Gemmenicher Platt

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The Gemmenicher Platt is the dialect spoken in the Gemmenich area in the municipality of Plombières (German: Bleyberg), a continental West Germanic language from the German-speaking community in the east of Belgium , to which Gemmenich and the surrounding area do not belong politically.

The Gemmenicher Platt calls itself Jömelejer Plat .

This is one of the numerous transition dialects from the dialect continuum of the Rhineland . It shows similarities to the neighboring Stolberger Platt and the neighboring Aachen dialect in Germany (Öcher Platt) and the neighboring Vaalser Platt in the Netherlands (Vöölsj), which is almost indistinguishable from it, as well as some influences of the enveloping French of Wallonia , which is now Belgian Municipalities of the former quadrangle to Moresnet belong. Similarities to the Moselle-Franconian dialects of the Eifel , Saarland and Luxembourgish and Palatinate can also be seen. Due to its loudness , it can be assigned relatively clearly to the Lower Franconian language area and thus belongs to the so-called Limburg dialects, which mediate between the Ripuarian , to which the Aachener still belongs, and the Kleverland dialects. However, it belongs to the so-called platdietsen Bogen, which can be assigned to Limburg as well as Ripuarian, depending on which of the various possible delimitation criteria are considered to be dominant. Officially, however, it belongs more to the Lower Franconian / Limburg language area.


A few example sentences may give you a feel for Gemmenicher Platt:

  • de aanköndejong van de trow, dat is at dree joor lää.
    De aankondiging van de trouwerij, this is al drie jaar geleden! (NL)
    The announcement of the wedding, that was three years ago!

Too lää cf. engl. late or Dutch geleden

  • dä kümüliet singe beroop än et amt va börjemeester; poletician jear.
    The / Hij connects / cumuleert zijn beroep met / aan het ambt van burgemeester; Politici doen dat graag. (NL)
    He combines his profession and the office of mayor in a lucrative way, politicians like to have several profitable occupations
  • dat malöör hau ech vörutjesie än et es och äjetrofe.
    Dat ongeluk had ik vooruitgezien en het is ook uitgekomen. (NL)
    I saw the disaster coming (foreseen) and it happened.
  • et aue guvärnemänt requires van de lüj vööl äländkunge än alewil es et lääve düür.
    Het ouwe / oude gouvernement requires van de lui / mensen / lieden veel inperkingen / bezuinigingen en allewijl / heden-ten-dage is het leven duur. (NL)
    The old government put a lot of restrictions on people and nowadays life is expensive.
  • ene lier mot every daaĝ aufjaabe beatere, mä wän ech the tiit ha, koom ech noch verbee, hüj.
    Een leraar moet iedere dag opgaven improve / correct, maar wanneer ik de tijd heb, kom ik nog heden / vandaag voorbij / slow. (NL)
    A teacher has to correct assignments every day, but if I have the time I'll come by today.
    To cf. ndl. maar
    also: "As a teacher, I have to ..."
  • dat wädt schoon jue, ech sal dat möreje metbrenge.
    dat sal schoon jue, ech wädt dat möreje metbrenge.
    Dat zal schoon / mooi / wel gaan, ik zal dat meebrengen tomorrow. (NL)
    That'll be fine, I'll bring that with me tomorrow.
  • vör hant os an et spatseerender jät vertoot, än you have dä Scharel six the voot vertroon.
    We raise ons on the het wandelen iets verteld, en toen vertreedde Karel zich de voet. (NL)
    We talked to each other while walking, and then Karl stretched his foot.
    To vertoot from vertele cf. ndl. vertellen , rip. verzälle , pfl. forgive , engl. to tell ; to vertroon cf. Kölsch lost .

Linguistic properties

Pronunciation and spelling


The majority of the consonants of Gemmenicher Platt differ neither intonation even in the case of their standard German relatives.

