Georg Helmreich

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Georg Helmreich (born December 10, 1849 in Büchenbach , Middle Franconia ; † August 7, 1921 in Ansbach ) was a German classical philologist and medical historian .


Georg Helmreich came from a Franconian farming family. His father Johann Andreas Thomas Helmreich (1807–?) Was a day laborer, his mother Margarethe geb. Barthel (1821–?) The daughter of a shepherd. Thanks to a royal scholarship, Georg Helmreich was able to attend the Latin school in Roth from 1863 and later the Carolinum grammar school in Ansbach, where he passed his school leaving examination in 1869. He then studied classical philology, history and philosophy in Munich (1869/70) and Erlangen .

After the teaching qualification examination (1873/74) Helmreich worked as a teacher in Zweibrücken, but he remained connected to the University of Erlangen: in 1875 he passed the philological examination, in 1876 he was awarded the title "summa cum laude" for Dr. phil. PhD . From 1875 he taught at St. Anna high school in Augsburg, where he was appointed high school professor in 1888. In 1899 Helmreich became rector of the grammar school in Hof , in 1901 of the grammar school Carolinum in Ansbach, where he worked until the end of his life. In 1915 he retired.

In addition to his school service, Helmreich was continuously involved in research. Since his studies he has been concerned with the history of medicine in ancient times . Some of Galen's writings , which at that time were only available in the antiquated edition by Karl Gottlob Kühn (1821–1833), were published in new critical editions by Helmreich. He also made new discoveries known, including fragments of the De propriis placitis font . He undertook the necessary research trips to the major libraries in Europe during his vacation.

In the course of his work, Helmreich became a recognized expert in ancient medical texts. He was commissioned by the Teubner Verlag, together with Johann Marquardt and Iwan von Müller , to work on the new critical edition of Galen's smaller writings. Helmreich edited the third volume, which appeared in 1893.

When the Corpus Medicorum Graecorum was founded at the Prussian Academy of Sciences in 1901 on the initiative of Johan Ludvig Heiberg , Helmreich was brought in as an employee. On behalf of Hermann Diels , he participated in the catalog of the manuscripts of ancient doctors . He also took over the edition of several writings, of which he was only able to complete In Hippocratis de victu acutorum commentaria (1914) and De alimentorum facultatibus (1923).

Helmreich's critical editions, including the writings of the doctors Scribonius Largus (1887) and Marcellus Empiricus (1889), remained in use long after their publication and have in part not been replaced to this day.

Fonts (selection)

  • Observationes criticae in Galeni Περὶ τῶν ϰαθ 'Ἱπποϰράτην στοχείων libros . Erlangen 1877 (dissertation)
  • Γαληνοῦ περὶ τοῦ διὰ τῆς σμικρᾶς σφαίρας γυμνασίου. Galeni libellus qui est de parvae pilae exercitio . Augsburg 1878 (school program)
  • Scribonii Largi Conpositiones . Leipzig 1887
  • Claudii Galeni Pergameni scripta minora . Volume 3, Leipzig 1893. Reprint Amsterdam 1967 ( De sectis ad eos, qui introducuntur. Thrasibulus. De facultatibus naturalibus )
  • Marcelli De medicamentis liber . Teubner, Leipzig 1899
  • Galenus De optima corporis constitutione: Idem De bono habitu. Accedit corollarium variarum lectionum . Hof 1901 (school program)
  • Galeni De temperamentis libri III . Leipzig 1904. Reprint Stuttgart 1969
  • Galen / On the powers of food . Ansbach 1905–1909 (school program; originally "as a sample of a new text review")
    • First book chap. 1-13 . Ansbach 1905
    • First book chap. 14 - Second book, chap. 20 . Ansbach 1906
    • Second book chap. 21-71 . Ansbach 1907
    • Third book chap. 1-20 . Ansbach 1908
    • Third book chap. 21-41 . Ansbach 1909
  • Galeni De usu partium corporis humani libri XVII . Two volumes, Leipzig 1907–1909
  • Fragments of a commentary on Galen's writings περὶ στοιχείων, περὶ κράσεων and περὶ φυσικῶν δυνάμεων . Ansbach 1910 (school program)
  • Handwritten studies on Symeon Seth . Ansbach 1913 (school program)
  • Galeni In Hippocratis de victu acutorum commentaria . Leipzig / Berlin 1914 ( Corpus Medicorum Graecorum V 9.1)
  • Handwritten improvements to Galen's Hippocrates glossary . Berlin 1916 ( session reports of the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences, Philosophical-Historical Class 1916, Issue 7)
  • Handwritten studies on Meletius . Berlin 1918 ( Treatises of the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences, Philosophical-Historical Class 1918, Issue 6)
  • Galeni De alimentorum facultatibus libri III . Berlin 1923 ( Corpus Medicorum Graecorum V 4.2)


Web links

Wikisource: Georg Helmreich  - Sources and full texts