Gordon Douglas

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Gordon Douglas (born December 15, 1907 in New York City , † September 29, 1993 in Los Angeles ) was an American film director .

life and career

Gordon Douglas' film career began in the early 1930s as a casting director and actor in the studio of comedy specialist Hal Roach . As an actor he had little success and had to be content with minor supporting roles. At Hal Roach Studios, he also started his career as a director in 1935, namely as director of the short film comedies of the Our Gang series (German: The little rascals ). His third film, Bored of Education , won a short film Oscar . During this time he also made films with Oliver Hardy ( Zenobia, the fairground elephant ) and with Hardy and Stan Laurel ( On the High Seas ).

Then Douglas established himself in Hollywood as a director who performed reliable quality work in a wide variety of genres, but was also quite capable of creating outstanding works of genre film. In addition to various well-known westerns, Formicula from 1954 deserves mention in this context, which brought giant ants to the big screen before Jack Arnold's tarantula , here mutated by atomic tests. He had previously directed I Was FBI Mann MC, a political tendency film in support of Joseph McCarthy's anti-communist policies . In 1960 with The Gold of the Seven Mountains and 1961 with Jenseits des Ruwenzori , he also made two films with Roger Moore in the leading role.

Douglas made his last film in 1976. In September 1993, he died of cancer in Los Angeles at the age of 85.

Filmography (selection)

As an actor

As a director

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