Glasgow Smile

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As Glasgow Smile ( engl. " Glasgow -smiles"), also known as Chelsea Grin or Chelsea Smile ( Chelsea Grins or -smiles), is in the medium-criminals a two-sided cut with a knife from the mouth to the ears designated. Why this mutilation bears the name of the Scottish city ​​of Glasgow is unclear. This type of ritual mutilation is sometimes used by rival gangs , e.g. B. practiced by drug dealers as a method of punishment or intimidation. If the victim survives the abuse, a scar is left that resembles the extension of a smiling mouth.

Known incidents

  • The serial killer Albert Fish , who was active in New York in the 1920s and 1930s, cut one of his victims, four-year-old Billy Gaffney, and several other mutilations, a Glasgow smile.
  • At a meeting of the Conservative Party in 1924, the British politician William Joyce's right cheek was cut with a razor blade, which left a scar from the earlobe to the corner of the mouth, although this does not necessarily have to be considered a Glasgow smile.
  • Elizabeth Short was slit open the corners of her mouth in the shape of a Glasgow smile down to her cheekbones in 1947 by an unknown person.
  • Actor Tommy Flanagan had wounds on his cheeks that are reminiscent of a Glasgow smile in a robbery in his youth.

Literature and films

  • On the murder of Elizabeth Short , based the novel was in 1987 The Black Dahlia and 2006, the film The Black Dahlia published.
  • In the film Hooligans , Matt Buckner, played by Elijah Wood , is threatened with a Chelsea smile by a rival gang .
  • A Japanese fairy tale is about a ghost woman named Kuchisake Onna, maimed in this way . She asks her victims if she is beautiful and disfigures their faces with a knife or scissors into a Glasgow smile if they say no.
  • In the television series Nip / Tuck , the Chelsea Smile is part of the modus operandi of the serial offender Der Schlitzer .
  • In the Batman film The Dark Knight , the Joker also has such a Glasgow Smile, for which he gives several conflicting origins.
  • In the film Ichi the Killer , Kakihara, played by Tadanobu Asano , has a Glasgow smile.
  • L'homme qui rit (Eng. The Laughing Man or The Laughing Mask ), a novel published by Victor Hugo in 1869 , is about a. a. by Gwynplaine, who was mutilated as a child with a Glasgow smile. He appears as a social outsider at annual fairs.
  • In the television series Hannibal (Season 1, Episode 10, Buffet Froid ) there are two victims who were mutilated with a "Glasgow Smile".
  • In the film Haus der Sünde , the prostitute Madeleine becomes the victim of a suitor whose dark side comes to light in an initially pleasurable knife game. In a sadistic act of excitement, he slits Madeleine, henceforth known as 'The Woman Who Laughs', both corners of her mouth into a Glasgow smile .
  • In the series Sons of Anarchy , the character Filip "Chibs" Telford wears a Glasgow smile that was inflicted on him by his archenemy Jimmy O'Phelan. In one episode, Chibs, in turn, inflicts such a wound on O'Phelan before killing him. In fact, Chibs' scars are not made up. Actor Tommy Flanagan was ambushed and stabbed and mutilated in his youth. This mutilation is said to have significantly influenced him to begin his acting career.
  • In the CREEPYPASTA Jeff The Killer Jeffrey Woods slashes both mouth and burns his eyelids, "so he can see his smile and forever."
  • In the TV series The Originals, Tristan tortures Lucien in a flashback, including the Glasgow Smile. One of the two then inflicts this on some of their victims.
  • In the psychological thriller I Am the Wrath of Ethan Cross , it is described that Demon's face is defaced by a Glasgow grin


  • A song by the band Bring Me the Horizon from the album Suicide Season is called Chelsea Smile . There are also pictures of the front man Oliver Sykes , on which he can be seen with a Chelsea smile.
  • The album Season for Assault by New Zealand metal band 8 Foot Sativa also features a song called Chelsea Smile .
  • The name of an American rock band is The Chelsea Smiles .
  • An American deathcore band goes by the name of Chelsea Grin . Their first EP features a picture of a person who fell victim to a Glasgow smile.
  • A German rock band goes by the name of Chelsea Smile .
  • An Austrian rock band goes by the name of Glasgow Smile .
  • A song by the group Phosgore from the album Warhead is entitled Glasgow Smiling .
  • In their song Forever , the medieval rock band Subway to Sally addresses the case of Elizabeth Short .
  • On the album Life is Saadcore of Baba Saad is a song titled credit card face which is about the Chelsea Grin.