Georg Aumann

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Georg Aumann with his wife (left) with Otto Haupt and his wife in 1975

Georg Aumann (born November 11, 1906 in Munich ; † August 4, 1980 ibid) was a German mathematician .

Aumann studied mathematics and physics at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich from 1925 under, among others, Constantin Carathéodory and Heinrich Tietze , where he received his doctorate in 1931 ( contributions to the theory of decomposition spaces ). In 1933 he completed his habilitation twice, once at the Technical University of Munich , the other time at the University of Munich (each with different habilitation theses). In 1934/35 he was a Rockefeller Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study . In 1936 he became an associate professor at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main . Appointments to a full professorship failed several times, as he was considered politically unreliable under the National Socialists.

During the Second World War , on October 1, 1942, he became a cryptanalyst in the encryption department of the Wehrmacht High Command (OKW / Chi). In Section  IVc of Group IV “Analytical Decipherment ”, under Government Councilor Erich Hüttenhain , he dealt with breaking into difficult and as yet unsolved encryption systems .

After the war, in 1949, he became a full professor at the University of Würzburg and in 1950 at the University of Munich. One of his doctoral students there was Friedrich L. Bauer . In 1960 he moved to a full professorship at the Technical University of Munich.

He dealt in particular with real analysis, but also with conformal maps, complex polynomials and lattice theory. He wrote a monograph in the basic teaching series on real functions, a three-volume analysis textbook with Otto Haupt and a three-volume higher mathematics for engineers.

In 1958 he became a full member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences . In 1977 he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Erlangen .


  • with Otto Haupt , Christian Pauc : differential and integral calculus, 3 volumes, De Gruyter, 1948 to 1955
  • Real functions , basic principles of mathematical sciences, Springer Verlag, 2nd edition 1969
  • Higher Mathematics , Volume 1–3, BI University Pocket Books 1970/71
  • Ad artem ultimam: an introduction to the thought world of mathematics , Oldenbourg 1974
  • with Otto Haupt: Introduction to Real Analysis , 3 volumes, De Gruyter, 3rd edition 1974 to 1983
  • Approximation of functions , in Robert Sauer , Istvan Szabo The mathematical tools of the engineer , Volume 3, Springer Verlag 1968

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Georg Aumann in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used
  2. Frode Weierud and Sandy Zabell : German mathematicians and cryptology in WWII. Cryptologia, doi: 10.1080 / 01611194.2019.1600076 , p. 11.
  3. Georg Aumann in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used
  4. Member entry by Georg Aumann (with picture) at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences , accessed on December 16, 2016.