocks Missandei, who has been brought before her in chains. Daenerys, enraged by the loss of her second kite, wants to lay all King's Landing to rubble and ashes. However, Varys and Tyrion can persuade them to try again beforehand to negotiate a surrender with Cersei in order to prevent a massacre and to demonstrate their goodwill to the people.

Tyrion and Varys discuss Daenerys' legitimate claim to the Iron Throne in light of the latest developments. Varys points out that too many are already aware of the exact circumstances surrounding Jon's birth. He also seriously questions the suitability of the Queen, who is too volatile for him, especially since the North would never approve of a marriage between the two Targaryens, who are too closely related, and she is also a woman. Rather, he thinks Jon is the better ruler because of his mild and balanced nature, who as a man would also be more easily accepted by the people. However, Tyrion continues to believe in Daenerys and pleads with Varys not to betray her. This declares that he is primarily on the side of the empire and thus of the people; he has served to many tyrants.

Daenerys appears with Tyrion, Varys and a few Immaculate in front of the city wall of King's Landing. A torsion gun is installed on each of the towers of the city wall. Negotiations are being held outside the walls of Tyrion and Qyburn, who will meet halfway between the wall and the Immaculate. Both sides demand the unconditional surrender of the other, which is resolutely rejected. As additional leverage, Cersei also has Missandei put on the wall and threatens to kill her if Daenerys does not lay down his arms. Tyrion dares to venture to the city gate at the risk of his life, appeals to Cersei's humanity and responsibility for her child and asks her once more to voluntarily relinquish her rule in order to prevent a catastrophe. Cersei, unfazed by her brother's speech, grants Missandei a few last words. With the exclamation "Dracarys" - the command to spit fire - she confesses herself to the dragon queen. At a sign from the Lennister Queen, she is beheaded by Gregor Clegane with a sword stroke, and her corpse falls from the city wall, which shakes Gray Worm deeply and makes Daenerys even more determined to seek revenge.

72 5 The bells The Bells May 12, 2019 May 13, 2019 Miguel Sapochnik David Benioff & DB Weiss 12.48 million
Varys tries to persuade Jon to assert his claim to the Iron Throne, but Jon refuses because he has bent his knee in front of Daenerys. Tyrion informs the dragon queen, embittered by grief and anger, that Varys has spread the truth about Jon's origins. She then has it burned by Drogon. In a discussion with Jon, Daenerys later admits that, unlike him, she would never be loved by the Westerosi as he was, but only feared by them. When asked whether he only sees her as the ruler (allusion to the aunt-nephew relationship), Jon replies evasively. She notes this disaffected with the words "Then fear should rule". Daenerys announces in the council of war her intention to attack King's Landing immediately after daybreak if Cersei does not surrender. In the dark, Sandor Clegane and Arya Stark reach the camp of the Northmen in front of King's Landing. Arya explains to the guard, who initially refuses to let her pass, that she is here to kill Cersei. Jaime Lannister was captured by Daenerys' forces while trying to get to King's Landing. Tyrion frees him to persuade his sister to finally take off the crown and ring all the bells as a sign of surrender. He also arranges an escape boat so that Jaime and Cersei can flee to Pentos to start a new life there. On the morning of the following day, both armies line up in battle. Jaime, Arya and Sandor arrive undetected with the stream of refugees into the city, the latter two also into the Red Keep before its gates are closed. Daenerys and Drogon jump out of the clouds onto the Iron Fleet, which is anchored in Black Water Bay, flies under the defensive fire of the scorpions and sets all ships on fire within a short time. Euron narrowly escapes the firestorm. Then Daenerys attacks the guns set up on the city wall at the port. The troops outside the city hear explosions approaching. Harry Strickland and soldiers of the Golden Company turn towards the main gate when it explodes with the surrounding wall. Many of the soldiers of the Golden Company who appeared in front of the city were killed. The allies then storm the city under the leadership of Jon Schnee, Grauer Wurm and Davos Seewert. The leader of the mercenary army, Harry Strickland, is spared the explosion, but is killed with a spear throw by Grauer Wurm while fleeing into the city. Cersei, who watches the battle with a stony face from the Red Keep, is brought the news by Qyburn that the Iron Fleet is on fire, all scorpions have been destroyed and the gate has been breached. Yet she does not want to give way. When Daenerys lands with Drogon on a tower above a street where the soldiers of both parties are ready to fight, the completely demoralized Lannister troops surrender. Shortly afterwards, all the bells in the city begin to ring.

