Gyula Márfi

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Gyula Márfi
Gyula Márfi coat of arms

Gyula Márfi (born December 17, 1943 in Pördefölde ) is a Hungarian clergyman and emeritus Roman Catholic Archbishop of Veszprém .


Gyula Márfi attended the Theological Seminary in Budapest after graduating from the Pannonhalma Benedictine Abbey and was ordained a priest for the diocese of Szombathely on June 18, 1967 .

In 1969 he was awarded a Dr. theol. PhD . From 1976 to 1978 he studied ecumenical theology in Paris and then worked as episcopal secretary and office manager.

Pope John Paul II appointed him titular bishop of Amantia and auxiliary bishop in Eger on November 11, 1995 . The Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest , Cardinal László Paskai , donated him the episcopal ordination on December 2nd of the same year; Co -consecrators were Archbishop István Seregély of Eger and Bishop István Konkoly of Szombathely.

On August 14, 1997, Márfi was appointed Archbishop of Veszprém. The inauguration took place on September 5, 1997.

Pope Francis accepted his age-related resignation on July 12, 2019.


On April 22nd, 2016 Gyula Márfi took part in a meeting of the Salesian Academy of Veszprém on the subject of “Demographic Problems in the Mediterranean Area in the 19th and 20th Centuries”. He warned against the Islamization of Europe. The migratory pressure on Europe has other reasons than those "that we are led to believe". Overpopulation , poverty and war played only a minor role. The aim is to conquer Europe, favored by childlessness and the intellectual and sociological vacuum that has arisen here. - In an interview published on the Italian website “Riscossa Cristiana” on July 21, 2016, the Archbishop reiterated his warning against “mass immigration as an instrument for the Islamization of Europe”.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rinuncia dell'Arcivescovo Metropolita di Veszprém (Ungheria) e nomina del nuovo Arcivescovo Metropolita. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , July 12, 2019, accessed July 12, 2019 (Italian).