Giacomo Cavedone

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Virgin and Child Adored by Saints Eligius and Petronius (1614), Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna

Giacomo Cavedone , also Giacomo Cavedoni (baptized April 14, 1577 in Sassuolo near Modena ; died 1660 in Bologna ), was an Italian baroque painter of the Bolognese school .


Giacomo Cavedone belonged to the generation that was strongly inspired and influenced by Agostino Carracci , as well as Giovanni Andrea Donducci , Alessandro Tiarini , Lucio Massari , Leonello Spada and Lorenzo Garbieri .

He was able to obtain a three-year scholarship to study with Bernardino Baldi and Annibale Carracci . From the autumn of 1609 he stayed for a year in Rome, where he worked with Guido Reni . From 1612 to 1613 he worked in Venice. He was one of the most important assistants of Ludovico Carracci and was appointed head of the Accademia degli Incamminati after his death in 1619 .

Two of his main works can now be found in important museums: the Adoration of the Shepherds in the Museo del Prado in Madrid and the large altarpiece of the Virgin and Child, adored by Saints Eligius and Petronius (1614) in the Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna . Other important works are the Adoration of the Magi , the Four Doctors and the Last Supper . His painting style was based on the school of Ludovico Carracci , but with unusually strong colors in the successor of Titian . In the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam there are a number of drawings, including a Christ on the cross .

His life was marked by a series of mishaps, the fall of a church scaffolding in 1623, which meant that he had to give up painting, and in 1630 the death of his wife and children from the plague . The Encyclopædia Britannica writes in its 1911 edition, in which, by the way, he is incorrectly named Jacopo Cavendone , that his wife was accused of witchcraft . He lived until 1660 and died in poverty.

His students included Giovanni Battista Cavazza , Ottavio Corradi , Giovanni Andrea Sirani and Flaminio Torre .

Works (selection)



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Madonna col Bambino in gloria ei Santi Alò e Petronio , Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna.
  2. ^ Rijksmuseum Amsterdam: Works by Giacomo Cavedone .
  3. James R. Hobbes: Picture collector's manual adapted to the professional man, and the amateur . T & W Boone, London, 1849, p. 48.


Web links

Commons : Giacomo Cavedone  - collection of images, videos and audio files