Gastone Mojaisky-Perrelli

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Gastone Mojaisky Perrelli (1967)

Gastone Mojaisky-Perrelli (born August 6, 1914 in Buonalbergo , Italy ; † March 5, 2008 ) was a Roman Catholic diplomat of the Vatican and Archbishop of Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi-Conza-Bisaccia and Bishop of Nusco in Italy.


Gastone Mojaisky-Perrelli was ordained a priest on August 1, 1937 . He later worked in the diplomatic service of the Vatican, among other things he was chargé d'affaires in Bolivia (1945-1946) and Chile (1946-1947).

1959 he was by Pope John XXIII. Appointed Titular Archbishop of Amida and Apostolic Delegate . He received his episcopal ordination on November 1, 1959, Domenico Cardinal Tardini ; Co-consecrators were Curia Archbishop Pietro Sigismondi and Vittorio Longo , auxiliary bishop in Naples .

From 1957 to 1959 he was a delegate in British West and East Africa. From 1959 to 1960 he was a delegate and chairman of the Bishops 'Conference in the Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi , from 1960 to 1962 he was Apostolic Delegate in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda-Urundi, and from 1961 to 1962 first chairman of the Bishops' Conference in Congo Kinshasa (Congo / Zaire).

From 1962 he was an official of the Vatican State Secretariat . In 1963 he was appointed Bishop of Nusco with the title of Archbishop ad personam . In 1973 he also became Archbishop of Conza-Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi-Bisaccia . In 1978 his resignation was granted.

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predecessor Office successor
Cristoforo Demonico Carullo Archbishop of Conza-Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi-Bisaccia
Mario Miglietta
Guido Maria Casullo Bishop of Nusco
Mario Miglietta