Big Veen

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FFH area Großes Veen
Nature trail in the FFH area Großes Veen (2014)

Nature trail in the FFH area Großes Veen (2014)

location Hamminkeln , Wesel District , North Rhine-Westphalia , Germany
surface 90.28 ha
Identifier DE-4205-301
WDPA ID 555519464
Natura 2000 ID DE4205301
Geographical location 51 ° 43 '  N , 6 ° 33'  E Coordinates: 51 ° 42 '55 "  N , 6 ° 33' 27"  E
Großes Veen (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Big Veen
Sea level from 21 m to 32 m above sea level
Setup date 2009

The FFH area Großes Veen (identifier DE-4205-301) is around 90 hectares and is located entirely in the urban area of Hamminkeln on the Lower Rhine . As an FFH area, it forms part of the European Natura 2000 network of protected areas .

The Große Veen is also located within the cross-community and much larger nature reserve Diersfordter Wald . Even before the FFH designation, the Große Veen was under protection as the NSG Großes Veen with almost identical surface layout ; this went up in 2009 in the NSG Diersfordter Wald. In the south-west the FFH area borders Diersfordter Wald / Schnepfenberg (DE-4205-302), which is also in the NSG Diersfordter Wald.

A 2.5 km long nature trail, laid out in 2011, leads through the area.

Flora and fauna

The Great Veen is an inland dunes - Moor complex of eight dunes hollows-Mooren, the four best preserved of which in addition to extensive cotton grass inventories directly larger stocks hochmoor like have vegetation. There are also various stages of regeneration in small peat cuttings . The area around the moors, interspersed with dune fields, is wooded with pipe grass - pine stands and mixed stands of pines and oaks to light oak forests in the southern part of the area.

As a retreat for animal and plant species bound to bogs, the area is of supraregional importance, which is also based on the biodiversity of the dragonfly fauna , the occurrence of the moor frog and species-rich represented peat moss . Based on an effective protection of the species population, a development is sought that should lead to an expansion and protection of the raised bog vegetation in the long term.

Among others, the following species of community interest according to the fauna, flora, habitat and bird protection directives occur in the FFH area in the area:

See also

Web links

Commons : Great Veen  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Topographical Information Management, Cologne District Government, Department GEObasis NRW ( Notes )
  2. Great Veen. (PDF) In: 2012, accessed on October 8, 2016 (information board of the LIFE project “Bodensaure oak forests with moors and heaths”).