Lobed-leaved Waldsteinia

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Lobed-leaved Waldsteinia
Waldsteinia geoides 01.jpg

Lobe-leaved Waldsteinia ( Waldsteinia geoides )

Eurosiden I
Order : Rose-like (rosales)
Family : Rose family (Rosaceae)
Subfamily : Rosoideae
Genre : Waldsteinia ( Waldsteinia )
Type : Lobed-leaved Waldsteinia
Scientific name
Waldsteinia geoides

The lobed-leaved Waldsteinie ( Waldsteinia geoides ) is a species of the genus Waldsteinia ( Waldsteinia ) in the subfamily of the Rosoideae .


Habit, leaves and flowers
Five-fold bloom in detail

Vegetative characteristics

The lobed-leaved Waldsteinia is an evergreen, perennial herbaceous plant that reaches heights of 15 to 25 centimeters. It forms rhizomes , but not runners. The leaves are divided into a petiole and a leaf blade. The leaf blade consists of five to seven sections.

Generative characteristics

The flowering period extends from April to May. The flower stalks have leaf-like, three-lobed to three-lobed bracts. The hermaphrodite flowers are radially symmetrical and five-fold. The five, yellow petals have two auricular appendages on the top and are nailed short.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 14.


The lobed-leaved Waldsteinia occurs in Slovakia , Hungary , Bulgaria , Croatia , Serbia , Romania and the western Ukraine . It is missing outside of Europe. It thrives in forests, bushes and on mountain slopes.


The lobed-leaved Waldsteinia is often used as a ground covering ornamental plant for groups of trees and borders. It has been in culture since 1804 at the latest.


  • Eckehart J. Jäger, Friedrich Ebel, Peter Hanelt, Gerd K. Müller (eds.): Excursion flora from Germany . Founded by Werner Rothmaler. tape 5 : Herbaceous ornamental and useful plants . Springer, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Arto Kurtto, Raino Lampinen, Leo Junikka (eds.): Atlas Florae Europaeae. Distribution of Vascular Plants in Europe. 13. Rosaceae (Spiraea to Fragaria, excl. Rubus). Tiedekirja & Akateeminen Kirjakauppa, The Committee for Mapping the Flora of Europe & Societas Biologica Fennica Vanamo, Helsinki 2004, ISBN 951-9108-12-2 , p. 150.

Web links

Commons : Gelappenblättrige Waldsteinie ( Waldsteinia geoides )  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files