Giuseppe Maria Bovieri

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Giuseppe Maria Bovieri

Giuseppe Maria Bovieri (born April 22, 1800 in Ceccano , Latium, † April 22, 1873 in Montefiascone , Latium) was an Italian bishop.


Giuseppe Maria Bovieri was in 1800 in Ceccano in the diocese Ferrentino south of Rome as a child of a notary of the Papal States was born. He was ordained a priest on October 28, 1822. From 1826 to 1830 he studied theology in Rome and graduated in both rights by 1838 . From 1830 to bored Bovieri first time, as an auditor at the Swiss nunciature in Lucerne and officiated from 1848 to 1864 even as Charge d'Affaires of the Nunciature . From 1843 to 1845 he returned to Rome, where he was promoted to benefit from St. Peter and honorary chamberlain. On March 24, 1867, Bovieri received his episcopal ordination in the church of Santa Caterina di Siena on the Quirinal in Rome and was bishop of the diocese of Montefiascone until his death . He took part in the First Vatican Council (1870–1871).

At the Swiss Nunciature in Lucerne

From 1830 to 1848 Bovieri was temporarily an auditor at the Swiss Nunciature in Lucerne , d. H. closest collaborator of the nuncio .

The relationship between Nuncio d'Andrea and his auditor Bovieri was shattered by mutual distrust. This is evidenced by a whole quarrel in the form of correspondence between the two, the Cardinal State Secretary Luigi Lambruschini , individual employees of the nunciature and other parties involved.

When the nuncio Macioti had left Switzerland in 1848 after the defeat of the Catholic cantons in the Sonderbund War , Bovieri became chargé d'affaires of the nunciature in the same year and remained so after Macioti's formal resignation in 1850. The fact that Bovieri did not have the title of nuncio was an unofficial expression for the fact that the Holy See did not recognize the changes in the Confederation of 1847/48 with the civil war and the formation of the nation state as legitimate.

Although the government of the new state in Bern diplomatic relations with the Papal States kept up, hoping for a good relationship, Bovieri stayed in Lucerne and did not change with the years his equally negative as hopeless attitude towards the Swiss state and its Protestant culture:

"As usual, he represented conservative-anti-revolutionary principles and tried in vain to gain greater influence: Bovieri's room for maneuver was limited, so that even vehement protests soon lost their effect."

Among the most important statements of Bovieri during his tenure were a. 1856 the rejection of a concordat between the Holy See and the canton of Friborg , his intervention in the Basle seminar question of 1858 and the condemnation of state church legislation within the conflict over the establishment of a Ticino diocese. His services include his mediating information and dispensation policy within the special circumstances in Switzerland with regard to mixed marriages between Catholic and Protestant spouses. Bovieri defended the Swiss bishops and priests against the efforts of the Holy See to avoid mixed marriages and a demanded tightening of dispensations.

See also


  • Alois Steiner: Theodor Scherer's relations with the Apostolic Nunciature in Lucerne and with Giuseppe M. Bovieri 1848–1864. In: Journal for Swiss Church History. Volume 94, 2000, pp. 47-66, doi: 10.5169 / seals-130302 .
  • Bishop Giuseppe Maria Bovieri † . In: Accessed March 31, 2019.
  • Urban Fink: The Lucerne Nunciature 1586–1873. On the history of authorities and sources of papal diplomacy in Switzerland (= Collectanea Archivi Vaticani / Lucerne Historical Publications. Volume 40/32). Lucerne / Stuttgart 1997.
  • Urban Fink: Giuseppe Maria Bovieri. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . December 13, 2002 , accessed March 31, 2019 .


  1. a b Alois Steiner: Theodor Scherer's relations with the Apostolic Nunciature in Lucerne and with Giuseppe M. Bovieri 1848–1864 . In: Journal for Swiss Church History . tape 94 , 2000, pp. 49–50 , doi : 10.5169 / seals-130302 .
  2. ^ A b c Urban Fink: The Lucerne Nuncature 1586–1873. On the history of authorities and sources of papal diplomacy in Switzerland (=  Collectanea Archivi Vaticani / Lucerne Historical Publications . Volume 40/32 ). Lucerne / Stuttgart 1997, p. 129-130 .
  3. Bishop Giuseppe Maria Bovieri †. In: Accessed March 31, 2019 .
  4. ^ Fink: The Lucerne Nunciature . 1997, p. 92 .
  5. ^ Fink: The Lucerne Nunciature . 1997, p. 74-75 .
  6. ^ Urban Fink: Giuseppe Maria Bovieri. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . December 13, 2002 , accessed March 31, 2019 .
  7. ^ Fink: The Lucerne Nunciature . 1997, p. 79-80 .