gold extra

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gold extra is an artist group founded in Salzburg in 1998 . She works with various media and artistic disciplines, especially performance , media art , visual arts and music .

Working method

Characteristic for the work of gold extra is the conceptual choice of the medium or genre suitable for the respective topic or artistic idea. This resulted in works in various forms, including computer games , robot theater, commedia dell'arte street theater, intervention , picnic, club or CD sampler. Another typical feature is dealing with the role of the audience and their involvement in the performance or presentation. Gold extra's productions address social processes, often in the field of tension between technology and politics.

History and production overview

Early productions by gold extra primarily focus on the character as a multidisciplinary network and platform for artistic production. With this in mind, productions were often performed in public spaces and in site-specific spaces in Salzburg, Linz and Vienna and with the participation of regional artists and activists. An exemplary production is the week-long exhibition and performance “Come home” at the Kunstverein Salzburg, which in 2002 moved a bus stop in front of the Kunstverein into the exhibition space and played with the exchange of indoor and outdoor space. Many projects made use of experimental, audiovisual production and presentation methods such as real-time media or camera tracking.

With the participation in the EU project “Trichtlinnburg” of the Salzburg Art Association (“Love City”, “Survival Camp”) and the invitation to a production for the symposium of the Salzburg Easter Festival (“Cosi. Mixtur”) in 2004 gold extra projects started international produce and present, with works for the Salzburg Mozart year 2006, cultural capital year Linz09 , as a representative of Salzburg at "Kosmos Österreich" in North Rhine-Westphalia and cooperation with the Hessian Theater Academy, the German Federal Cultural Foundation , the Goethe Institute and the European Cultural Foundation .

Her productions have been performed at the Ars Electronica Nightline, ZKM Karlsruhe, Festival of the Regions of Upper Austria, brut Wien , Garage X Vienna, Theaterkapelle Berlin, Games for Change Festival New York, Casa Encendida Madrid, Monaco Dance Forum, Digital Arts Week Zurich, EMAF Osnabrück, BELEF Festival Belgrade, FFT Düsseldorf, Studiobühne Köln , FestSpielHaus Hellerau, Kampnagel Hamburg / k3, Festspielhaus St. Pölten , The Arches Glasgow, Unicredit Pavilion Bucharest.

The computer game Frontiers , which was named " Mod of the Month" by the GEE magazine in 2009, attracted particular media attention and public interest .

Gold extra members are Reinhold Bidner, Tobias Hammerle, Georg Hobmeier, Doris Prlić, Sonja Prlić and Karl Zechenter.

Projects (selection)

Frontiers (since 2008)

Frontiers is a computer game on the subject of flight and migration, which traces the path of a refugee from the African sub-Saharan region to Europe in several stations. The 3D online game is available for free on the web. Exhibitions and presentations took place in Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Ukraine and the USA, among others. In 2011 the producers were invited to present the game at the Games for Change Festival in New York. (Tobias Hammerle, Georg Hobmeier, Sonja Prlić, Karl Zechenter with Jens Stober and Martina Brandmayr)

Area (since 2008)

The “Area” series, which includes the pieces Area , Labyrinth , Global Area and Fast Forward and Its Melancholic Rewind , is composed of different choreographies for public spaces. The urban space becomes a stage. Performances took place in Buenos Aires, Athens, Bangalore, Freiburg, Hamburg and Salzburg, among others. (Georg Hobmeier, Tommy Noonan, Deepak Kurki Shivasvami, Mirjam Klebel and others)

Black Box (2006-2009)

Black Box is a robotic play in which eight robots play Hamlet . The piece was produced for the Salzburg Mozart Year 2006 and presented at numerous festivals, including the German-Austrian theater festival of the Studiobühne Cologne or Linz09. Singer Louie Austen voiced the spirit of Hamlet's father. (Sonja Prlić, Karl Zechenter)

Same Time Same Station (2009-2011)

The piece Same Time Same Station puts the French Revolution in the era of Web 2.0 . The revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat and the Girondist Charlotte Corday become video bloggers and competitors for the favor of public opinion. The piece is a co-production with ARGEkultur Salzburg . (Sonja Prlić, Karl Zechenter with Tobas Hammerle and Reinhold Bidner)

Feedback & Disaster Series (since 2005)

In four thematic exhibitions on the website so far, Doris Prlić curates young artists from the audiovisual field on current social and artistic issues. Performances, concerts and exhibitions are created in line with the website, including at the Kunsthaus Graz , quitch Linz, Rotterdam and Berlin. (Doris Prlić)

From Darkness (since 2013)

From Darkness investigates the causes of flight and deals with the complex interactions between Europe and Africa: The focus is not only on conflicts and raw materials, but also everyday stories and small and large advances. In the game, documentary material and game engine are combined into a new kind of experience. In 2012 the concept for From Darkness was awarded the Salzburg State Prize for Media Art.


The artists of gold extra have received awards and grants individually and as a group, including the “ Outstanding Artist Award ” from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture (2012), the State Prize for Media Art Salzburg (2012), the and Producer Prize Young Theater Bremen (2005), the stage design prize “Offenbacher Löwe” (2006) as well as the drama scholarship of the Republic of Austria (Sonja Prlić and Karl Zechenter, 2002), the START scholarship (Georg Hobmeier, 2011) and the media art award of the state of Salzburg (Reinhold Bidner, 2007).


  • Jan Marot: Online Assault on Fortress Europe . In: Der Standard, January 12, 2010.
  • Philipp Draxler: Computer game "Frontiers". On the border between art and play . In: Zeit online, January 8, 2010.
  • Reinhard Kriechbaum: Guillotine4you or: Rebellion after quota. In: DrehPunktKultur, December 6, 2009 (online: ARGEkultur )
  • Clemens Panagl: The Revolution, live on the net. In: Salzburger Nachrichten, December 1st, 2009. (online: ARGEkultur )
  • Christoph Schütte: Serious exceptional error. “Black Box” in Offenbach. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, December 22, 2006, p. 51. (online: gold extra )
  • Hildegund Amanshauser, Mare Pedanik, Hinrich Sachs (eds.): Trichtlinnburg. Center for Contemporary Arts Estonia, Salzburger Kunstverein, Jan van Eyck Academie. Tallinn, Salzburg, Maastricht, 2005. ISBN 90-72076-00-1
  • Silvia Kronberger, Ulrich Müller (ed.): The woman who doesn't trust a man. Così fan tutte: Loyalty rehearsal & confusion of love in (music) theater. Mueller-Speiser, Anif / Salzburg 2005. ISBN 3-85145-093-0
  • Josef Brettenthaler (ed.): Salzburg's synchronicity. Verlag Alfred Winter, Salzburg 2002. ISBN 3-85380-055-6
  • Didi Neidhart: "Who is that?" - "Charlie Zechenter!" . In: malfunctions online, September / October 1999.


Gold extra is a member of the umbrella organization Salzburg cultural sites .

Web links