God forbid!

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German title God forbid!
Original title Svećenikova djeca
Country of production Croatia
original language Croatian
Publishing year 2013
length 97 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Vinko Brešan
script Mate Matisic ,
Vinko Brešan
production Ivan Maloca
music Mate Matisic
camera Mirko Pivcevic
cut Sandra Botica

God forbid! is a serbo - Croatian film from 2013. The black humor comedy film was directed by Vinko Brešan .


On an idyllic Dalmatian island, Don Fabijjan is to take over from the extremely popular village pastor. But hardly anyone takes it seriously. During a confession , when his predecessor's line was too long, he learned from the kiosk seller Petar that his strictly religious wife considers contraception to be a sin. Together with the kiosk owner, he develops a “divine” plan to abolish sin: they perforate the condoms that he sells. However, when this was initially unsuccessful, they also let the patriotic pharmacist Marin into the matter, who replaced the pill with vitamin tablets.

First of all, this is also successful: more and more pregnancies occur, but problems are also associated with them. In addition to an increase in tourism, predicaments and bizarre situations arise. Petar's wife Marija discovers a condom in the parish and informs the bishop. Afterwards, however, Don Fabijan and her husband let her in on the plan. In the case of a newborn, the father cannot be correctly assigned and the four decide to choose the most promising candidate. This is then forcibly married to the mother. Later, an orphan is deposited in front of the pastor's house, which he passes on to Petar and his wife, who try to pass it off as their child after a faked pregnancy. When a father-to-be suddenly dies, his parents are informed, but as a precaution they kidnap the girl who wants to have an abortion in order to prevent the abortion. However, a miscarriage occurs later.

Events roll over one night. On the one hand, Fabijan finds out that the discarded child came from a madwoman in the village. As a result, Petar wants to give the child back (against his wife's will), while at the same time one of the forced marriages rioted while drunk. Just as the situation escalates, a corpse drives. It is one of the choir singers. During a confession, his predecessor confesses to be responsible for her death because he made the girl pregnant. Since it is a confessional secret , Don Fabijan is not allowed to pass it on.

A little later: Don Fabijan, at the end of his strength and suffering from a tumor, reveals himself to another pastor by making confession and thus - again through the secrecy of confession - gives him the burden.


The film was shot on the island of Prvić in the Adriatic Sea .

The film became a huge hit in Croatia. The film mixes typical elements of Balkan comedy with set pieces from the Commedia dell'arte . The ridicule is aimed primarily at the bigotry of Catholicism ; in addition to the attitude of the Catholic Church to contraception, pedophilia , homosexuality and converts to celibacy are also discussed. The film begins as a comedy, only to tip over into the tragic.


The film was in 2013 at the European Film Award as best comedy nominated. At the Portuguese film festival Festróia , the film was the 2014 winner of the Golden Dolphin for best film. At the Neisse Film Festival , the film received the audience award.


Christiane Peitz rated the film positively in the Tagesspiegel and praised it as “a shrewd Croatian folk comedy, smarter, more abysmal, more evil.” Wolfgang Hamdorf praised the film in the Catholic film magazine Filmdienst :

“What begins as a light summer comedy with black humor and witty social criticism ends as a drama - but the secret of confession obliges us to remain silent. This leap from cheerful and vicious to tragedy is risky, but necessary: ​​a hard alienation effect that makes you think. "

- Wolfgang Hamdorf : film service

Birgit Roschy from epd film is particularly enthusiastic about the slow development from a black humor comedy to a tragedy:

“Thanks to the elaborate script, in which bizarre secondary characters rise to the point of pulling the cord, the mood of folkloric shirt sleeves gradually takes on threatening nuances. But until the end the tone of voice remains airy and pervaded by melancholy humor - which makes the very last atrocity all the more shocking. "

- Birgit Roschy : epd film

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for God forbid! Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , May 2014 (PDF; test number: 145 128 K).
  2. Slobodna Dalmacija - Teska prometna nesreća kod Perkovića, jedan poginuli. May 5, 2012, accessed March 15, 2020 (hr-hr).
  3. a b Christiane Peitz: You little children, come. Tagesspiegel , September 7, 2014, accessed on March 15, 2020 .
  4. ^ Festróia - Tróia International Film Festival (2014). Retrieved March 15, 2020 .
  5. ^ Neisse Film Festival: Archive 11th NFF 2014. Retrieved March 15, 2020 (American English).
  6. Wolfgang Hamdorf: God forbid! Katholisch.de , August 6, 2014, accessed March 15, 2020 .
  7. Birgit Roschy: Criticism to God forbid! epd film , July 18, 2014, accessed on March 15, 2020 .