Georg Höltl

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Georg Höltl (born July 31, 1928 in Jacking near Passau ; † October 17, 2016 in Tittling ) was a German entrepreneur and founder of the family business Rotel Tours .


From 1945 he worked as a bus operator on the route from Tittling to Passau . From 1950 he organized excursions and pilgrimages, including to Altötting and Switzerland , as well as from 1952 trips to Rome , France and Spain and from 1957 Pax Christi encounter trips . Until then, the travelers stayed in tents .

In 1959, Höltl introduced his invention of the sleeping trailer, a trailer pulled by the bus in which travelers spend the night. Also in 1959 the first land trip was to Israel .

The company added more and more trips to its program:

The Hotel Dreiburgensee

In 1973, Höltl opened the holiday hotel of the same name on Lake Dreiburgensee and in 1974 the Bavarian Forest Museum Village . In 1985 the historic Hotel Wilder Mann in Passau, renovated by Höltl, is reopened. Since then, it has also housed the Glass Museum , in which Höltl's private collection of Bohemian glass from the 17th to 20th centuries is shown. In 1993 the "Rotel Inn" was opened in Passau, a hotel with rooms based on the sleep trailer at Rotel Tours.


Because of the good example of landscape-bound building, Georg Höltl received the environmental medal of the Bavarian State Ministry for Regional Development and Environmental Issues in 1975 and the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon in 1976 . In 1978 he received from the market Tittling the honorary citizenship . In 1981 he was awarded the Bavarian Order of Merit , in 1988 the honorary citizenship of the Thurmansbang community and in 2004 the New Year's Eve . In 2008 he received the district gold coin of the district of Passau and in 2012 the citizen medal of the city of Passau.


  • The Wild Man at the City Hall Tower Glass Museum Passau: historical photos 1870–1920 - cityscape comparisons 1940–2008; Chronology of an old town renovation; European glass 1650–1950 . Published by Georg and Peter Höltl, Passau Glass Museum. Rotel Tours, Tittling, 2008, ISBN 978-3-927218-74-1 .
  • Bavarian Forest Museum Village: in the list of nationally valuable cultural assets; Chronicle 1974-2004 . Rotel Tours, Tittling, 2nd edition, 2004, ISBN 3-927218-71-5 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mourning for entrepreneur Georg Höltl. Passauer Neue Presse , October 17, 2016, accessed on October 19, 2016 .
  2. Passauer Neue Presse of October 18, 2016, page 3
  3. Obituaries PNP , accessed on October 22, 2016