Gasometer (Münster)

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Gasometer Münster
Gasometer Münster
Exterior view
Location data
State : Germany
Region : North Rhine-Westphalia
City : Muenster
Construction data
Construction: 1953/54
Shutdown: 2005
Technical specifications
Type: three-lug, non-jacketed telescopic gas container
Construction: fully riveted bell construction
Height : 52 m
Diameter : 56 m
Usable volume : varies according to different sources between 60,000 and 75,000

The gasometer in Münster is a decommissioned natural gas storage facility belonging to Stadtwerke Münster , which has been part of the silhouette of the cityscape of Münster since 1954 and has been in operation for five decades.


The so-called bell construction of the telescopic gas container weighs around 800 tons and is only kept high by the internal pressure. If the gas in the container is let out, the "bell" lowers to the base height of 12 m and dips into a water basin with a capacity of 30,000 cubic meters to create a storage space for the gas.

inside view

The gasometer is painted in the different colors of Stadtwerke Münster. The water basin is blue, the stairs and perimeters are yellow, the supporting structure is orange and the cups are painted black.

In 2005, the gasometer located on Albersloher Weg in the immediate vicinity of the Loddenheide was replaced by a new underground natural gas pipe storage facility from the Stadtwerke near Albachten and is now a listed building .

Use after shutdown

The city of Münster is currently looking for an alternative use for the building.

In addition to a student competition from the architecture department at the Münster University of Applied Sciences , a citizens' forum was also set up on the Internet. According to the project design by haushoch3.architekten from Münster, there was the idea of ​​establishing a museum for classic vehicles and a viewing platform at this location. However, this project failed due to the poor parking situation at the gasometer.

Another suggestion is to use the gasometer, at least temporarily, as a musical theater for a musical about the Anabaptists of Münster . The necessary approval for this was granted by the City Council of Münster on December 10, 2008. However, the first performance of the play " Midsummer Night's Dream " by William Shakespeare by the Wolfgang Borchert Theater , which had already performed two years earlier in the Gasometer, was scheduled for May 4th Planned for 2012. At the end of 2011, the Sparkasse made 75,000 euros available from its surpluses to support the play . A planned semicircular grandstand should offer seating for 600 spectators. In fact, there is room for up to 414 spectators in the stands. The first 46 performances were sold out and, with a capacity of around 94%, led to the theater's most successful season overall. All of the 46 performances were sold out, including the last one, which was performed on July 8, 2012, so that a total of 20,299 spectators attended the performances.

In June 2013 the gasometer was used for a cross-genre art project. The artist group Sozialpalast adapted the Polittalk program Günther Jauch from the similarly constructed Berlin Gasometer Schöneberg . a. Johann König appeared.

The artist group Möhre , which marks monument sites with animals to draw attention to the threat to the monuments, hung an oversized spider in the gasometer in early December 2013.

In February 2014, the Münster turned post-punk - and Indie band- Good Morning Fire Eater the video clip for her song highway in the Gasometer.

Since the spring of 2016, the Münster section of the German Alpine Club has been active as a tenant on the site. In an initial exploration phase, important questions regarding possible uses as club and sports grounds should be clarified. In February 2018 it became known that the German Alpine Club was giving up its "Monte Gaso" project. The cost of removing rust from the industrial monument, which is necessary for safety reasons, is around 800,000 euros. No sponsors could be found to finance this work. This will also stop all other plans that included converting the building into a climbing parcour, converting the old technical building into a clubhouse and setting up a nature trail and a leisure facility on the surrounding green area.

Web links

Commons : Gasometer (Münster)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Westfälische Nachrichten : Newspaper article , May 8, 2007
  2. Gasometer Münster
  3. Westfälische Nachrichten : Where the Anabaptists step on the gas , Münster, Dirk Anger, December 12, 2008
  4. ^ Westfälische Nachrichten : Anabaptist Musical in the Gasometer , Münster, Klaus Baumeister, December 21, 2008
  5. ^ A b Westfälische Nachrichten : Steel Colossus as a Theater Stage: Midsummer Night's Dream in the Gasometer , Münster, November 24, 2011
  6. Midsummer Night's Dream in the Gasometer
  7. Westfälische Nachrichten : Injected funding: Sparkasse surpluses for 100 projects , Münster, Klaus Baumeister, 23 December 2011
  8. Westfälische Nachrichten : Theater im Gasometer: Shakespeare in the rusty round , Münster, Karin Völker, April 5, 2012
  9. Westfälische Nachrichten : NRW: Münster's Wolfgang-Borchert-Theater busier than ever before , Münster, dpa / lnw, July 6, 2012
  10. Westfälische Nachrichten : Fantastic record season: the theater curtain has fallen in the Gasometer , Münster, Karin Völker, July 10, 2012
  11. a b The social palace 2013 art project: A gasometer, a television and a kettle of colored things , accessed on June 14, 2013
  12. ^ A b Westfälische Nachrichten : Pure everyday marriage in real life and on television: Gasometer becomes a social palace , Münster / Kultur, Münster, Gerhard H. Kock
  13. Westfälische Nachrichten : Carrot hangs up spider , Münster / Kultur, Münster, kok, December 4, 2013
  14. Westfälische Nachrichten : Eiskalter Videodrehim Gasometer: “Good Morning Fire Eater” presents clip for the new song , Münster, June 26, 2014
  15. Westfälische Nachrichten: Gasometer as a climbing paradise? In: Westfälische Nachrichten. Retrieved June 23, 2016 .
  16. a b c d Westfälische Nachrichten : The expedition is veiled: Alpenverein Münster says goodbye to the climbing project in the Stadtwerke-Gasometer , Münsterischer Anzeiger, Münster, Helmut P. Etzkorn, February 15, 2018

Coordinates: 51 ° 56 ′ 36 "  N , 7 ° 38 ′ 57"  E