Gaspar de Borja y Velasco

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Cardinal Gaspar de Borja y Velasco (oil painting by Diego Velázquez , c. 1643)

Gaspar de Borja y Velasco (born June 26, 1580 in Villalpando, † December 28, 1645 in Madrid ) was a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and Archbishop of Seville from 1632 to 1645 and of Toledo from 1645.


Gaspar de Borja y Velasco came from the Spanish nobility . His family pointed with Kalixt III. and Alexander VI. two popes on. His grandfather was the canonized Jesuit General Francisco de Borja . He owes his rise in the ecclesiastical hierarchy above all to the Duque de Lerma , a favorite minister of Philip III. He was appointed cardinal of the titular church of Santa Susanna on August 17, 1611. In 1616 he moved to the titular church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme . He exercised his office in Rome, where he supported the Crown Cardinal Antonio Zapata y Cisneros .

He showed himself indignant when Cardinal Gabriel Trejo Paniagua , who came from the lower nobility , led the Spanish Crown Cardinals in Rome instead . While Trejo lost political influence after the overthrow of his sponsor, Cardinal Borja continued to play a major role at the Curia. From 1631 to 1634 Borja was the full-time ambassador of the Spanish crown in Rome. On the instructions of the Spanish king, in the consistory of March 8, 1632 , he threatened Pope Urban VIII, who was too France-friendly from Spain's point of view, with a process aimed at his removal. The reason for complaint would have been the alliance with the evangelical Gustav II Adolf of Sweden - a heretic from the perspective of the church . Urban VIII then adjusted his policy somewhat, but also ensured that Borja returned there as Archbishop of Seville.


  • Hillard von Thiessen: Family ties and creature wages. The (cardinal) duke of Lerma and the crown cardinals of Philip III. from Spain. In: Arne Karsten (ed.): The hunt for the red hat. Cardinal careers in baroque Rome. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2004, ISBN 3-525-36277-3 , p. 105 ff.

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Commons : Gaspar de Borja y Velasco  - collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Carlo Emanuele Pio di Savoia Cardinal Bishop of Albano
Bernardino Spada
Diego Guzman de Haros Archbishop of Seville
Domingo Pimentel Zúñiga
Ferdinand II of Austria Archbishop of Toledo
Baltasar de Moscoso y Sandoval