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Gullspång and Skagersvik
Coat of arms of Gullspång och Skagersvik
Sweden Västra Götaland location map.svg
Gullspång and Skagersvik
Gullspång and Skagersvik
Localization of Västra Götaland in Sweden
State : Sweden
Province  (län): Västra Götalands län
Historical provinces (landskap): Västergötland
Municipality  : Gullspång
Coordinates : 58 ° 59 ′  N , 14 ° 6 ′  E Coordinates: 58 ° 59 ′  N , 14 ° 6 ′  E
SCB code : 5268
Status: Crime scene
Residents : 1568 (December 31, 2015)
Area : 3.07 km²
Population density : 511 inhabitants / km²
List of perpetrators in Västra Götaland County

Gullspång is next to Hova one of the two main towns of the municipality Gullspång in the Swedish province of Västra Götalands län .

Location and history

It is located about 40 kilometers northeast of the city of Mariestad on Reichsstrasse 26, in the extreme northeast of the historic province (landskap) Västergötland . The smaller districts to the right of the Gullspångsälven flowing through the village are already in the historic province of Värmland .

Since 2015 the place where the crime was committed has been called Gullspång och Skagersvik, as the two places meanwhile form a practically continuously built-up area. Skagersvik, whose center is just under two kilometers south of the center of Gullspång, had 250 inhabitants in 2010.

1907–1908 a hydroelectric power station was built near the place on Gullspångsälven . The power station company Gullspångs Kraft AB developed into Sweden's third largest electricity producer by the 1990s. It is now controlled by the Finnish energy supplier Fortum .

The railway lines of the former Nora Bergslags Järnväg leading through Gullspång from Strömtorp near Degerfors to Otterbäcken as well as the (originally narrow-gauge ) connecting line from Torved near Lyrestad to Gullspång of the former Västergötland – Göteborgs järnvägsaktiebolag were taken over in 1979 and 1948 by the State Railways ( 1980) - Gradually shut down by the 1990s. Most of the tracks have been preserved; the section from Gullspång to the north in the direction of Degerfors (to Konsterud) is used for tourist trolley transport.

sons and daughters of the town

Web links

Commons : Gullspång  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Statistiska centralbyrån : Land area per crime scene, folkmängd och invånare per square kilometer. Vart femte år 1960 - 2015 (database query)