Butterfly gladiolus

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Butterfly gladiolus
Butterfly gladiolus (Gladiolus papilio), illustration

Butterfly gladiolus ( Gladiolus papilio ), illustration

Class : Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida)
Order : Asparagales (Asparagales)
Family : Iris family (Iridaceae)
Genre : Gladiolus ( Gladiolus )
Type : Butterfly gladiolus
Scientific name
Gladiolus papilio

The Butterfly gladiolus ( Gladiolus Papilio ) is a plant of the genus gladiolus ( Gladiolus ) in the family of the Iridaceae (Iridaceae). It is one of the parent species of the garden gladiolus ( Gladiolus × hortulanus ).


The butterfly gladiolus is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches heights of 50 to 90 centimeters. As a permanent organ, this geophyte forms tubers with subterranean runners. The stem is unbranched. The leaves are simple and have parallel veins. The leaf margin is smooth.

In the inflorescence there are loosely two rows, usually five to ten, rarely only three or four flowers . The hermaphroditic, threefold flower is funnel-shaped and bell-shaped. The flower tube is 1.5 to 2.3 inches long. The bracts are 4 to 5.5 inches long and their color is yellow and the outside mostly purple or pinkish-violet. The perigone lobes are blunt, the lower ones are mottled purple-brown.

The flowering period extends from July to August. A capsule fruit is formed.


The butterfly gladiolus occurs in eastern South Africa from Transkei to the northern Transvaal .


The butterfly gladiolus is rarely used as an ornamental plant.


  • Eckehart J. Jäger, Friedrich Ebel, Peter Hanelt, Gerd K. Müller (eds.): Rothmaler excursion flora from Germany. Volume 5: Herbaceous ornamental and useful plants. Spectrum Academic Publishing House, Berlin Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8 .