Gustav Lastig

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Gustav Heinrich Franz Lastig (born December 6, 1844 in Neuteich , West Prussia, † December 21, 1930 in Halle (Saale) ) was a German legal scholar.


Gustav Heinrich Franz Lastig was the son of the physician Gustav Eduard Lastig (born October 16, 1814 in Marienburg ; † August 9, 1856). After the early death of his father, he moved in with his mother Antonie geb. Stoltze to Elbing in 1856 and to Danzig in 1863 , where he attended school and grammar school. From the summer semester of 1865 he studied law at the Albertus University in Königsberg . In Königsberg he became a member of the Arminia III fraternity (1860), which was banned in 1876 and founded the Corps Hansea Königsberg . He moved to the University of Leipzig in the summer semester of 1866 and to the Friedrichs University of Halle at Easter 1867 . In Halle he was on March 5, 1870. Doctor of Law doctorate . After taking part in the Franco-Prussian War , he completed his habilitation in Halle in 1871. Then he worked as a private lecturer in Halle . In August 1873 he became associate professor of the law faculty and November 11, 1878 full professor for encyclopedic introduction to law, German private law , civil law , general land law for the Prussian states , commercial and exchange law . He held this professorship until his retirement in 1911. Lastig was rector of the University of Halle in 1889/90 . became a Privy Councilor of Justice and mainly wrote publications on commercial law. On May 2, 1891, he married Maria Rademacher. The daughter Armgard (* 1893) and the son Rüdiger (* 1894) come from the marriage.


  • Development paths and sources of commercial law. Ferdinand Enke publishing house, Stuttgart, 1877.
  • Florentine Commercial Register of the Middle Ages. Hendel Publishing House, Halle / Saale, 1883.
  • Roman accomandite register of the XVII. and XVIII. Century. Gebauer-Schwetschke, 1887.
  • Trademark Law and Register of Signs: A Contribution to Commercial History. Max Niemeyer, Halle / Saale, 1889.
  • Bolognese sources of commercial law from the XIIIth – XIXth centuries Century. Gebauer-Schwetschke'sche Buchdruckerei, Halle / Saale, 1891.
  • The dissolution of the commercial companies. Max Niemeyer, Halle / Saale, 1900
  • Sources of the Accomendatio from the XIII. until the XIX. Century. Book printing of the orphanage, Halle / Saale, 1903.
  • The traders are obliged to register in the commercial register and to pay contributions to the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Crafts. Max Niemeyer, Halle / Saale, 1903.
  • The Accomendatio, the basic form of today's limited partnerships in its design from the XIII. until XIX. Century, and neighboring legal institutions. Bookshop of the orphanage, Halle / Saale, 1907.
  • A contribution to the commercial history and law of Marseille. Book printing of the orphanage, Halle / Saale, 1908.

See also


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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 138/15
  2. dissertation: De comanda et collegantia .
  3. ^ Habilitation thesis: The silent society .
  4. Rector's speeches (HKM)