Garra mini

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Garra mini
Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Carp fish-like (Cyprinoidei)
Family : Carp fish (Cyprinidae)
Subfamily : Fringed slippers (Labeoninae)
Genre : Garra
Type : Garra mini
Scientific name
Garra mini
Rahman , Mollah , Norén & Kullander , 2016

Garra mini is a fringed slipper that livesin Bangladesh in the fast flowing waters of the Chittagong Hill Tracts in the catchment area of ​​the Karnaphuli and Sangurivers. The species of the genus Garra was only described in 2015.


With a standard length of sexually mature animals of 40 to a maximum of 47 millimeters, Garra mini is one of the smallest species of the genus Garra after Garra ethelwynnae (28 mm) and Garra poecilura (44.5 mm) . The fish of this genus are adapted to life in fast flowing, rocky waters due to their elongated, slender and mostly flattened physique, adhesive discs on the pectoral and pelvic fins and a lower lip that has been converted into a suction disc.

The types have standard lengths between 23.9 and 46.8 millimeters, about a quarter of which is on the head. Their snout tip is slightly rounded and there are no extensions on the head as in many other species of the genus, apart from two pairs of barbels . The head and the whole body are flattened ventrally , the chest has no scales, those on the stomach are small and mostly embedded in the skin. In the lateral row there are 31 to 33 scales , 30 to 31 of them on the body, in the transverse row 9 scales and around the caudal stalk 16 scales. The front attachment of the dorsal fin is slightly in front of the middle of the body and in front of the pelvic fins. In adult fish with a standard length of at least 40 millimeters, parts of the pectoral and pelvic fins are transformed into adhesive disks, which are missing or not fully developed in smaller specimens.

Preserved specimens of Garra mini are gray when viewed from above, the head is brown on the sides and the sides of the body are yellowish gray, becoming lighter towards the bottom with a yellow underside. A dark band runs from the head to the base of the caudal fin, there are no dark points at the base of the dorsal fin and no dark transverse stripes on the caudal fin. The species shows no sexual dimorphism . Eggs 0.5 millimeters in diameter were found in a dissected female specimen and strongly developed testicles in a male . In animals under 40 millimeters standard length, the internal genital organs are apparently indistinguishable.

Fin formula

Dorsal III / 7½; Anal III / 4½; Pectorals I / 12-13; Ventral I / 7-8; Caudals 9-10 + 9


Shuvolong Falls in summer

Garra mini has so far only been found in three locations on the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh :

  • The Terra typica is a basin at the foot of the waterfalls near Shuvolong or Shublong in the catchment area of ​​the Karnaphuli , about 11 kilometers from Rangamati in the district of the same name ( 22 ° 42 ′ 51 ″  N , 92 ° 14 ′ 52 ″  E ). There are several waterfalls in the area, the highest of which has a height of about 100 meters and at the foot of which is the site of Danio annulosus . In the rainy season, the water falls directly into the Karnaphulistausee . In the dry season only a thin trickle runs over the rocks and feeds a 40 centimeter deep pool on a rock terrace, which is flooded in the rainy season by the higher water level of the reservoir. In this pond, which runs into the lake through a drain less than one centimeter deep and has no vegetation, Garra mini was caught together with shrimps , snails and small fish of the likewise new species Danio annulosus . The fish species Esomus danricus , Rasbora daniconius , Dermogenys burmanica , Aplocheilus panchax and Trichogaster lalius , which are common in Bangladesh , were caught in the lake directly at the outflow of the pond . Shuvolong can be reached from Rangamati by motorboat and has become a tourist destination because of the impressive waterfalls and the Shuvolong market. It is considered unlikely that Garra mini and Danio annulosus came from the upper water system that feeds the falls. The fish are likely to be lured there by the inflow of fresh water when the water level is high, when the lake is flooded, and they are cut off from the lake when the water level drops during the dry season. In extreme drought, the pond is likely to fall completely dry, which means that permanent colonization by the two fish species found there is excluded.
Shailopropat, Bandarbang District
  • The waterfall Shailopropat ( 22 ° 9 '6 "  N , 92 ° 12' 59"  O ) in the Upazila Thanchi, Bandarban district , runs over a wide limestone cliff, with a drop height of more than ten meters, followed by rapids through a bed of gravel and numerous rocks. It belongs to the catchment area of ​​the Sangu . Despite intensive efforts, only a few specimens that were associated with two other species of the genus Garra were caught here.
  • A small, about one meter deep rocky pools at Chingthong ( 21 ° 41 '28 "  N , 92 ° 31' 22"  O ), also in district Bandarban. The pond is fed by water that runs over limestone cliffs into the Sangu. Its edges are covered with algae and in addition to the same species of the Garra genus as at the Shailopropat waterfall, a species of fish of the Neolissochilus genus also lives here . Only a few specimens of Garra mini could be caught at this location too .


The genus Garra includes more than 120 species that are distributed from Central Africa through North Africa , the Middle East and South Asia to Southeast Asia . The smallest species is Garra ethelwynnae with a standard length of 28 millimeters, the largest Garra imberba from southern China with a length of up to 300 millimeters. Differentiating the species is difficult because of their similarity. It is made even more difficult by numerous descriptions of species from the 19th century that no longer meet today's requirements. The last revision of the genus took place in 1964 by the Indian ichthyologist AGK Menon , who only gave 38 species. Between 2000 and 2015 alone, 52 new species were described, and the literature references and type material are widely scattered.

Initial description

Garra mini was only described in 2016 by an international group of ichthyologists headed by Mohammed Mizanur Rahman from the University of Dhaka , who had already described Danio annulosus the previous year based on specimens from where the holotype was found. Because of the confusion and difficult delimitation of species in the genus Garra , an analysis of the mitochondrial DNA was able to provide certainty about the independence of Garra mini .

The holotype is in the collection of the University of Dhaka with 43 paratypes from three localities . 53 other paratypes have been added to the collection of the Naturhistoriska riksmuseet in Stockholm. The species name mini is derived from the Latin minimus and refers to the small size of the fish compared to other species of the genus.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Md. Mizanur Rahman et al .: Garra mini, a new small species of rheophilic cyprinid fish , p. 173.
  2. a b c d e Md. Mizanur Rahman et al .: Garra mini, a new small species of rheophilic cyprinid fish , pp. 174-175.
  3. a b c d Md. Mizanur Rahman et al .: Garra mini, a new small species of rheophilic cyprinid fish , pp. 175–177.
  4. ^ Sven O. Kullander et al .: Danio annulosus, a new species of chain Danio from the Shuvolong Falls in Bangladesh (Teleostei: Cyprinidae: Danioninae) . In: Zootaxa 2015, Volume 3994, No. 1, pp. 53-68, here p. 58, doi : 10.11646 / zootaxa.3994.1.2 .
  5. ^ Sven O. Kullander et al .: Danio annulosus, a new species of chain Danio , p. 66.
  6. a b c d Md. Mizanur Rahman et al .: Garra mini, a new small species of rheophilic cyprinid fish , p. 177.
  7. ^ AGK Menon : Monograph of the cyprinid fishes of the genus Garra Hamilton . In: Memoirs of the Indian Museum 1964, Volume 14, No. 4, pp. 173-260, digitizedhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/ 3D ~ double-sided% 3D ~ LT% 3D ~ PUR% 3D .