Guido Rivoir

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Guido Rivoir (born May 4, 1901 in Champdepraz , Piedmont ; † February 7, 2005 in Lugano , Canton Ticino ), who has been entitled to residency in Lugano since 1951, was a Swiss pastor of Italian origin.


Born in Champdepraz in the Aosta Valley , Guido Rivoir, son of the teacher Alessandro Rivoir and Marianna born Costantino, grew up in Torre Pellice in the province of Turin after his parents moved . After he had passed the final examination there, he devoted himself to the study of theology at the Waldensian Faculty in Florence , then in Rome . After graduating, he took over a pastor's office in Uruguay in 1925 ; the following year he was in Italy ordained . After having held parish posts in various Waldensian parishes in Argentina and Uruguay for several years , he returned to Piedmont in 1933; there he was elected pastor of Prarostino .

Rivoir, who came into conflict with the fascist authorities here , was transferred as pastor to the Italo-French community in Lugano in 1937, an office which he held until he retired in 1979. During the Second World War , Rivoir, who supported the Italian resistance movement, was also employed as a chaplain at the Novaggio Military Hospital . Rivoir, who had received citizenship of the municipality of Lugano in 1951, was represented on the municipal council of Lugano after his retirement and from 1979 to 1981 for the Partito Socialista Autonomo (PSA) in the Ticino Grand Council . Guido Rivoir, who married Teodora, Ginoulhiac, who was born in 1928, died in Lugano in 2005 at the age of 104.

Guido Rivoir, who was one of the founders of the monthly Voce Evangelica in 1939 , contributed, among other things, to the creation of a program window for Reformed programs on radio and television in Italian-speaking Switzerland and the introduction of Reformed religious instruction in schools to integrate Protestantism into the Catholic community Ticino society. The socially and humanitarian committed especially because of his commitment to Chilean refugees during the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet . In recognition of his services to this refugee aid, Rivoir was awarded the highest Chilean order bestowed on foreigners, the Order of Bernardo O'Higgins .


  • Danilo Baratti, Patrizia Candolfi (ed.): Guido Rivoir. Le memorie di un valdese. Collana "Fondazione Pellegrini Canevascini", Edizioni Casagrande, Bellinzona 2012.
  • Obituary in Giornale del Popolo on February 8, 2005.
  • Annamaria Valenti: Guido Rivoir. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . April 1, 2010 , accessed February 22, 2020 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Guido Rivoir, driving force behind Swiss refugee aid for Chile. in the online edition of the Tages-Anzeiger on December 10, 2006; accessed on June 6, 2012 (no longer available online)
  2. Guido Rivoir's humanitarian work recognized by being awarded the Order of Bernardo O'Higgins in; Retrieved June 6, 2012