Grandidier (noble family)

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Coat of arms of those of Grandidier

Grandidier is the name of a Baltic German noble family , which consists of Bar-le-Duc in Lorraine came and as a Huguenot family in the middle of the 18th century in the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia settled. In 1803 the family was entered into the nobility register of the Courland knighthood .


The lineage of the family begins with Pierre Grandidier (1560–1644), a trader in Sedan . His son Daniel Grandidier emigrated to Germany in 1653.

After the Edict of Fontainebleau on October 18, 1685 by Louis XIV , many other religious refugees from France moved to the east. Several groups settled in Berlin and Kassel . In Kassel a French founded parish of the Huguenots, with the approval of the Landgrave Karl certain on 28 October 1685 House of fleeing from Alsace businessman Jeremie Grandidier the first community leaders. Jeremie von Grandidier and his son Henri were the first community leaders of the French community in Kassel. The descendants of Henri von Grandidier were in the service of the Kingdom of England and the Russian Empire ; later they left the Baltic States and returned to Germany. Georg August von Grandidier (1770–1808) moved from North America to the Baltic States and settled in Passeexten (today Latvia), he is the progenitor of the Baltic Grandidiers. In 1803 the family was enrolled in the Courland knighthood .

coat of arms

In silver, a lowered red rafter covered with three black lilies , accompanied by three (2: 1) green pomegranates with a red slit. On the helmet with red-silver helmet covers, four golden bellflowers set around a silver ball in the shape of a cross between an open silver flight .


Pierre Grandidier (* 1560 Bar le Duc; † May 28, 1644 in Sedan), Huguenot, merchant , ⚭ I. Susanne Regnaut from Bar († around 1632), ⚭ II. On May 16, 1634 Elisabeth Jame

  • (I.) Daniel Grandidier (* 1606 Sedan; † May 1-11, 1671 Kassel), Huguenot, merchant, ⚭ in Netancourt on September 22, 1632 Elisabeth Grandidier (* 1615; † November 10-20, 1663) daughter by Daniel Grandidier in Bar and Marie Louis in Bar.
    • Henrie Grandidier, co-founder of the French Reformed congregation in Kassel with his brother in 1685 (this line expired in Kassel in 1890 with Johann Karl Grandidier, member of the appellate court)
    • Jeremie von Grandidier (born June 17, 1641 in Sedan; † March 2, 1700) Huguenot, escaped to the Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel , merchant in Kassel, ⚭ June 22, 1676 Marie Givri (born November 6, 1646; † 30 January 1695), daughter of Philippe and Antoinette de Marolles; ⚭ II. In Kassel on January 17, 1699 Anna Maria Crains, daughter of the pastor Johann Hartmann Crains
      • (I.) Henri von Grandidier (born July 3, 1685 in Kassel; † September 2, 1751), a merchant in Kassel, acquired the Hesserode manor near Felsberg (Lower Hesse) ⚭ Marthe Sacrelaire († August 31, 1741) daughter of Paul Sacrelaire , Banker and merchant, and Susanne Chevalier
        • Jacques (also Jakob, James) von Grandidier (born November 10, 1726 in Kassel; † June 7, 1788 in London ) English major in the infantry, participant in the American War of Independence ⚭ in Istha (Hesse) on March 22, 1766 Justine Wilhelmine Ludemann ( * November 9, 1746 in Frankenberg, Hesse; † April 1, 1775 in Antigua, North America) daughter of August Ludemann, War and Domain Councilor in Kassel, and Maria Luisa Dehaut
          • Johan Paul von Grandidier (born June 8, 1768 in Ontario , † 1792 in London)
          • George August von Grandidier (born April 13, 1770 in Fort Niagara , † April 16, 1808 in Pasiekste, Latvia ), second lieutenant , ⚭ Wilhelmine von Funck ad H. Allmahlen, bought the manors Passeexten and Warwen (Ksp. Windau). 1803 admission to the nobility register
            • George August von Grandidier (born August 6, 1808 in Niederbartau (Latvia), † October 18, 1854 in Sevastopol ), Russian colonel
              • Wilhelm Ignaz von Grandidier (January 29, 1844 in Wilno ; † December 1, 1906 in Wiesbaden )
                • Arthur Georg Ignaz von Grandidier (born October 17, 1874 in Medsen near Grobin , † January 25, 1845 in Kreuz )
                  • Peter Wilhelm Fritz von Grandidier (born June 27, 1908 in Libau ; † 1962), businessman
                  • Georg Alexander Arthur von Grandidier (* 1911 in Libenau; † 1911)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels , Adelslexikon Volume IV, Limburg (Lahn) 1978, p. 235.
  2. Michael Lausberg : Huguenots in Germany: The immigration of French religious refugees , Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag , 2011, ISBN 3828854028 , 9783828854024, p. 180.
  3. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Grandidier. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital
  4. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Grandidier. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital
  5. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Grandidier. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital
  6. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Grandidier. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital