Bolognese school

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St. Sebastian, Domenichino, first third of the 17th century.

The Bolognese School is a style of Italian painting.

The Bolognese School was decisive for the European epoch of classicist painting in the 16th and 17th centuries . It is named after the northern Italian city of Bologna , where the most important representatives of the school worked.

Francesco Francia , a contemporary of Raphael, can be considered the founder of the Bolognese School . Important representatives are Annibale Carracci , Domenichino and Guercino .

From the Bolognese school as a style direction is the older Bolognese school of the 14th century around Vitale da Bologna (1310-1360), Dalmasio Scannabecchi (1315-1374), Simone dei Crocifissi (1330-1390) and Lippo di Dalmasio (1355-1410) to distinguish.

List of artists

Period of activity: 1501–1600



Individual evidence

  1. Ellen Hermann Atorino: Francesco Brizio Bologna (ca. 1574-1623) = manuscripts for Art Research in Werner's publishing company 23 Wernersche publishing company , Worms 1989. ISBN 978-3-88462-922-2