Although Daenerys is clear that the battle for King's Landing is decided in her favor, she nevertheless begins to systematically burn the entire city with Drogon. Despite Jon's attempt to hold them back, the Immaculate, Northmen and Dothraki slaughter any Lannister soldier they can get their hands on. They also wreak horrific bloodbaths among the civilian population. Cersei wants to stay in the Red Keep, but is persuaded by Qyburn to move to a safer place. Meanwhile, the fire spreads rapidly as the sea fire stores stored all over the city are also exploding. In front of the secret passage to the Red Fortress, Jaime kills Euron Greyjoy in a bitter fight, but is seriously injured himself. Sandor persuades Arya to forego killing Cersei in the face of the firestorm Drogon started and instead to leave town. He himself enters the destroyed keep with the firm intention of killing his hated brother Gregor "the mountain", bodyguard of Cersei, and there he meets Cersei and her last loyal followers. Gregor faces the fight with Sandor and kills Qyburn when the latter instructs him to stay with the queen. When Sandor has eliminated the rest of the bodyguards after a brief skirmish, he lets Cersei pass to seek the final sword fight with his brother. However, this shows a supernatural life force when he pulls Sandor's dagger, which he has stuck in his head, unmoved from his eye and wants to continue fighting. Thereupon Sandor throws himself at his brother with the last desperation, both fall together into the sea of ​​fire at the foot of the keep.

On her way through the ruins of the palace, Cersei finally meets Jaime, who escapes with her down into the dungeon. However, your attempt to escape the sinking city from there fails because the exit to the beach has been blocked. They die together when the vault collapses over them. When Jon and Davos see that Daenerys is not considerate of anyone in the city in their frenzy, they give their troops the order to retreat and try to save as many survivors as possible. Arya, who barely escaped the apocalypse, wakes up after a long unconsciousness in the midst of the smoking rubble and sees a blood-stained white horse in close proximity, with which she rides out of the destroyed city.

73 6th The iron throne The Iron Throne 19th May 2019 20th May 2019 David Benioff & DB Weiss David Benioff & DB Weiss 13.61 million
Jon Schnee, Davos Seewert and Tyrion Lannister roam the ruins and mountains of corpses of King's Landing and look in disbelief at the destruction that Daenerys and Drogon have caused. Tyrion continues alone to the Red Keep, where he finally finds his two dead siblings, Jaime and Cersei, buried under the rubble of the dungeon. Jon and Davos confront Gray Worm, who executes captured Lannister soldiers on the orders of the Dragon Queen for voluntarily serving Cersei. The triumphant Daenerys gives a rousing speech in the ruins of the keep in front of the Immaculate and Dothraki, appoints Gray Worm her master of war and announces that the fight is not over yet and that she now intends to not only Westeros, but the to free the whole world from the wheel of oppression. To Jon's horror, he realizes that she will use it against the north as well. Tyrion publicly resigns as Daenerys' hand in protest against this new doctrine of her rule and is incarcerated as a traitor. Both Arya and Tyrion remind Jon that Daenerys has now killed more people than the mad king and Cersei put together, the fate of all of Westeros is now in his hands, since only he can stop them now. Daenerys searches for the destroyed throne room, only the iron throne is still intact. She stops on the steps and lingers before him, moved. Jon arrives and confronts her about the pointless destruction and Tyrion's capture. Daenerys replies that this was necessary because there is no hide behind mercy and that now they will both together make the world a better place. He takes her in his arms, kisses her and stabs his dagger in her heart. Drogon instinctively senses the death of the dragon mother and sits down next to Jon. After a brief hesitation, he spares him, instead melts the Iron Throne down with powerful bursts of fire and flies away with Daenerys' corpse in the clutches.

