Goya / Best Animated Short Film

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Goya : Best Animated Short Film (Mejor cortometraje de animación)

Winner and nominee in the category of best animated short film since the first award of the national Spanish film award in this category in 1995. The award is given to the best domestic film productions (including Spanish co-productions) of the previous cinema year.

The films listed below are given with their German distribution title (if they can be determined), followed by the original Spanish title and the name of the director in brackets in italics.


1995 El sueño de Adán - Director: Mercedes Gaspar

Arturo Gámez - Director: Miguel Navarro

1996 Caracol, col, col - Director: Pablo Llorens

Las partes de mi que te aman son seres vacios - Director: Mercedes Gaspar

1997 Pregunta por mí - Director: Begoña Vicario

Esclavos de mi poder - Director: Mercedes Gaspar
Mater Gloriosa - Director: Armando Pereda

1998 Not awarded

1999 Not awarded


2000 Los girasoles - directed by José Laganes and Manuel Laganes

Animal - Directed by Miguel Díez Pérez
Podría ser peor - Directed by Damián Perea
Smoke City - Directed by E. Martín and Mario Terraves
William Wilson - Director: Jorge Dayas

2001 Not awarded

2002 Pollo - Director: Manuel Sirgo

El aparecido - Director: Diego Agudo
La colección - Director: Dídac Bono
WC - Director: Daniel Martínez Lara

2003 Señor trapo - directed by Raúl Díez

El negre es el color dels deus - Director: Anna Solanas
TV directors: Pablo Núñez and Antonio Ojeda

2004 Regaré con lágrimas tus pétalos - Director: Juan Carlos Marí

A ... Mantis Religiosa - Directors: Pablo Núñez and Antonio Ojeda
El desván - Director: José Corral
La habitación inclinada - directed by Pako Bagur , Freddy Córdoba and Ibán José
Manipai - Director: Jorge Rayas

2005 El enigma del Chico Croqueta - Director: Pablo Llorens

Minotauromaquia - Director: Juan Pablo Etcheverry
The trumouse show - Director: Julio Robledo
Vuela por mí - Director: Carlos Navarro

2006 Tadeo Jones - Director: Enrique Gato

La Gallina Ciega - Director: Isabel Herguera
La Leyenda del espantapájaros - Director: Marco Besas
La Luz de la esperanza - Director: Ricardo Puertas
Semilla del recuerdo - Director: Renato Roldán

2007 El viaje de Said - Director: Coke Riobóo

Another way to fly - Director: Alfredo García Revuelta
Broken wire - Director: Juan Carlos Mostaza Antolín
Hasta la muerte - Director: Juan Pérez-Fajardo Frochoso
La noche de los feos - Director: Manuel González Mauricio

2008 Tadeo Jones y el sótano maldito - Director: Enrique Gato

Perpetuum Mobile - Directed by Enrique Garcia and Raquel Ajofrin
La flor más grande de mundo - Director: Juan Ramón Galiñanes García
El bufón y la infanta - Director: Juan Pablo Etcheverry
Atención al cliente - directed by Marcos Valín and David Alonso

2009 La increible historia del hombre sin sombra - Director: José Esteban Alenda

Espagueti western - Director: Sami Natsheh
Malacara y el misterio del bastón de roble - Director: Luis Tinoco
El ataque de los kriters asesinos - Director: Samuel Orti
Rascal's Street - Directed by Marcos Valín , María Monescillo and David Priego


2010 La dama y la muerte - Director: Javer Recio Gracia

Alma - Director: Rodrigo Blaas
Margarita - Director: Álex Cervantes
Tachaaan - directed by Carlos del Olmo , Miguel Ángel Bellot and Rafael Cano

2011 La bruxa - Director: Pedro Solís

Bookplate - Director: María Trénor
Vicenta - Director: Sam Orti
La torre del tiempo - Director: José Luis Quirós

2012 Birdboy - directed by Pedro Rivero and Alberto Vázquez

Ella - Director: Juan Montes de Oca
Quién aguanta más - Director: Gregorio Muro
Rosa - Director: Jesus Orellana

2013 El vendedor de humo - Director: Jaime Maestro

Alfred y Anna - Director: Juan Manuel Suárez García
La mano de Nefertiti - Director: Guillermo García Carsí
¿Por qué desaparecieron los dinosaurios? - Directed by María del Mar Delgado García and Esaú Dharma Vílchez Corredor