Georg Fient

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Georg Fient

Georg Fient ( [fiənt] ; born April 30, 1845 in Castanna, Pany , Luzein municipality ; † September 5, 1915 in Chur ) was a Swiss teacher, civil servant, newspaper editor and folk writer, whose humorous stories written in Prättigau dialect were whole generations of Bündner Dialect writers shaped.


Fient grew up in Pany, his birthplace. In 1866 he completed his training at the Bündner teachers' seminar in Chur and then taught in Trins , Dalvazza ( Küblis municipality ), at the model school in Chur and in Eichberg . After stays in French and Italian Switzerland, he settled permanently in Chur and worked for a decade from 1881 as government secretary and from 1891 to 1912 as the office director . For several years he taught legal and administrative studies at the Plantahof , and his guide to the introduction to constitutional and administrative studies (1900), written on behalf of the government, was widely recognized.

Fient wrote throughout his life. He first worked part-time as an editor for the Bündner Volksblatt , then for the newly founded Prättigauer Zeitung and finally for the Generalanzeiger . In these and other sheets as well as in the form of independent publications, he published numerous popular articles, reflections, stories and travel descriptions.

Fient was only married to Annette Roffler von Luzein and, after her early passing, to Margret Badrutt von St. Peter . He was the father of two stepdaughters and three children of his own.


Fient's book Das Prättigau, a contribution to regional and folklore (1896), found great success . His stories, written in Alemannic dialect, were even better received : in 1884 and 1886, the Schwizer-Dütsch booklet published by Otto Sutermeister published the story about the Chöpflerboda-Risa and in 1886 the Bündner Volksblatt published the story of the Studafriedli uf'm St. Gallen Sengerfest . In 1898 these and other stories were published in the anthology Lustig G'schichtenä , which saw numerous new editions (later under the title Heimatluft ).

"The experiences and adventures of Studa-Friedlis, the grotesque parodies and travesties of Schiller's ballads and historical plays, the ghost and haunted stories, rascals, purrs and ideas of this little book allow the author to be recognized as a true sorcerer in storytelling."

Unlike the creations of his contemporary Michael Kuoni , Fients Lustig G'schichtenä still has a readership today. His way of writing influenced numerous later dialect authors such as the also very successful Hans Valär .

Fient was also the correspondent for the Swiss Idiotikon .

Publications (selection)

  • The Prättigau. A contribution to the regional and folklore of Graubünden. Self-published by the author, Chur 1896; 2nd edition under the title Das Prättigau. A contribution to the Swiss. Regional and folklore of Graubünden, Schuler, Chur 1896.
  • Guide to the introduction to constitutional and administrative studies. On behalf of the laudable Small Council of the Canton of Graubünden. 1st edition Chur 1900, 2nd revised edition Chur 1909.
  • Funny stories. Prättigau dialect. Speaker & Valer, Chur 1898; 2nd edition 1910, 3rd edition 1925.
  • Winter and spring flowers (= collected writings. Part 1). Richter, Davos 1901.
  • Serious and cheerful (= collected writings. Volume 2). Schiers, Davos 1901.
  • Shirt and Hosa. Cultural sketch in Prättigau dialect. In: Swiss Archives for Folklore 6 (1902), pp. 81–92.

Younger editions:

  • Home air. Prättigau manner and naughtiness. From the writings of Georg Fient. Schiers printing press, Schiers 1951; 2nd edition 1954; 4th edition 1975.
  • Schiller in the Prättigau. CD and accompanying booklet, Edition Daniel Leber, 2007. With the contributions Di Bürgschaft and Dr Taucher from Luschtig Gschichtenä, read by Heini Fümm.
  • Läsiblüescht. Prättigau and Davos dialect texts from 159 years. Edited by the Walser Vereinigung Graubünden. o. O. 2017. With eight stories from Luschtig Gschichtenä (pp. 33–51).


  • Otto Clavuot: Fient, Georg. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  • Marietta Kobald (project manager): Läsiblüescht. Prättigau and Davos dialect texts from 159 years. Edited by the Walser Vereinigung Graubünden. o. O. 2017, pp. 11 and 32.
  • Peter Metz: Georg Fient. In: Important Grisons from five centuries. Ceremony by Graubündner Kantonalbank on the occasion of the centenary of its foundation in 1870. Volume 2. Calven, Chur 1970, pp. 201-206.
  • [N. N .:] Fient, Georg. In: German Literature Lexicon . Biographical-bibliographical manual. 3rd, completely revised edition. Volume 4: Eichenhorst - Filchner. Edited by Heinz Rupp, Friedrich Gaede and Detlev Steffen. Francke, Bern / Munich 1972, column 1018.
  • Chr. Tarnuzzer: Office director Georg Fient. In: Bündner Monatsblatt 1916, No. 5, pp. 172–177; also in Bündnerisches Household and Family Book 1916, p. 8 f.


  1. ^ Chr. Tarnuzzer: Chancellery director Georg Fient. In: Bündner Monatsblatt 1916, issue 5, pp. 172–177, here p. 176.
  2. Läsiblüescht. Prättigau and Davos dialect texts from 159 years. Edited by the Walser Vereinigung Graubünden. o. O. 2017, p. 11.
  3. ^ Directory of employees at the Swiss German Idiotikon. Supplement to the annual report for 1904 (PDF), p. 16.