Hans Büttner (politician)

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Hans Büttner (born October 18, 1944 in Ingolstadt ; † September 18, 2004 in Berlin ) was a German journalist and politician ( SPD ). He was a member of the Bundestag from 1990 until his death.

education and profession

Büttner grew up in Pegnitz . After graduating from high school, he studied newspaper science , politics and history at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich , which he completed with a Magister Artium . After the traineeship , I worked as an editor in Munich.

In 1972 Büttner moved to the German Journalists' Union (dju) at IG Druck und Papier (today ver.di ) in Stuttgart as union secretary and was dju federal manager until 1982.

In 1976 he visited Zambia with a delegation of journalists and has been involved in development policy ever since . From 1979 to 1981 he worked in Lusaka as a trade union advisor for the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and helped establish union structures for the African countries south of the Sahara .

From 1982 to 1989 he was DGB district chairman in Ingolstadt, and in 1989 he became editor-in-chief of the specialist journal “Soziale Sicherheit”.


In the 1970s, Büttner led two local election campaigns for the SPD in Munich and Stuttgart. From 1990 to 2002 he ran four times for his party in the Ingolstadt constituency in the federal elections and entered parliament via their Bavarian state list.

In the Bundestag his work focused initially on social and health policy, later he was a full member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Sports Committee , a deputy member of the Committee on Health and Social Security and the Committee on European Union Affairs , and also deputy chairman and spokesman for the subcommittee Globalization and world economy .

He remained true to his development policy commitment: He took part in several delegation trips by the German government to Africa and South America, was chairman of the parliamentary group for southern Africa and chairman of the Africa discussion group of the SPD parliamentary group. He was a competent contact for the embassies of the African countries.

In 2004, a heart attack ripped Büttner out of his work in Berlin, the consequences of which he died a little later.

The Hans Büttner - Chaabwe Förderverein "School education for AIDS orphans in Zambia" , founded in 2006, ties in with Büttner's commitment to Africa through the targeted awarding of school scholarships .


Büttner was married to the visual artist Gerda Biernath and had two children.

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