Standard German does not recognize three of the common sounds, they are notated with “ĝ” and “w”. The two voiced variants of the ĝ roughly correspond to the Berlin and Rhenish pronunciation of the middle consonant of the words "say", "were", "wagen", "Wagen", "Waage", "Ware", as well as the northern German of "gebiet " ( Rebeet ), they are also similar to the voiced "g" of the Netherlands for instance in " gracht " (canal); the voiceless version of the "ĝ" before voiceless consonants and at the end of the word sounds the same as the German "ch" from "Dach". The letter "w" is used exclusively for the un-rubbed "w" as in the English words "way", "work", "Howard" .

The letter "v" stands exclusively for the rubbed consonant that sounds in the German words "Wasser" and "Vase", never for the "v" from "Vater", "Vogel", which is uniformly written as "f". For the voiced "sch" from German foreign words such as "Dschunke", "Journalist", "Blamage", "ĵ" is written. In places where it is not immediately evident from the surrounding letters that an “s” is spoken voiceless, it is voiced; otherwise it is written as “ç” as in French .

The high German pronunciation rules for "sp" and "st" with a "sch" sound apply at the beginning of the word, otherwise not. In contrast to German, consonants written twice are unnecessary and therefore do not appear, see long vowels . The same applies to a single “c” (written as “k” or “ts”), the “x” (“ks”), “z” and “tz” (“ts”) and various other letter combinations such as “qu ”(“ Kw ”),“ chs ”(“ ks ”) and the like, including foreign language ones such as“ ph ”(“ f ”) or“ -tion ”, and so on.

The Mitlaute in Gemmenicher Platt
character Example word German Standard German  
     IPA Spelling  IPA translation Sound samples comment
b b Baal [ bɑ.l ] ball B all
ch ç eh I i ch , Honi g , Ch emie
ch χ laugh [ ˈLa.χə ] laugh la ch s
d d dom [ dom ] stupid d umm
f f afloat [ flot ] brisk, quick, nimble, brisk, hasty f link, Ph ase, v oll
G ɡ graas grass G ras
G sääĝe saw -
G ɣ saaĝe [ ˈZaːɣə ] say -
H H here Listen h ören
j j joot Well j ählings
ĵ ʒ waĵele [ ˈWaʒələ ] chatter, chatter J ournal, Gara g e, D sch ungel
k k cape [ cape ] cap K appe, C AFE Ch rist, Q ualm
ks ks häks [ hɛ.ks ] witch We chs el, He x e, eh cks Pedal
l l lap [ la.p ] Lobes; Good-for-nothing; Bank note; Shoe sole L appen
m m mam [ mɛm ] Craven; Hanging breasts M emme
n n nat [ na.t ] wet n ate
ng ŋ ping [ piŋ ] pain Di ng e
nk ŋk thanks [ da.ŋk ] thanks Da nk
p p pona [ ˈPonɛ ] pony P ony
r rol role R olle
s z saaĝe [ ˈZaːɣə ] say s agen
ç s hoç [ hos ] trousers just that s , f ss , f s t, we s pe
s s what [ wa.s ] Sward, grow just that s , f ss , f s t, we s pe
sch ʃ beautiful [ ʃøn ] beautiful sch ön, Ch ef, s pat, s tellen
sp ʃp spat [ ʃpiə ] late sp ät only at the beginning of the word
sp sp waspel wasp We sp e, Mu ßp ott, Me ssp erder only inside the word
st ʃt stalls [ ˈƩtɛlə ] put st ellen only at the beginning of the word
st st vaaste [ ˈVaːstə ] fast fa st en Sto ßt on, Me sst eller only inside the word
t t teeke [ ˈTe.kə ] character t un, Th eke
ts ts tsuker sugar Ra ts mr, tro tz which, z EHN
ch mud [ matʃ ] The trump card Treff Dame at the "mitsche" Ma tsch , Ca tch en, C embalo, Ci ao
v v val [ val ] case W all, V ase, W ade
w w wat [ wat ] What - like w in engl. w ay


  1. a b All from or to: Aldenhoff, Gerrekens, Straat: Diksjonäär van et Jömelejer Plat, see literature


  • Jules Aldenhoff, Jean Gerrekens, Pierre Straat: Diksjonäär van et Jömelejer Plat , GEV - Grenz-Echo Verlag, Eupen, 1st edition, 2003. 392 pages. ISBN 90-5433-182-8

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