Georgi Ivanovich Blagonrawov

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Georgi Blagonrawow around 1917

Georgi Ivanovich Blagonravov ( Russian Георгий Иванович Благонравов ; born May 6 . Jul / 18th May  1896 greg. In Egoryevsk , Ryazan Governorate ; † 16th June 1938 in Moscow ) was a Russian revolutionary and a Soviet statesman and functionary of the CPSU .


Georgi, the son of an Yegorievsk employee, worked as a revolutionary while studying at the Law Faculty of Moscow University . In 1915 he was called up for military service. He left the officers' school as an ensign and then served in an Yegoryevsk reserve regiment. During the February Revolution of 1917 he was elected chairman of the regimental committee there. In March 1917 Georgi Blagonrawow joined the RSDLP . He then became chairman of the Yegorievsk Workers 'and Soldiers' Council. In June 1917 he was elected to the All -Russian Central Executive Committee at the 1st All-Russian Congress of Workers 'and Soldiers' Councils . Georgi Blagonrawow was the secretary of the Bolsheviks on this committee . In the military department of the Bolsheviks (Russian Военные организации большевиков -. Wojennyje organisazii bolschewikow) he participated in the preparation of the October Revolution and took early November at the storm to the Winter Palace in part (Russian Октябрьское вооружённое восстание в Петрограде -. Oktjabrskoje wooruschonnoje wosstanije w Petro grade). At that time Georgi Blagonrawow was first commissioner and then commander of the Peter and Paul Fortress ; but was soon replaced. As a member of the Revolutionary War Council , he fought on the Eastern Front in the summer of 1918 during the Russian Civil War . There the Bolsheviks fought against the onslaught of the Czechoslovak legions and the Siberian army (Russian Сибирская армия - Sibirskaja armija) under Admiral Kolchak .

From November 1918 Georgi Blagonrawow worked for several years - first as a Cheka - and from 1931 as a GPU representative - in the Soviet transport system , more precisely in the rail transport department. In the following 1930s he took leading positions in other branches of Soviet transport - for example in road transport - a; was from August 3, 1935 to March 27, 1936 for the latter transport department member of the Molotov government .

From October 26, 1929 to October 7, 1931, he sat on the Council of People's Commissars . On the XVII. At the CPSU congress , Georgi Blagonrawow became the candidate of the Central Committee of his party.

From July 5, 1936, he belonged to the inner circle of the NKVD .

Georgi Blagonravov was arrested on May 25, 1937 on December 2, 1937 as a counter-revolutionary sentenced to death , and on June 16, 1938 executed . On July 11, 1956 - during the Khrushchev thaw - Georgi Blagonrawov was posthumously rehabilitated .



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  1. Eastern Front is of course meant from the Russian point of view and refers in this case to the Middle Volga region and the Western Urals ( Perm region ).
  2. Trotsky met Blagonrawov on that eastern front and writes in chapter 33 ( A Month in Svyashsk ) of his memoirs: “It was Blagonrawov, a lieutenant in the tsarist army , a young Bolshevik ... In his capacity as commissar he had the task of capturing the spirit of the Lift specialists. Instead he incited her against me at the critical moment, actually encouraging her to desert, and was now caught in the act by me. I couldn't believe my eyes or my ears. During 1917 Blagonrawov had shown himself to be a brave revolutionary. He was commissioner of the Peter and Paul Fortress in the days of the upheaval , then took part in the liquidation of the Junker Rebellion (Russian Junker Rebellion ). I gave him responsible assignments during the Smolny period ( after November 8, 1917, the Smolny was the residence of the first Soviet government = Council of People's Commissars ). He dealt with them well ... I had sent this Blagonrawov to the Eastern Front ... and now I surprise him in the most critical hours on the verge of open treason ... Blagonrawov was trembling, was very pale, stood there, his hand on his cap. "Don't hand me over to the tribunal," he repeated desperately, "I'll make up for my guilt, send me to the front row as a soldier." ... He was removed and used for less responsible work ... Now Blagonrawow is a member of the GPU College, a pillar of the regime. "
  3. People's Commissar = Minister.

Individual evidence

  1. Russian I Всероссийский съезд Советов рабочих и солдатских депутатов
  2. Russian Восточный фронт РККА
  3. Russian Комиссар государственной безопасности 1-го ранга