The heads of the great Houses of Arryn, Stark, Tully, Greyjoy, Baratheon, Martell, Tarly, Royce, and Tarth meet with the chained Tyrion and Gray Worm in the Dragon Pit to decide what to do with Jon. Gray Worm wants to have Jon and Tyrion executed for the violent death of the dragon queen. He and his men are offered settlement land as compensation, which the latter resolutely rejects with the words “We don't want a reward, but justice!” And calls on those present to appoint a king instead, who can pass judgment on the two of them as the crime was committed in Westeros. Tyrion suggests that in the future the kings should not be enthroned according to their lineage, but through a choice of the great noble houses. He favors Bran Stark as the new ruler, as he, in his capacity as a three-eyed raven, knows the past of the Seven Kingdoms best and the people are mainly united through their common stories. After a short debate, Tyrion's proposal was finally accepted by all. Bran calls him to hand as a punishment to give him the opportunity for the rest of his life to make amends for his past mistakes. The north leaves the Reichsverband and becomes independent again. Bran the Broken is the first of his name to be unanimously proclaimed the new ruler of the Six Kingdoms. Jon must rejoin the Night's Watch in atonement for Daenerys's murder. Grauer Wurm is satisfied with these decisions.

Jon says goodbye to the Starks in port. Gray Worm sails to Naath Island with the Immaculate and Dothraki. Tyrion again convenes the Small Council, which is now from Davos Seewert as master of the ships, Samwell Tarly as grand maester, Bronn vom Schwarzwasser and Rosengarten as master of the coin, who is now also master of the lands of the expanse (formerly House Tyrell), and Brienne of Tarth as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Podrick Payne is the king's personal bodyguard. Samwell first presents the Citadel's most recent historical work, “A Song of Ice and Fire”, to the council. The new king also seeks the council and inquires about Drogon's current whereabouts. Since this is unknown to everyone present, he uses his warg skills to search for the lost dragon. The council members begin their work. Davos demands money from Bronn to rebuild the destroyed fleet. Tyrion wants money to build a sewer system because of the positive effects on health. Bronn suggests promoting the reconstruction of the destroyed brothels first. After a discussion it is decided to spend money on the fleet first. Arya doesn't want to go back north with Sansa. She decides to board a ship and explore the unknown lands west of Westeros. Jon reaches the Black Fortress, crosses the Black Gate together with Geist, Tormund Riesentod and the free people and disappears with them into the woods north of the wall. Sansa Stark is proclaimed Queen of the North by her standard-bearers in Winterfell and ascends the wolf throne.


Filming began on October 23, 2017 and was completed in July 2018.

The season, like the seventh, is shorter than the previous seasons. Of the six episodes of season eight, the last four are each over an hour long.


The plot of the final 8th season and especially the series finale were rated comparatively very negatively in reviews and by the audience. For example, a petition was started calling for a remake with "competent writers" and reaching over 1.6 million signatures.

At Metacritic , the eighth season got a 74% score based on twelve reviews, suggesting that the ratings were generally positive. At Rotten Tomatoes , the season got a value of 58% on the basis of ten reviews in the media, and in the audience rating of 12,241 people even only 33%. So the season was rated Rotten , i.e. rotten. It's the lowest-rated season of the series on the website, and the only one rated Rotten . In the Internet Movie Database , the last three episodes achieved ratings of 5.9 ( The Last of the Starks ), 6.5 ( The Bells ) and 4.8 ( The Iron Throne ) with an average of 9.4 for all seasons.

Above all, the unsatisfactory end of the storyline of the White Walkers, incomprehensible or rash character developments, lack of logic and plot holes and generally too little time for a reasonable narration of the story were criticized. Particular praise was given to the acting, the directorial work and the music.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The last season of "Game of Thrones" will be released in April 2019 on on November 13, 2018, accessed on November 13, 2018.
  2. Game of Thrones: Season Eight Ratings. In: May 21, 2019, accessed on May 22, 2019 .
  3. Biz Carson: The final season of 'Game of Thrones' will only be six episodes. In: Business Insider . March 12, 2017, accessed October 20, 2019 .
  4. HBO reveals how long each Game of Thrones season 8 episode will be. In: Entertainment Weekly . March 15, 2019, accessed April 23, 2019.
  13. let-6-Staffel-8-IMDb-Waltungen-1282386 /
  19. Game of Thrones Finale: Those poor bastards. In: May 20, 2019, accessed August 12, 2019 .
  20. End of GoT, all good. Süddeutsche Zeitung , May 22, 2019, accessed on August 18, 2020 .