Gmina Mońki

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Gmina Mońki
Coat of arms of Gmina Mońki
Gmina Mońki (Poland)
Gmina Mońki
Gmina Mońki
Basic data
State : Poland
Voivodeship : Podlaskie
Powiat : Mońki
Geographic location : 53 ° 24 '  N , 22 ° 49'  E Coordinates: 53 ° 24 '0 "  N , 22 ° 49' 0"  E
Residents : s. Gmina
Postal code : 19-100
Telephone code : (+48) 85
License plate : BMN
Economy and Transport
Street : Ełk - Białystok ( DK 65 )
Rail route : Białystok – Ełk
Next international airport : Warsaw
Gminatype: Urban-and-rural parish
Gmina structure: 43 localities
41 school authorities
Surface: 161.56 km²
Residents: 14,883
(Jun. 30, 2019)
Population density : 92 inhabitants / km²
Community number  ( GUS ): 2008063
2008 : Zbigniew Karwowski
ul.Słowackiego 5a 19-100 Mońki
Website :

The Gmina Mońki is an urban-and-rural municipality in the Powiat Moniecki of the Podlaskie Voivodeship in Poland . The seat of the powiat and the municipality is the city ​​of the same name with around 10,000 inhabitants.


The municipality is located in eastern Poland about 30 kilometers northwest of Białystok .


In addition to the city that gives it its name, the city-and-country community includes 41 villages with a Schulzenamt (sołectwo):

Boguszewo, Ciesze, Czekołdy, Dudki, Dudki-Kolonia, Dzieżki, Dziękonie, Hornostaje, Hornostaje-Osada, Jaski, Kiślak, Koleśniki, Kołodzież, Konopczyn, Kosiorki, Kropiwnynica, Kusze, Kropiwnynica, Krzeczichowo, Mejły, Moniuszeczki, Oliszki, Ołdaki, Potoczyzna, Przytulanka, Pyzy, Rybaki, Sikory, Sobieski, Świerzbienie, Waśki, Wojszki, Zalesie, Zblutowo, Znoski, Zyburty and Żodzie.

Other localities are: Ginie and Rusaki.

Web links

Commons : Gmina Mońki  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. population. Size and Structure by Territorial Division. As of June 30, 2019. Główny Urząd Statystyczny (GUS) (PDF files; 0.99 MiB), accessed December 24, 2019 .