George Dickerson

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George Dickerson (born July 25, 1933 in Topeka , Kansas , † January 10, 2015 in New York City , New York ) was an American actor .


Initially, Dickerson had several appearances in television series from 1979 to 1981. He got his first film role in Cutter's Way (1981) alongside Jeff Bridges and John Heard . Then Dickerson was seen in various supporting roles and played repeatedly in television series or films. He often embodies detectives or sheriffs , for example in Psycho II , Blue Velvet , The White Eye or A Stranger in the Kingdom .

Dickerson is the father of director and actor Dome Karukoski .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 'Blue Velvet' star George Dickerson dies at 81